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People From Ladakh Coming Forward Admitting Massive Loss of Territory to the Chinese

If any of those ladakii people were to come to delhi they will called "chinkis", the women will be molested as they are "sluts" and they will have to move heaven and earth to get decent rentals.

These Ladakii people are regarded as untouchables. The only people who would rent them rentals are the ones who would rent to the local Dalits.
Indian Muslims have full freedom. What we lack is security.

You are confusing Security with Freedom.

Another Indian joker, first go and prove youre an Indian citizen, then proceed to live as a second class citizen in a Hindu rashtra. If you truly are a muslim, then youre a bigger clown then the BJP Bhakts here, have freedom, my @$$ you have any freedom in India.

aw! a Pakistani perched on Chinese shoulders basking in their glory - how cute!:pakistan:
Aww, an Indian American licking his wounds when US didnt come to Indias aid and now acting all feisty with Pakistan after getting thorough thrashing from China.
Another Indian joker, first go and prove youre an Indian citizen, then proceed to live as a second class citizen in a Hindu rashtra. If you truly are a muslim, then youre a bigger clown then the BJP Bhakts here, have freedom, my @$$ you have any freedom in India.

He is not Muslim.

If China takes over the Kashmir region of Ladakh then what is the Pakistan army doing? Kashmir belongs to us.
Aww, an Indian American licking his wounds when US didnt come to Indias aid and now acting all feisty with Pakistan after getting thorough thrashing from China.

let’s get a few things right shall we... first not a him, second not an Indian and third China is welcome to all of India except the Andaman islands..mama needs a new mansion on the beach.:enjoy:
you made a very important reminder brother, for deluded Pakistanis

need reminding of Sikhs played a brutal role in east Punjab 1947 and other places

They successfully wiped off entire east punjabi Muslims living there.

I’m not a Punjabi’s but when I see other Pakistanis calling these Sikhs bros. I think you people need shooting in the head.

Its only because of this backward minds of individuals like you that Pakistan still lives in dark ages. Germany caused 50 times more death and destruction on Europeans then during partition but today Europe treats Germany no different then rest of europe. Its only Pakistani idiots who like to live in past history.
How extended are Chinese supply lines and lines of communication if anyone knows?

I suspect China pursuing a limited war, and so thus far have great bargaining chips with those gained territories. Is Indian leadership still communicating with Chinese leadership, or have all talks broken down and only escalated to Military action? If anyone has info please post.
How extended are Chinese supply lines and lines of communication if anyone knows?

I suspect China pursuing a limited war, and so thus far have great bargaining chips with those gained territories. Is Indian leadership still communicating with Chinese leadership, or have all talks broken down and only escalated to Military action? If anyone has info please post.
Unless India decides to open fire on Chinese forces, a war is not going to happen ... the Chinese are not irrational to go to war for no or very superficial reasons
Unless India decides to open fire on Chinese forces, a war is not going to happen ... the Chinese are not irrational to go to war for no or very superficial reasons

That's what I suspect as well. This was obviously all calculated, however, wars are unpredictable, once you start them you don't choose when to end them. I am curious as to what India will do, will they bargain or will they escalate?
Sikhs are the BIGGEST enemies and oppressors of Pakistani people. The sikhs are the ONLY community on earth to have committed a holocaust and genocide against Pakistani people. They will remain our eternal enemies forever. What they did to our people can NEVER be forgiven or forgotton. Luckily the sikhs are now an inferior, pathetic, disgusting, dumb, meaningless, irrelevant and miniscule entity on the world stage that NO-ONE gives a damn about. After the glorious operation bluestar in 1984 they can NEVER rise again........:devil:

What makes me laugh the most are Pakistanis who claim Israel is an enemy of Pakistan. For some reason they NEVER condemn the biggest murderers of Pakistanis, the sikhs yet spew anti-Israel/anti-Jewish rhetoric and propaganda. Even though the sikhs killed a million innocent Pakistanis and the Israelis/Jews have killed or harmed 0 Pakistanis............:disagree:

sikhs Are only good when they are brutally murdered and slaughtered like the dogs that they are. NEVER FORGET August/September 1947.

Pakistani people need to have a date in August or September to commemorate Pakistan holocaust day. NEVER FORGET the million innocent Pakistanis massacred by the sikhs in the creation of Pakistan.
It was a million or so killed on both sides.
It wasn't a one sided affair.
Many Sikhs and Hindus who found themselves on the wrong side of the border were just as mercilessly murdered as were the Muslims on the other side.
In fact, I personally knew people (now dead) that took part in those massacres.
Yes, it's painful. My own family was displaced for fear of their lives from what is now Indian Punjab and lost everything, but how long can you carry on carrying a hate in your heart.
Eventually it will harm no one but you. It will consume you.
That is why forgiveness is an essential trait of a Muslim.
Don't say that as it would qualify you to be a candidate for RAPE by the very people you seem to be supporting.

It took me a few minutes to compose myself after reading your post. Is this how you talk to women?
Do you realize rape is the most traumatic experience a women can ever endure? To trivialize it in this way and suggest that I am a candidate for rape is deeply disturbing to me.

@WebMaster @jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Moonlight

You spoke to me about finding ways to encourage more women to join PDF. But with members like Canuck around I'm not sure women will ever feel comfortable joining this community.
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