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Pentagon warns Turkey not to launch ‘unilateral’ attack on US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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Pentagon warns Turkey not to launch ‘unilateral’ attack on US-backed Kurdish forces in northern Syria.

PUBLISHED : Thursday, 13 December, 2018, 7:40am
UPDATED : Thursday, 13 December, 2018, 7:41am

Any unilateral military action in northern Syria would be “unacceptable,” the Pentagon warned Wednesday after Turkey said it would soon launch an operation against a US-backed Kurdish militia.

“Unilateral military action into northeast Syria by any party, particularly as US personnel may be present or in the vicinity, is of grave concern,” Pentagon spokesman Commander Sean Robertson said in a statement.

“We would find any such actions unacceptable.”

American forces have worked closely with the YPG under the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance, which has played a key role in the war against Islamic State (IS) extremist group.

American forces are with the SDF east of the Euphrates as well as in the flashpoint city of Manbij, which is west of the river.

“Coordination and consultation between the US and Turkey is the only approach to address issues of security concern in this area,” Robertson said.

“We are committed to working closely and recently held a high level working group on Syria with our Turkish partners precisely to enhance our cooperation, coordination, and consultation.”

The Pentagon has repeatedly warned that any fighting between the Turks and the SDF would be a dangerous distraction from the core US mission in Syria of fighting IS.

“We should not and cannot allow (IS) to breathe at this critical point or we will jeopardize the significant gains we have made alongside our coalition partners and risk allowing (IS) to resurge,” Robertson said.

The Pentagon on Tuesday said American observation posts in northern Syria, meant to prevent altercations between the Turkish army and the YPG, have been erected, despite Ankara’s request to scrap the move.

As if Turkey is giving a damn...

Let me ask you something sincerely. Why Turkey CANNOT pull itself out of this mess? Turkey CAN Fence its border like Pakistan, and CAN seal its border completely with Northern Syria, just like what Pakistan did on Afghanistan border. But will Turkey be willing to back-off from its Jihadist/Terrorist proxies operating in Idlib province?
Let me ask you something sincerely. Why Turkey CANNOT pull itself out of this mess? Turkey CAN Fence its border like Pakistan, and CAN seal its border completely with Northern Syria, just like what Pakistan did on Afghanistan border. But will Turkey be willing to back-off from its Jihadist/Terrorist proxies operating in Idlib province?
Few points:
  • Turkey needs to kill all of the terrorists, or they will get a way to Turkey. They are the proxy scums of all the Haram money from KSA/UAE etc. with 100% support from the West
  • Either Turkey will destroy them or they will destroy Turkey. They are an existential threat and are being dealt accordingly
  • They want to create a “Teror corridor” from the border of Iran to the Mediterranean. Turkey won’t allow that. Her task is to kill the terrorists and get hold of the whole corridor on a permanent basis. Turkey’s defense starts there
  • If anybody has any problem with that, Hodri Meydan
  • Please leave this ‘Jihadi” type stories for the babies to sing lullabies to them!!! Turkey trains and supports FSA (Free Syrian Army) only so that the local folks fight for their freedom and honor against all Imperialiets and their cohorts from Mollas to prostitutes
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Let me ask you something sincerely. Why Turkey CANNOT pull itself out of this mess? Turkey CAN Fence its border like Pakistan, and CAN seal its border completely with Northern Syria, just like what Pakistan did on Afghanistan border. But will Turkey be willing to back-off from its Jihadist/Terrorist proxies operating in Idlib province?
you have clearly no idea about turk position and Kurdish movement and direct support of Americans to PKK :) .... border fences are meant to stop the regular trespassing of civilian population to a specific territory militias like PKK who are sponsored by Americans really don't care about such type of fences .... just recently in batman province 8 Turkish solders were killed by PKK and such type of incidents are taking place with regular intervals in turkey so the fence will change nothing .. the only way to minimize such incidents is to never regroup the enemy near bordering area, using intel based operation to take out the terrorist before they hit back

Few points:
  • Turkey needs to kill all of the terrorists, or they will get a way to Turkey. They are the proxy scums of all the Haram money from KSA/UAE etc. with 100% support from the West
  • Either Turkey will destroy them or they will destroy Turkey. They are an existential threat and are being dealt accordingly
  • They want to create a “Teror corridor” from the border of Iran to the Mediterranean. Turkey won’t allow that. Her task is to kill the terrorists and get hold of the whole corridor on a permanent basis. Turkey’s defense starts there
  • If anybody has any problem with that, Hodri Meydan
  • Please leave this ‘Jihadi” type stories for the babies to sing lullabies to them!!! Turkey trains and supports FSA (Free Syrian Army) only so that the local folks fight for their freedom and honor against all Imperialiets and their cohorts from Mollas to prostitutes
sir did you noticed majority of PKK attack on turkish soil take place in the month of July August and September, what is the reason for that???
you have clearly no idea about turk position and Kurdish movement and direct support of Americans to PKK :) .... border fences are meant to stop the regular trespassing of civilian population to a specific territory militias like PKK who are sponsored by Americans really don't care about such type of fences .... just recently in batman province 8 Turkish solders were killed by PKK and such type of incidents are taking place with regular intervals in turkey so the fence will change nothing .. the only way to minimize such incidents is to never regroup the enemy near bordering area, using intel based operation to take out the terrorist before they hit back

Israel also supports PKK, and Greater Kurdistan is more vital to Zionist state of Israel, rather than U.S. In fact, the continual presence of U.S in the middle east is for safeguarding interests of Israel.
you have clearly no idea about turk position and Kurdish movement and direct support of Americans to PKK :) .... border fences are meant to stop the regular trespassing of civilian population to a specific territory militias like PKK who are sponsored by Americans really don't care about such type of fences .... just recently in batman province 8 Turkish solders were killed by PKK and such type of incidents are taking place with regular intervals in turkey so the fence will change nothing .. the only way to minimize such incidents is to never regroup the enemy near bordering area, using intel based operation to take out the terrorist before they hit back

sir did you noticed majority of PKK attack on turkish soil take place in the month of July August and September, what is the reason for that???
Weather is a big factor! Heavy snowfall sometimes closes the paths! Anyway, the Turkish forces carry out round the year ops thanks to extensive usage of UAVs, choppers, fighter jets, air borne special forces units etc...
Israel also supports PKK, and Greater Kurdistan is more vital to Zionist state of Israel, rather than U.S. In fact, the continual presence of U.S in the middle east is for safeguarding interests of Israel.
now you got the point ... all they want to creat a proxy state in between Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq so they can manipulate the region as and when they want to
So they r saying dont attack our terrorist who sometime tresspass turkey and kill innocent erdogan should kick the usa backed terrorists once it for all
Turkey is doing the right thing for its security and a favor to the region, esp to Kurds, by eliminating the Communist Fascist Atheist PKK ideologues which has usurped power.

Turkey's natural border in this region extends to Mosul (hence its Turkmen population,) but this was denied to Turkey by the British.

Turkey is the only one who can bring peace to this region and Muslim Kurds are a big part of that plan.
SDF incorporate many Kurd in its ranks (Syrian; Iraqi; Turkish), but it is the only force which could fight ISIS on the ground on the behalf of US, and serve as a buffer between Assad-Iran-Russia bloc and US-SDF bloc.

ISIS is active in the Deir Ez Zor sector of Syria, and US-SDF bloc is trying to eradicate it there. Assad-Iran-Russia bloc is also operating in the same sector for similar ends.

Recent advances by US-SDF bloc:-

[1] https://www.almasdarnews.com/articl...aeshs-stronghold-in-southeast-deir-ezzor-map/
[2] http://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/301120181


Therefore, US [might] stand its ground against Turkey. Details in here: https://www.rt.com/news/446328-pentagon-syria-turkey-military/

Turkey should wait, and rather take US onboard for its ends. Every problem have a solution, but TIMING is of the essence.
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Israel also supports PKK, and Greater Kurdistan is more vital to Zionist state of Israel, rather than U.S. In fact, the continual presence of U.S in the middle east is for safeguarding interests of Israel.

Tell me the difference between the USA and Israel mate?
Except Israel is a direct experiment for representing the Zion, while USA is a subservient state, tasked with doing the experiments and the hard work...
Both turkey and amerixlca know that america cant do anything. Supporting a terror organisation had put america on a sticky wicket
Let me ask you something sincerely. Why Turkey CANNOT pull itself out of this mess? Turkey CAN Fence its border like Pakistan, and CAN seal its border completely with Northern Syria, just like what Pakistan did on Afghanistan border. But will Turkey be willing to back-off from its Jihadist/Terrorist proxies operating in Idlib province?

So that your scumbag assad can send his 'shia jihadis' to massacre 3.5 million Syrians who seek protection from that scumbag, right? Are you going to argue that Hezbollah is not a 'jihadi' organization? Assad's co-operation with Daesh is also well documented. So if you think your 'jihadi' tale is going do the trick for your scumbag of the century I have news for you.
So that your scumbag assad can send his 'shia jihadis' to massacre 3.5 million Syrians who seek protection from that scumbag, right? Are you going to argue that Hezbollah is not a 'jihadi' organization? Assad's co-operation with Daesh is also well documented. So if you think your 'jihadi' tale is going do the trick for your scumbag of the century I have news for you.

Wow, wow..... Calm down Kid! Do you know what ISIS means? It means IsraHELLI Secret Intelligence Service!
View media item 17716

Shia Jihadis? But Liwa-al-Quds are all Sunnis and Sorry to hear that, we are intermarried and there is no ground to what you are barking about.

Hizbollah, oh yeah! I am aspirant for this organization, because it roasted a lot of IsraHELLI soldiers during Lebanon-IsraHELL War during 2006.

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