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Permanent UNSC Seat for India

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India is ofcourse in a Better Position in the World as far as Image is concerned, We havent carpet bombed a country solely on the basis of a sexed up dossier (i loved that phrase ever since I heard it lol)

USA and UK is hated the world over, atleast its gonna change for the USA with Nobama coming in, but what about the UK??? I mean Brown is a noshow! India on the other hand, is not hated that a way! The number of countries hating us can be termed as "not that many!"

Hence India is a good choice for the UNSC PS

Hope u enjoyed reading it ;) God Speed.

I quite like my country being hated because we stand up to tyrants, terrorists and dictators. Makes a change from people hating us due to the empire days;)

If fighting a fight that needs to be fought means some people hate my country so be it.

(Oh and don't get me started on Brown, I could rant on about him for a long time)
I quite like my country being hated because we stand up to tyrants, terrorists and dictators. Makes a change from people hating us due to the empire days;)

If fighting a fight that needs to be fought means some people hate my country so be it.

(Oh and don't get me started on Brown, I could rant on about him for a long time)
Stand up to Tyrants?? I mean wasnt Saddam "Our Man in the Middle East?" Wasnt the Shah Of Iran a Tyrant? Or did Saddam become a Tyrant after he invaded another rich oil producing nation??? Wasnt Saddam a Tyrant when he gassed his own people??

Werent you guys the ones responsible for the deaths of the Kurds and Shias whom you asked to Revolt and when they did you guys never showed up, What about it???

I suggest You read Robert Fisk's The Great War for Civilisation-The Conquest of the Middle East. It will be an awesome read, trust me.
hehe u trapped ur self welcome to the jungle kid...if u don't accept Taiwan as part of China if u don't full fill Chinese demands rather should i say If u r going against Chinese Interests hehe then soory kid VETO comes first...ur are the one who spoke of interest so allow me to speak on it, u won't get what u want...Americans won't let u recognize Taiwan as part of China..ur puppets of US from now on..

And u're trusting China blindly saying it won't VETO?? hello wakie kiddo.

and china was not supposed to vote against JUD either...like always?
bt this time they did and that resulted in a UN resolution against JUd!
america was your closest ally in the 60s and 70s when china dint have the strenght and influence to stand up against the mighty soviets...but as the years passed the americans used pakistan agaisnt the soviets and then abandoned you!
your former most potent and strongest ally is pumping missiles into the NWFP now...what can china do about it?
you cant depend too much on china...china has a bigger role in the BRIC....cant you see how rapidly the indo-chinese relations are improving?
you cant depend too much on china...china has a bigger role in the BRIC....cant you see how rapidly the indo-chinese relations are improving?

The Indo-Chinese relations will Improve when India would stop using "China is a threat to us" excuse for billions of dollars of Military spending. They would also improve when India would get rid of their "Free tibet" posters from their streets. You must be delusional if you think the relations would improve to a degree where Pakistan and China stand.
Embroiled in a bitter border issue that has yet to be resolved, an issue that is more likely to cause a nuclear war than any other.
Posturing (done by both sides I know) does not help India's cause.

India has carried out nuclear weapons tests in disregard of the UN and has no real influence outside the IOR anyway. A player in Asia yes, but elsewhere?

well yes the britons were responsible for every war that we've fought yes actually...and for most of our enemies....and all the border disputes.
england has had to pay the price...the uk is a 'pseudo-mulit-cultural' society now...and that has taken it's toll....the neo-nazi groups of england can tell you that.
The Indo-Chinese relations will Improve when India would stop using "China is a threat to us" excuse for billions of dollars of Military spending. They would also improve when India would get rid of their "Free tibet" posters from their streets. You must be delusional if you think the relations would improve to a degree where Pakistan and China stand.

yes indeed sir.
The Indo-Chinese relations will Improve when India would stop using "China is a threat to us" excuse for billions of dollars of Military spending. They would also improve when India would get rid of their "Free tibet" posters from their streets. You must be delusional if you think the relations would improve to a degree where Pakistan and China stand.

The "billions of dollars" of military spending is because we have a 'trillion dollar' economy. We can sustain it. India perhaps has the lowest military spending to GDP ratio in Asia barring maybe Bangldesh.

For the uninformed-yes that includes Pakistan and China.
Stand up to Tyrants?? I mean wasnt Saddam "Our Man in the Middle East?" Wasnt the Shah Of Iran a Tyrant? Or did Saddam become a Tyrant after he invaded another rich oil producing nation??? Wasnt Saddam a Tyrant when he gassed his own people??

Werent you guys the ones responsible for the deaths of the Kurds and Shias whom you asked to Revolt and when they did you guys never showed up, What about it???

I suggest You read Robert Fisk's The Great War for Civilisation-The Conquest of the Middle East. It will be an awesome read, trust me.

Like all good Brits, I blame most of this on the yanks:P

Seriously though, they were put in to make sure the reds didn't get in. In that age that made sense, in this age it comes back, bites us on the arse and we deal with it. Saddam became a tyrant when he started killing innocents, we should have rolled on in '91 but we didn't. That was more than regrettable and rests on the shoulders of those who made that call.

Also don't put the US and GB together, we may seem the same to many (never worked out why), but we are not. So saying 'you guys' could seem to me like you are putting me in the same basket as the americans of a previous generation.
well yes the britons were responsible for every war that we've fought yes actually...and for most of our enemies....and all the border disputes.
england has had to pay the price...the uk is a 'pseudo-mulit-cultural' society now...and that has taken it's toll....the neo-nazi groups of england can tell you that.

Two things, first why do we always get blamed for everything. You could have sorted it out but you chose to fight.

Second, have you ever been to Britain, I hear all this crap about this country from people who have never been here. Don't worry though, no BNP is going to get into power unless things get far far worse than they are now.
Two things, first why do we always get blamed for everything. You could have sorted it out but you chose to fight.

Second, have you ever been to Britain, I hear all this crap about this country from people who have never been here. Don't worry though, no BNP is going to get into power unless things get far far worse than they are now.

yes i have been to London...but that was ages ago.
since we are guests on an alien forum...lets not talk about the problems in East london...i havent been to east london...we stayed at the heathrow sheraton....but it's in common knowledge the problems in east london...which is becoming a pain lately for the 'white' Britons...
Two things, first why do we always get blamed for everything. You could have sorted it out but you chose to fight.

Second, have you ever been to Britain, I hear all this crap about this country from people who have never been here. Don't worry though, no BNP is going to get into power unless things get far far worse than they are now.

and as far as our choosing to fight is concerned...you are saying this just for the sake of argument...which war did we initiate?
i mean 62...to an extent.. and hearing about self-preservation from an englishman seems funny...the English did not rule the sub-continent to teach us English now did they?The imperialist English war-machine plundered much of our resources...dont get me wrong i fully appreciate the English contribution in the war against terror.
how can a country with half of its population toiletless and living under poverty line become a permanent member of america,s UN
how can a country with half of its population toiletless and living under poverty line become a permanent member of america,s UN

the same way it can deploy 10 satellites from a single rocket...the same way it can develop tera-flop range super-computers...the same way it can plan and execute missions to the moon...and in the same way it can lead the world in information technology.
india is country of contradictions my friend.
Suresh i won't be the one to jump... UN as a whole means nothing to me:) Sooner or later Kashmir will be liberated just as Sri Lankans are almost winning the WAR against Terrorists funded by Indians...u returned nothing to me just as the funny dorssiers u Indians gave to Pakistan as evidence...:)happy

Gokul...>>how many resolutions did India ignore:)
>>n 1950, the government of India, ignoring a United Nations resolution on Kashmir, abandoned its pledge to hold a plebiscite and, in 1956, unilaterally annexed that portion of the former state that was under its control, thereby making that portion an integral part of India.
well yes the britons were responsible for every war that we've fought yes actually...and for most of our enemies....and all the border disputes.
england has had to pay the price...the uk is a 'pseudo-mulit-cultural' society now...and that has taken it's toll....the neo-nazi groups of england can tell you that.

Umm, could you even get more clueless? Britain might have sectarian issues to a degree, but they are dwarfed by anything India has. You've been spending too much time on internet forums if you think everyone hates multi culturalism and believes it to be a failed experiment. You'd be surprised to the extent multi-culturism has been historically endemic in virtually all societies.

India is multicultural also, but it's also the place where Muslims are killed by the thousands because of accidental fires on trains.
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