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People From Ladakh Coming Forward Admitting Massive Loss of Territory to the Chinese

It took me a few minutes to compose myself after reading your post. Is this how you talk to women?
Do you realize rape is the most traumatic experience a women can ever endure? To trivialize it in this way and suggest that I am a candidate for rape is deeply disturbing to me.

@WebMaster @jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Moonlight

You spoke to me about finding ways to encourage more women to join PDF. But with members like Canuck around I'm not sure women will ever feel comfortable joining this community.
You should report him in Canada not this forum.
Konsa larka nai aya??
There is a general consensus in Ladakh that China has taken a major chunk of Eastern Ladakh from India. They all claim Modi is fooling the nation and the Chinese are making new INTRUSIONS on a regular basis. The Capital of Ladakh Leh seems like a GHOST town where the inhabitants have braced themselves for the Inevitable.
Some views from the Ladakhis, please listen to all the Videos.

There are dozens of more interviews but i will suffice with the above. Some more territory lost recently in DESPANG as per the ex cabinet minister.

The residents of Leh are fleeing to safer destinations and the City presents a deserted look with no business or tourist activities.

The people of Ladakh seem to have lost confidence in the occupied regime of India. Hopefully under Chinese control this territory will see massive economic uplift and better livelihood.:pakistan::china::pakistan::china:
It took me a few minutes to compose myself after reading your post. Is this how you talk to women?
Do you realize rape is the most traumatic experience a women can ever endure? To trivialize it in this way and suggest that I am a candidate for rape is deeply disturbing to me.

@WebMaster @jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Moonlight

You spoke to me about finding ways to encourage more women to join PDF. But with members like Canuck around I'm not sure women will ever feel comfortable joining this community.
Honestly and with all due respect please accept my apology although in my opinion my post was misunderstood. Please understand my upbringing was in a Muslim family in Pakistan and in a semi army boarding school where this kind of thoughts are not permitted even in the wildest dreams. I guess I got carried away because of my strong sentiments about India and your apparent (perhaps only to me) support of their policies. Please note behind my comment I was pointing out a concern which I realize I shouldn't have as my training is to respect women since they are mothers and sisters of someone if not me.

I am Sorry!
Although peace must prevail but what India did in Kashmir ,China did to India ,So message is clear Might is right . Pakistan does with Afghanistan and list continues
Its only because of this backward minds of individuals like you that Pakistan still lives in dark ages. Germany caused 50 times more death and destruction on Europeans then during partition but today Europe treats Germany no different then rest of europe. Its only Pakistani idiots who like to live in past history.

you don’t know nothing about me okay!

But I will tell you, my family did fight in 1947 defending Pakistan’s borders . And in the later wars !

Nothing I said was wrong or historically inaccurate. About these hairy smelly indian Sikhs.

no point lecturing us all about our awful view of India. And why people like us exist in Pakistan today ....... lol

Its simply to remind you apologists liberals in our society.

Is how Indian Army has murdered 100,000 Kashmiris civilians. And the death tally is still going up every day.

And let’s not forget about Indian Muslims. Who are now murdered on a regular cycle. In your enlighten India.

and here’s your telling us this is the new Germany ( India ) .... hahaha
If we make what he says the norm then they'd never be comfortable anywhere.
It took me a few minutes to compose myself after reading your post. Is this how you talk to women?
Do you realize rape is the most traumatic experience a women can ever endure? To trivialize it in this way and suggest that I am a candidate for rape is deeply disturbing to me.

@WebMaster @jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Moonlight

You spoke to me about finding ways to encourage more women to join PDF. But with members like Canuck around I'm not sure women will ever feel comfortable joining this community.
Honestly and with all due respect please accept my apology although in my opinion my post was misunderstood. Please understand my upbringing was in a Muslim family in Pakistan and in a semi army boarding school where this kind of thoughts are not permitted even in the wildest dreams. I guess I got carried away because of my strong sentiments about India and your apparent (perhaps only to me) support of their policies. Please note behind my comment I was pointing out a concern which I realize I shouldn't have as my training is to respect women since they are mothers and sisters of someone if not me.

I am Sorry!
Respect to anyone that can admit their mistake and apologize.
It was a million or so killed on both sides.
It wasn't a one sided affair.
Many Sikhs and Hindus who found themselves on the wrong side of the border were just as mercilessly murdered as were the Muslims on the other side.
In fact, I personally knew people (now dead) that took part in those massacres.
Yes, it's painful. My own family was displaced for fear of their lives from what is now Indian Punjab and lost everything, but how long can you carry on carrying a hate in your heart.
Eventually it will harm no one but you. It will consume you.
That is why forgiveness is an essential trait of a Muslim.

You can't forgive a group of people who's primary belief is the death and destruction of Islam, Muslims, Pakistan and Pakistanis. Make no mistake about it, sikhs hate Pakistan and Pakistanis more than anyone else does. During the WOT (2001-2019), sikhs were joining White far-right racist organisations in the UK in order to try to malign and harm Muslims. sikhs will NEVER be able to take on Muslims themselves so they yearn for the support of White racists in order to TRY and take us on. NEVER FORGET the hatred sikhs have for Pakistanis and Muslims.
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If we make what he says the norm then they'd never be comfortable anywhere.
In my defense however poor it may be, my statement was inspired by recent statements from Indian intellectuals of threatening Chinese women in India to be victimized of hideous acts. So what I was trying to say that a Non Indian female may be exposed to such risk by Indians. It was clearly a mistake and I acted unintentionally in an insensitive manner and thus it didn't take me long to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I could have just stayed quite and let it pass but that's not me. I got two negative ratings and a soft warning as a result of my actions while lot of stuff posted here which I find ill-mannered don't result in negative ratings or even be noticed by the elite. Having said that I wish I hadn't been caught in the moment when I made that post but mistake was made. I accept it so let's move on please.
Honestly and with all due respect please accept my apology although in my opinion my post was misunderstood. Please understand my upbringing was in a Muslim family in Pakistan and in a semi army boarding school where this kind of thoughts are not permitted even in the wildest dreams. I guess I got carried away because of my strong sentiments about India and your apparent (perhaps only to me) support of their policies. Please note behind my comment I was pointing out a concern which I realize I shouldn't have as my training is to respect women since they are mothers and sisters of someone if not me.

I am Sorry!

You are a big man, may Allah swt reward you.

In my defense however poor it may be, my statement was inspired by recent statements from Indian intellectuals of threatening Chinese women in India to be victimized of hideous acts. So what I was trying to say that a Non Indian female may be exposed to such risk by Indians. It was clearly a mistake and I acted unintentionally in an insensitive manner and thus it didn't take me long to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I could have just stayed quite and let it pass but that's not me. I got two negative ratings and a soft warning as a result of my actions while lot of stuff posted here which I find ill-mannered don't result in negative ratings or even be noticed by the elite. Having said that I wish I hadn't been caught in the moment when I made that post but mistake was made. I accept it so let's move on please.

Any supporter of India or Indian occupation of Kashmir is indirectly supporting the rape and abuse of our Muslim Kashmiri sisters.

When you enter the fray in a headed debate like this taking Indian side, you will hear things like this @dbc

I knew many families whose women were abducted by Sikhs and Hindus in 1947, what do you think about them? What about the organized mass-rape of Kashmiri women in Kunan and Poshpura by Indian security forces?

What about the breaking in and rape of our women going on right now in Kashmir under Modi's lockdown?

Anyone supporting Indian warcrimes is guilty of those crimes as well.

If we make what he says the norm then they'd never be comfortable anywhere.

Hindutva goons under Modi have no qualms about attacking any female. How many Hindu women have been raped and molested by these gangs of abusers?

It is simply an untenable position to support Indian warcrimes against the people of Kashmir.
Doesn't justify anyone doing the same. They did this; so we'll do that? How are you any better?
Hindutva goons under Modi have no qualms about attacking any female. How many Hindu women have been raped and molested by these gangs of abusers?

It is simply an untenable position to support Indian warcrimes against the people of Kashmir.

Brother, I saw you apologise and I'm glad you did; I've not said anything against you nor have I admonished you in any way. I was tagged so had to respond because as a mod I'm held accountable for the user's behaviours here.
In my defense however poor it may be, my statement was inspired by recent statements from Indian intellectuals of threatening Chinese women in India to be victimized of hideous acts. So what I was trying to say that a Non Indian female may be exposed to such risk by Indians. It was clearly a mistake and I acted unintentionally in an insensitive manner and thus it didn't take me long to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I could have just stayed quite and let it pass but that's not me. I got two negative ratings and a soft warning as a result of my actions while lot of stuff posted here which I find ill-mannered don't result in negative ratings or even be noticed by the elite. Having said that I wish I hadn't been caught in the moment when I made that post but mistake was made. I accept it so let's move on please.
They chased out 14 millions sitting in mostly Muslim majority areas and murdered, gang-raped, burned alive 1 million Punjabis, mostly elderly, females, and children.


I have no sympathy with them for what they did, they acted as an arm of the Indian Nehru government and had full Brirish support to do it.

Punjab was partition based on Sikhs' demand at the last minute. When it was done, 7 Muslim majority districts were handed over to Sikhs, and zero Sikh majority districts given to Muslims.

The reasoning was clear, it paved the way for the illegal seizure of Pakistan's rightful part, Kashmir.
And your IK feels proud for building Karturpur for Sikhs. Recently, Govt. is building Mandir from its own money

It took me a few minutes to compose myself after reading your post. Is this how you talk to women?
Do you realize rape is the most traumatic experience a women can ever endure? To trivialize it in this way and suggest that I am a candidate for rape is deeply disturbing to me.

@WebMaster @jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Moonlight

You spoke to me about finding ways to encourage more women to join PDF. But with members like Canuck around I'm not sure women will ever feel comfortable joining this community.
Despite being a Rape Capital, Western Women still like to visit India

Moreover, in India The Sanghi Females protected by Elite Ruling Class calls for Raping Muslim Women
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