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Persecution of Orissa Christians by Hindu extremists continues

do you have any idea what happens with Hindus and Buddhists in North-East India which is not ruled by BJP ?
have you forgotten what happened in congress ruled states in 1984?

does that justify what happens to christians and muslims in BJP ruled states ?

Two wrongs dont make a right.
guys let me give u a real picture of wat christian are doing using secularism as sheild

first they start a small missionary to serve people...they will get money from foreign source....

Then they ask people to convert to christianity in return they will give them cash....
if any one opposes it they will use the secularism card......Any one can practice any religion...

They keep on doing this using Secular right as a shield
after christians are majority in kerala,they will start a political party.....
They will get elected ,erase hinduism from kerala.....
and spread it like cancer to whole india

But let me tell u,if this reaches to untolerated levels ,we in karnataka will push those converted christians to the arabian sea....

And this will lead to instability,economy down,and a failed nation....

Wat is the main reason for this problem..Secularism.....

Secularism is here to stay .

Most Indians take pride in it.You sir are a very narrow minded person .Secularism is not going anywhere .India is a mostly tolerant country because of this secularism .

What happens to a non-secular country ? Look at a certain country to our north-west for example .
Seriously, you can stop now. You are not a Indian or a Christian...

Some Chruchs from Kottayam, Kerala, India. Where my family are from. And where I visit every once or twice a year.

It is the Churches that are tied up with foreign headquarters and/or sources of funding that are often problematic. The Syrian Christians of Kerala are living quite harmoniously.
Secularism is here to stay .

Most Indians take pride in it.You sir are a very narrow minded person .Secularism is not going anywhere .India is a mostly tolerant country because of this secularism .

What happens to a non-secular country ? Look at a certain country to our north-west for example .

People like these sound like taliban when they talk. They will beat pakistan for being islamic state but want India to be non-secular. Too much RSS bowdhik in the head.
Dont you think it is against rules of democracy? India being the largest democracy in the world should allow every community, be it sikh, muslim, christians, jews, to do whatever as long as it doesnt not harm anyone.
Lets give you an example:

I have no problem with people drinking alcohol in their home.They have every right to do whatever they want in their private space..but will I allow them to form a club aka a bar in my neighborhood...Hell No!!
whats the source of your claim?post link...dont twist gandhi ideology

You are a false flag troll, but this is for the benefit of everybody:

"I am sorry to have to record my opinion that it (Christian missionary work) has been disastrous. It pains me to have to say that the Christian missionaries as a body, with honourable exceptions, have actively supported a system which has impoverished, enervated and demoralised a people considered to be among the gentlest and the most civilized on earth.". Mahatma Gandhi - Young India Feb 8, 1923

"If I had power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing. It is the cause of much avoidable conflict between classes and unnecessary heartburning among the missionaries". Mahatma Gandhi - Harijan, May 11, 1935
Christians actively evangalize becuase Jesus commanded it. "Is it a race?" ...Yes! becuase from a Christians perspective. God does not wish any to perish but all to come to eternal life. As far as God TV I don't support that type of fund raising. Or the theatrics that can be involved with some of it.

Don't you think you should first be preaching to Church organizations, most of which have become dens of vice and child abuse, and tools of imperialism.

So, to paraphrase Jesus, should you not work on the beam in your own eye before trying to indoctrinate poor people in other countries with superstitions.
@Hafizz @ Thomas Leave Indian Christians alone.
@tallyboy123 Now shut your mouth
What the F@ck are you talking in Jalianwala Bagh mostly Killed were Sikhs and by British (Sikhs,Buddhist and Jains are not Hindus). You Told about a rape story and link for the claim. I too can show you many such gurus from your religion. So please don’t blame the entire Religion. Do your Dumb Head have an idea that 3 north eastern states are Christian Majority and nearly 20 % of population of Kerala too are Christians.
Ideologies like yours pave way to minority to take guns in their hands and become terrorist.
Guys let me tell u frankly.....

India will never be a powerful nation.....
With this secularism curse,it can never....

Secularism will divide this country....

External forces will exploit this secularism curse to divide India...write it down

Only country having atleast 95% people having single religion will prosper,there will be no clashes...

U guys better enjoy this moment,future is very bad in india...this religion diversity will eat india...

Was't Ms Gupta an Indian Hindu who spyed for Pakistan
I am not shy on calling other Christians out if see they are doing wrong. And I apply the same standards to my own life. My work puts me in direct contact with Many persecuted Christians from all over the world including India.
you dont support it but still it is happening...and why is that happening??
it is an organized plan my friend...

you cant just support what missionaries do here by saying jesus commanded it....any conversion with open mind is always justified
like this one
www.outlookindia.com | I, The Convert

but you cant force it on others by fooling them or by bribing them with food and money....

good article!

here is an excerpt from another story. this person was the wife of a famous Pakistani General and was herself well known.

I dared to call him Father: the ... - Google Books
I am not shy on calling other Christians out if see they are doing wrong. And I apply the same standards to my own life. My work puts me in direct contact with Many persecuted Christians from all over the world including India.

The thing is Thomas, Christian missionaries in India doesn't target educated people but uneducated masses. They bribe them or sometimes force them to convert. They are taught Hindu gods are evil. I personally was in sermon where they kept on abusing Hindus for worshiping Animals. Sometimes even name calling Hindu Gods. So I am all for an educated man converting himself to another religion. But stern against forceful conversion and money induced conversions. Would you agree that you don't have to demonize others faith to promote yours?

Sitting in America you might think Church is a peaceful place where you confess your guilt. Its not the same in our parts of the world. No offense.
People like these sound like taliban when they talk. They will beat pakistan for being islamic state but want India to be non-secular. Too much RSS bowdhik in the head.

Religious intolerance and religious appeasement both are dangerous especially for country like India.
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