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China provokes India again, Chinese aircraft flies close to LAC in Ladakh

That's exactly what we think of you occupying Kashmir and Tibetan Plateau.

So we'll fly wherever we want and you can rub that sand in your Hindu vagina.
Another pearl of wisdom from the treasure trove of Chinese fortune cookies.
A Chinese aircraft came very close to Indian positions right on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh in the last week of June. The Indian Air Force (IAF) reacted quickly and activated its assets to tackle any possible misadventure, top sources in the government told India Today.

This was one of the first incidents of a possible air space violation in the last few months by the Chinese side in the eastern Ladakh sector, they said.

The Chinese aircraft was picked up by an IAF radar deployed in the border area, the sources said. The incident took place at a time when the Chinese Air Force is holding a major exercise in areas controlled by it near eastern Ladakh, and has used air defence weapons in a major way during the drills.

The matter was taken up by the Indian side, as per the established norms, with the Chinese and they were asked to prevent any such incident in future, the sources said. Since then, the Chinese have not done any such thing in the border areas with India.

The Indian side has taken strong measures in the eastern Ladakh sector to deter any possible misadventure by the Chinese, like what they did in 2020.

The Indian side has taken strong measures in the eastern Ladakh sector:-

That's exactly what we think of you occupying Kashmir and Tibetan Plateau.

So we'll fly wherever we want and you can rub that sand in your Hindu vagina.

This must be the claimed "respect for women" in chinese culture.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
A Chinese aircraft came very close to Indian positions right on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh in the last week of June. The Indian Air Force (IAF) reacted quickly and activated its assets to tackle any possible misadventure, top sources in the government told India Today.

This was one of the first incidents of a possible air space violation in the last few months by the Chinese side in the eastern Ladakh sector, they said.

The Chinese aircraft was picked up by an IAF radar deployed in the border area, the sources said. The incident took place at a time when the Chinese Air Force is holding a major exercise in areas controlled by it near eastern Ladakh, and has used air defence weapons in a major way during the drills.

The matter was taken up by the Indian side, as per the established norms, with the Chinese and they were asked to prevent any such incident in future, the sources said. Since then, the Chinese have not done any such thing in the border areas with India.

The Indian side has taken strong measures in the eastern Ladakh sector to deter any possible misadventure by the Chinese, like what they did in 2020.

Indians will get used to this like Taiwan.

"No one violated Indian Airspace" - Modi
LOL. You think India is like Taiwan ? :lol:

India is worse than Taiwan.

Taiwanese name China and confront china. At the end of the day, despite their political differences, Taiwanese are Han Chinese.

While your PM does not have balls to name or confront China.
This pics also apply to China...

Because it is a usual business of the both sides... If India will do anything at border area I. E deploying brahmos missile...

Or, China will do anything at their border.

Both country will start up, down and jumping
But at the end only one side loses territory :lol:
But at the end only one side loses territory.

Nah, previously India was never controlling the dispute patrolling area..

Now China is not allowed in some patrolling area and the same way, India is not allow to patrol some areas.

This is a lost for few people... Just funny
What is so provocative about US Aircraft carrier in the SCS ? or its Jets flying over SCS ?

Is SCS the United States' sovereign sea? Stupid comparison. No wonder Indian posters are called trolls all over the world.
You don't ? so what is this ?

LOL. You think India is like Taiwan ? :lol:
This just some odd minority culture which is not majority in China. You can only find such nonsense in some remote village with ill inform folks.

While India treating the sacre of cow are well known that even drinking it's piss is something recognized and accepted as majority for Hindu culture.
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