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Peoples republic of china and Republic of china

Chinese communist formally defeat Taiwani Democrats and take control by force (Which USA will not let happen)
actually the US might just let that happen. while some suggest the Taiwan Relation Act assure US will defend Taiwan, it actually does not. it only requires the President to inform Congress, it does not bind the president to any action.

Carter has already defeated Congress attempt to maintain the alliance in 1979.
Goldwater v. Carter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US no longer have any responsibility to a "non-ally, non-state" entity anymore than they did HK.

the 2011 joint statement brought alot of concern for ROC because the US officially stand by the one china policy now, as clarified in 1982, US "interpretation" no longer just acknowledges the one china policy but has in fact accepted the definition that there is only one china and that US does not support the one china/one taiwan position they experimented with during nixon times... the 1982 position, is under Reagan, so can the republican fault Reagan for selling out Taiwan? this I want to see!
they have NO submitted an application under Chen, Chen press of a referredum(vote) on submitting an application, it fail to reach minimal vote, while the people of taiwan might claim they are not China, when given the chance to vote, they refuse to support independence.

and even now, the passport they carry has the word CHINA written on the cover, they want to be Taiwan? then they must first revolt against their Chinese government.

It was USA which vetoed china’s Security Council member ship to replace Taiwan in 1971.

Personally I think USA uses Taiwan as a bargaining chip between china –USA relations.

If china is angry at USA or something else then just give a few jets or some other weapons system to Taiwan in order to calm down the Chinese who may then be persuaded to give in to usa demands.

Whatever the case USA cannot be trusted as they even openly backstab their so called allies.

The China-Taiwan-US diplomacy takes up huge resources and political capital that the CCP could have placed elsewhere.
Make no mistake if the CCP have a list of their priorities Taiwan would come up on top.

As I mentioned before south china sea issues and N/S Korean issues, and maritime issues with Japan will likely to not be resolved before the Taiwan issue is.

Time is increasingly on China's sides though.
Lol, unlike in the PRC, you can talk here all you want. If Taiwanese don't want to identify themselves with 1.3 billion communist, peniless, censoring, and repressed Chinese, you can't do anything about it. As far as the citizens of the world outside of China and Pakistan are conserned, people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.

Your westen-style "democrazy" is almost bankcrupted, just look around if you are not blind. As long as we are concerned, we are getting stronger, richer everyday, while you are still using so-called "freedom", "god", and "democrazy" to fool your people, including you. You have no future, period.
Your westen-style "democrazy" is almost bankcrupted, just look around if you are not blind. As long as we are concerned, we are getting stronger, richer everyday, while you are still using so-called "freedom", "god", and "democrazy" to fool your people, including you. You have no future, period.
Yes we have no future.. hope Taiwan may have one..
Yes we have no future.. hope Taiwan may have one..

Taiwan does. Taiwan is riding the China economy bandwagon. Its export to China results in 100 billion USD trade surplus this year. Without China, Taiwan's No.1 trade partner, Taiwan will end up with 50 billion USD of trade defict. People seem to focus on the dispute between Taiwan and mainland China, but always overlook the very close economic and cultural relationship across the strait.

The problem between Taiwan and China is not a blood feud. President Ma of Taiwan stated very clearly that the political issues between Taiwan and China are not addressable ATM so both sides agree to put them aside and work on economical partnership. Actually we are working together and both sides benefit from such partnership.
Your westen-style "democrazy" is almost bankcrupted, just look around if you are not blind. As long as we are concerned, we are getting stronger, richer everyday, while you are still using so-called "freedom", "god", and "democrazy" to fool your people, including you. You have no future, period.
There is no "western-style" democracy (unless you refer to western-style as in cowboy-style). In Europe there are many different forms of democracy. And it's not the political system that is bankrupt in many countries, but the economical system.
You have a point if you just look at the anglo-saxon style of democracy (defacto 2 party systems, whose priority is not to rule the country but to defeat the other party).
I am so sorry you have a brainwashed Western mind. ^^

he doesnt have a brain washed mind. he is the one doing the brain washing. he's a paid agent trained to infiltrate various forums and convince people of his master's imperialist ways
Since it’s been 62 years the PRC has existed, relations have improved with nearly all countries

I wanted to ask would china recognise Taiwan’s independence and have normal state to state relations.

Os is it a big problem???? With a wide range of issues that goes outside the box….

Don’t take it as offence to any Chinese members here but any insight would be appreciated.


unless you were born yesterday, then you ought to know that it's not about independence. this is the new imperialism. this goes back to the way the british and french drew up the African countries borders designed to create conflict. the idea is not for taiwan to get independence, but to keep China in constant conflict. you can pretty much say the same about Pakistan, and India. The brits pretty much designed these 2 states to destabilise the region, and it's their hope that it will remain this way for as long as possible. even if taiwan does become independent, it would only be used for a staging area for destabilisation on the mainland. the western imperialists did the same thing with georgia, and serbia.

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