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Persecution of Orissa Christians by Hindu extremists continues

I have reservations regarding Christian Chruches and Missionaries. First they convert, then they organize and then flex their political clout through the chruches influencing elections. So personally I am against the spread of any organized religion.

This is wat those christian missionaries are doing...converting people..getting funds from foreign source...building churches whereever they see a vacant place...And that sucks and i oppose it
If your going to make accusations on this board such as that then you need to post a link. Otherwise your just another extremist apologist that no one can take seriously.

you have no idea about Hindu and Buddhist oppression by Christian terrorist groups in North-East India..you can google it..
Christians actively evangalize becuase Jesus commanded it. "Is it a race?" ...Yes! becuase from a Christians perspective. God does not wish any to perish but all to come to eternal life. As far as God TV I don't support that type of fund raising. Or the theatrics that can be involved with some of it.

you dont support it but still it is happening...and why is that happening??
it is an organized plan my friend...

you cant just support what missionaries do here by saying jesus commanded it....any conversion with open mind is always justified
like this one
www.outlookindia.com | I, The Convert

but you cant force it on others by fooling them or by bribing them with food and money....
guys let me give u a real picture of wat christian are doing using secularism as sheild

first they start a small missionary to serve people...they will get money from foreign source....

Then they ask people to convert to christianity in return they will give them cash....
if any one opposes it they will use the secularism card......Any one can practice any religion...

They keep on doing this using Secular right as a shield
after christians are majority in kerala,they will start a political party.....
They will get elected ,erase hinduism from kerala.....
and spread it like cancer to whole india

But let me tell u,if this reaches to untolerated levels ,we in karnataka will push those converted christians to the arabian sea....

And this will lead to instability,economy down,and a failed nation....

Wat is the main reason for this problem..Secularism.....
This is wat those christian missionaries are doing...converting people..getting funds from foreign source...building churches whereever they see a vacant place...And that sucks and i oppose it
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guys let me give u a real picture of wat christian are doing using secularism as sheild

first they start a small missionary to serve people...they will get money from foreign source....

Then they ask people to convert to christianity in return they will give them cash....
if any one opposes it they will use the secularism card......Any one can practice any religion...

They keep on doing this using Secular right as a shield
after christians are majority in kerala,they will start a political party.....
They will get elected ,erase hinduism from kerala.....
and spread it like cancer to whole india

But let me tell u,if this reaches to untolerated levels ,we in karnataka will push those converted christians to the arabian sea....

And this will lead to instability,economy down,and a failed nation....

Wat is the main reason for this problem..Secularism.....

same is happening in south korea...
What a futile juvenile debate .

The truth is both have to stop .

The christian missionaries must not try to influence hindus to leave their religion with the power or money or anything else and at the same time these hindu extremists too need to stop .

I wonder by these things happen more in BJP ruled states .
Guys let me tell u frankly.....

India will never be a powerful nation.....
With this secularism curse,it can never....

Secularism will divide this country....

External forces will exploit this secularism curse to divide India...write it down

Only country having atleast 95% people having single religion will prosper,there will be no clashes...

U guys better enjoy this moment,future is very bad in india...this religion diversity will eat india...
What a futile juvenile debate .

The truth is both have to stop .

The christian missionaries must not try to influence hindus to leave their religion with the power or money or anything else and at the same time these hindu extremists too need to stop .

I wonder by these things happen more in BJP ruled states .

do you have any idea what happens with Hindus and Buddhists in North-East India which is not ruled by BJP ?
have you forgotten what happened in congress ruled states in 1984?
I was going through the article ..it is really funny that no one has ever the correct or complete information still then they try to come to conclusion...Before any one pass on any comment ..you should know that i am a native of the same district of Orissa where all these things happened....If you guys need a reason to blame then its a better to find any other reason rather then this one...

The fact is that no one is admitting .... it is a mistake from both sides of religion...its not like GOV is a party to it...The churches and other places around the area of Phulbani is systematically working within the population with the activity conversion activity since 30 years...And in addition to that these NXALITES are atheist people...They oppose any thing related to Hindu religion......It is the churches that is spreading conversion and intigating the people to rise against the people of the land...And if any one knows...to stop these illegal conversion activity hindu religious organisations created ashrams and other institutions that can prevent it....But these Naxal people can not tolerate it so they killed the hindu religious leader brutally...And none of the so called church people or NAXALS condemned this activity rather they are pretty much happly that this religious person has been eliminated...
And the riot has happened with reaction the brutal murder that has happened to religious and popular person leader of that area...

It is the GOV who has arrested the person from Hindu community but till now GOV can not arrest the person who has killed the religious saint???
And this happens like our Democratic country like India...Even also a religious figure from a majority community has been eliminated and GOV has not arrested the culprit still then you guys are saying that GOV is not helping the Christian people????? Ridiculous allegation who does not know the ground reality of the situation.... Believe me India GOV is more concerned to wards its minority vote bank rather than its majority people for display its character in democracy...That is why person like "Kasab" is still alive where are GOV can not find out the culprit of murder of Hindu religious leader...That is the strenght and also weakness of our democracy.....
Most of Hindus who convert to Christianity are Hindu Dalits....but once they are converted, they call themselves Dalit Christians and demand the same reservation as Hindu Dalits. Or in otherwords they converted not to lose their 'Dalit' status but for something else.
Most of the anti christian violence is due to conversion activity that is going on in tribal areas. And no, missionaries are not there to only help people, there are many NGOs(indian and foreign) who help people without asking anything in return.

There is always a friction between people who convert and those who dont. These are poor and uneducated people. Add religious fundametalist organization to that, and violence is inevitable.
If christians are second class citizen, why there is no violence against them in cities, and towns? Why no violence in major business areas. Why is it always backward and tribal areas where the riots happen?
Being Christian (one who follows the teachings of Jesus)is an individual decision, Not the decision of a state. You may show attrocities commited by the british during colonial rule. But that doesn't mean each of those soldiers or thier officers commiting those attrocities were Christian. Jesus taught that you will know those who are his true follwers by the fruit they produce in thier lives. Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. He also talked about those who will stand before him on the day of judgement. How they will talk about all the great things they had done in his name. And he will answer them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness. In other words just becuase you may call yourself a Christian doesn't mean you are. Jesus said only he who does the will of his father shall enter the kingdom of heaven - Mat 7:21

Nothing wrong in being christian there have been christians for centuries in India. Problem is when missionaries in the name of God and helping tribal convert people. These people are simple people, they are cheated by providing monetary inducement.
This is 21st century. Do we really need missionaries when NGOs can do the same without vested interest, with only love for humanity?
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