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China provokes India again, Chinese aircraft flies close to LAC in Ladakh

Means, you have news from oneside only...

You don't at dispute part Chinese used to patrol but now they are not allowed
Yeah they are not allowed to petrol in a territory which was recently occupied by India. What a achievement dude :lol:
The way things are going soon they won't be allowed to petrol in himachel Pradesh.
@Windjammer it was a J-10, unknown which variant, detected from several kilometers away by sophisticated Indian biological visible light spectrum sensors and later, indigenous radars.

@Windjammer it was a J-10, unknown which variant, detected from several kilometers away by sophisticated Indian biological visible light spectrum sensors and later, indigenous radars.

Indians should be thankful to PLAAF for such actions.
It may help Indians to move their hangar queens.
This just some odd minority culture which is not majority in China. You can only find such nonsense in some remote village with ill inform folks.

While India treating the sacre of cow are well known that even drinking it's piss is something recognized and accepted as majority for Hindu culture.

Lol. Looks like the eggs were rotten today.

Lest we forget how food is cooked in China

Lol. Looks like the eggs were rotten today.

Lest we forget how food is cooked in China

One oddout case out of a billion in China while cow piss drinking and cow dunk worshipped are widespread in India.



The indian are real disgusting. :enjoy:
One oddout case out of a billion in China while cow piss drinking and cow dunk worshipped are widespread in India.

View attachment 863984


The indian are real disgusting. :enjoy:
Odd out case? Lol.
Seem to have hit a raw nerve.

It seems all of you use it. Just don't cause another pandemic
Nice fake news. This website is operated by the indian fake media. Try better source. :enjoy:

While cow dung grease over Indian are real for most indian. Did u soak in crap today? :rofl:
Lol. The Atlantic is an Indian fake media site? Hahahaha.
Did someone empty a bottle of Chinese moonshine in the gutter from which you usually get your cooking oil? Hahahha.
Lol. The Atlantic is an Indian fake media site? Hahahaha.
Did someone empty a bottle of Chinese moonshine in the gutter from which you usually get your cooking oil? Hahahha.
LOL, India or USA. No different. They will write any garbage about China. Hope like you cant accept China is a great country. Far better than fake India. :enjoy:
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