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Peoples republic of china and Republic of china


Jul 27, 2011
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Since it’s been 62 years the PRC has existed, relations have improved with nearly all countries

I wanted to ask would china recognise Taiwan’s independence and have normal state to state relations.

Os is it a big problem???? With a wide range of issues that goes outside the box….

Don’t take it as offence to any Chinese members here but any insight would be appreciated.


Both the CPC and the KMT consider there to be only one China.

The argument is whether or not it is represented by the PRC or the RoC.

Almost every single country in the world recognizes the PRC as the representative of China, including the United Nations.

The Taiwanese government does not seek independence, in fact the KMT is considered the pro-reunification party. If they do not seek independence in the first place, then what is there to recognize?
Both the CPC and the KMT consider there to be only one China.

The argument is whether or not it is represented by the PRC or the RoC.

Almost every single country in the world recognizes the PRC as the representative of China, including the United Nations.

The Taiwanese government does not seek independence, in fact the KMT is considered the pro-reunification party. If they do not seek independence in the first place, then what is there to recognize?

Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressed Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.
Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressive Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

Try convincing the Taiwanese Government (KMT) then. :lol:
Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressive Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

I am so sorry you have a brainwashed Western mind. ^^
Try convincing the Taiwanese Government (KMT) then. :lol:

True but it’s a bizarre practise isn’t it that theoretically china has no sovereignty over Taiwan …

Of course china outlined peaceful dialogue with Taiwan but since 1991 till 2007 the previous regime in Taiwan submitted its application for UN member ship on the basis of the island being sovereign.

I am so sorry you have a brainwashed Western mind. ^^

^^^^^ "Huan" Are you Chinese??

Dear we will invade Taiwan if they declare independence from the mainland :china:

There is nothing from which to declare independence. You can't declare independence from something over which you have claim.
^^^^^ "Huan" Are you Chinese??

Mixed of Chinese and Vietnamese blood. But born and raised in the U.S. like any naturalized American.
Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressed Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

Your my favorite troll :cheesy:
Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressed Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

no they are not taiwanese there is no recored of any clan name taiwanese, instead they might be called farmosians, correct me if iam wrong..
Your my favorite troll :cheesy:

I think ao333 is a pretty cool dude, at least in his mind it is US > Russia > Europe & Japan > China > India > Vietnam.

So he fought any Indian/Viet trolls who are trolling against China whom he believes is the superior one. :azn:
Go for a tour in National Palace Museum, and ask again if Taiwanese are not Chinese.


Check again genetic link, language, culture, religions, national history (official documents and school text books of Taiwanese schools).

Quebec has more strong separate nationalist identity from other Canadian province to be a country on its own than comparing against Taiwan vs the rest of China provinces. At least Taiwanese speak and write in Chinese, instead of French in English speaking nation.
Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressed Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

If Taiwan is not China, so why the ruling party of Taiwan is 中国国民党 China Nationalist Party?
So you mean Republic of China is not China? About the english word Chinese, In Chinese language, we have two words for it-中国人 and 华人。中国人 means the citizens of China (Politically related)while 华人 is an ethnicity word. Even the person is not citizen of China, but her/his ancestor is from China, we call him / her Chinese华人 too. Such as Singaporean Chinese, and Malaysian Chinese.
Both mainland China and taiwan recognize one China policy.
Taiwan's independence is not the main stream in taiwan and majority of people in taiwan want to maintain the status quo.
Taiwan wouldn't want to be independent(in fact they claim themselves they are the only legitimate government of China. ),if taiwan really wish and it could do it when PRC was very weak after foundation.
Taiwan isn't recognized by the UN.
according to these reasons,taiwan wouldn't be independence and it is always a part of China.

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