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Perform or perish: Antony tells DRDO

There is no limit to idiocy at times, IAF needs 180 basic trainers but I do know who told them to buy only 75 and rest will be filled by HAL's to be made aircraft. Now wait a second, who does that kind of stupid planning, when a aircraft is on drawing board you do not plan induction. At the least it should be flying for some time when you plan that way. I also do not understand why they are even spending time to make a basic trainer, a basic trainer is not something you will need at war time. It is also something that will be denied to us, so why not focus our energy on important things. It looks like these people want to simple start project to get some experience rather than thinking the needs of armed forces. This is one example, the stupidity does not end at it.
Another examples is AMCA. You do not start a project for experiment purpose, there has to be some need. AMCA might be needed in future, maybe after FGFA. It was saner to focus on getting LCA done. I do not know even if naval LCA makes any sense when LCA has not seen IOC2.
That's a Chinese baby. This is your baby.

By the way, has SUPRACO landed a Pakistani in moon yet?

Even that is not their baby, it is a pre assembled kit that someone bought off the shelf, does anyone even talked about where they manufacturing the parts. At best they made the seat.
Antony is deeply involved is the Agusta-Westland corruption scam, in which Maino's Italian relatives received huge kickbacks.

Obviously he has vested interest in destroying the DRDO, so that he can get more commissions for Maino.

I think the better policy would be that if DRDO fails to meet the targets, then it is Maino and Antony that should be finished off.

Ak Anthony? Are you sure? This guy is noted for his tough anti corruption stance. If there was corruption which has not been proven yet, then place the blame on the right person which is SONIA ...
Antony is deeply involved is the Agusta-Westland corruption scam, in which Maino's Italian relatives received huge kickbacks.

Obviously he has vested interest in destroying the DRDO, so that he can get more commissions for Maino.

I think the better policy would be that if DRDO fails to meet the targets, then it is Maino and Antony that should be finished off.

:lol: No one believes that. You won't find even leaders of the BJP suggesting that.
DRDO has done an exceptional job with the IGMDP, though they got help from ISRO. I will still say DRDO did a pretty good job with Arjun tank apart from the weight issue. LCA yes they slipped big time.
These images are from Aero India 2011...The seemingly peeled paint is tape holding sensors which is used for aircraft testing..Tejas was still in testing phase at aero india 2011...
But yeah it does look bad with all that tape...

Isn't LCA still in the testing phase today in May of 2013?
Antony will lost in One VS bureaucratic system in India

After a long time,i fear u may be right.:frown:

Isn't LCA still in the testing phase today in May of 2013?

It cleared Initial operational clearance in a year ago,this november it gets IOC-2.next year it gets full IOC means induction into airforce and squadron activated.We have around 10 lca atm.
I am still waiting for the day when DRDO perishes. First thing before DRDO perishes should be massive liberalization and clearances from the government to private sector to manufacture defence products. For example, L&T was refused to manufacture the Scorpene submarines; M&M end up making light vehicles and MPVs, TATA and Ashok Leyland making heavy land transporters and armoured light vehicles....

This has to stop. Instead shipyards of L&T and Pipavav must be cleared as well as assisted with experienced scientists retiring from MDL, GRSE etc to provide consulting on private company's salaries (a high motivating factor), freedom to take required management, operational and strategic decisions within to ensure project delivery on time. MOD should have NO SAY in the making of the submarines and heavy warships other than give specifications, check the end product quality.

Bureaucrats must be barred from intervening into private firms' operations and no individual politician barring the defence minister, top functioning defence officers (Army, Navy, IAF officers that are still active in combat) and the president should have any say in defence. Every defence review by a general/admiral/marshal must be reviewed with critical inputs from soldiers/sailors/pilots who should be randomly chosen to test the equipment on field and give a transparent input, to check corruption.

Rather than making impossibly long processes like a typical PSU, the MOD tendering should be outsourced to reliable companies like TCS who could speed up our tendering with Defence Ministry's over-watch and authority. NO Defence agreement should be brought into the Parliament other than active fraud/scam cases running. This only slows acquisition process down.

In short:

A complete overhaul of defence establishment is needed in India before we can bid DRDO, HAL and other slow performing PSUs adieu.

We need to have a sufficient base in the competent, private sector which can function independent of any PSU intervention.
Instead of doing that, why not put it up for sale for Indian Industries just like what happened to PSU's during Vajpayee's time. DRDO should be privatized. Then maybe let FDI through Indian companies into the defense sector. IMHO

Privatise it,Easier said than done??,As if any body they are gonna find any investors for DRDO.Why do you think Air India can't find any investors??.Its all badly run and no one wants to touch it with a stick.Govt should stop pouring tax payers money in these PSUs and create a level playing field so that the private enterprise can flourish here.That's the only way to develop an indigenous military industrial complex.
This statement should have come 5 years back.... we all are wasting our time and tax payers money on DRDO. why not GOI opens up market, let private sector tie up with foreign companies and start their set up in India... GOI should make a level playing field... that is the only way to make DRDO realize how low efficient their working style is.... that is the only way to get rid of our typical bureaucratic DRDO officials
WOW Dudes!!Now if this kind of men live in India,then I wonder why do someone need to blame the Pakistanis and Chinese??!!
And what private major are people blabbering about-those who can't design a f*c*ing car engine by themselves for crying out loud.
In short:

A complete overhaul of defence establishment is needed in India before we can bid DRDO, HAL and other slow performing PSUs adieu.

We need to have a sufficient base in the competent, private sector which can function independent of any PSU intervention.

Calling for privat sector, that also have limited or no experience in most defence fields isn't a solution either. Of course we need them for diversification of available options, but no matter if DRDO or TATA, they need to be open to joint developments with foreign partners. India should not only the be the production hub of the world, because the production costs are cheaper in India, but should become a credible development partner for high tech arms and techs. That's would be the best for Indias defence and for our economy too!
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