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Peace with Pakistan: an idea whose time has passed

We just have to stay on course. Sit tight in Kashmir. Sit tight in Saichen. Let time do the rest.

Edit: Don't worry about those terrorists 'whacking us hard'. Those same guys are showered with rose petals in Pakistan for killing high ranking govt. officials. At the end of the day no one suffers more than the Pakistanis. Like I said, give it time.
Obviously written by a right-wing delusional a$$. While 99% of his article is drivel and nonsense, I agree with him on his conclusion. Pakistan should not engage in talks, nor should Pakistan go out of its way to "look" for peace. :pakistan:
This website is established by a former banned forummer :P That should speak volumes about where its coming from.
i think general Indian public now no longer cares about having a good relation with Pakistan.
We have already suffered a lot, when we had done nothing wrong. so let it go how its going.
we dont want any thing to be settled.:coffee:

Thank God!!!

Hope you people can finally get off our back :hang2:

We don't need peace with bharat. bharat can not be trusted.
Plz dont trust us at all.

We are bad people.
But then dont go crying to the world forums that India is not talking with us. :coffee:

Pai.. then there is just a simple question.. if you dont mind.
Why join forums related to us in the first place..when you are not interested in talking?
When an Indian comes here and protests against a mis-reported news about his/her nation.. that means they care what we think of them.
When you are supposedly not interested in talking to us.. or having anything to do with us..Then why bother in the first place?? :undecided:
There are other forums which are exclusive to Indians..or world forums.. where you can critique Pakistan or praise us to your desire.
Why join this place.. if you dont wish to talk..
Pakistani's are here because it is Pakistan defense..makes sense..
we talk about Indian defense because you are our neighbor and with whom we have fought wars with.. while peace is desired by quite a few.. to our military you are still the primary threat.so we discuss...you are most welcome to discuss Indian defense here as well.. you know your own products a little better than we do in 98% of the cases..
But.. if you dont desire to talk to us..or care about us.. then why defend your military here in the first place. If our opinion.. our achievements..dont matter to you...honestly.. I cant figure why any Indian would give even a second of his/her life on this forum.

I still believe in peace.. and understanding....with mutual respect.
Which is why I want my misconceptions about India cleared up and to do my best to clear up an Indians misconception about us..(as a people as well).
Hi Homies!
I think peace must prevail between the two countries. War will bring nothing except bloodshed. I will give u a example which i have witnessed in my own life.
We have a house here which we have made it as a guest house. Mostly students live here. Currently we have 6 students living 4 are Indians and 2 are Pakistanis. And my Dad have also helped them in getting jobs. You wouldn't believe these students irrespective of their culture and origin they live so happily and peacefully. Every sunday i visit them and guess what we play cricket together. I have learned many things about their culture and just hope pakistanis and indians leave peacefully!

By the way i have opened a new trance channel. Please visit the members club and check those videos! :cheers:

I have seen that alot in Canada buddy.

we can live under one roof in a different country, but we are against each other in our respective countries
Pai.. then there is just a simple question.. if you dont mind.
Why join forums related to us in the first place..when you are not interested in talking?

yes i have answer for this.

1. My post was meant for previous guy who said Indians cant be trusted. Probably you should remind him that its always Pakistan thats broken the commitment and not India.

2. I like gaining knowledge about world affairs, and it interests me seeing what the people across the border think about my country, hence joined this forum.

3. There is no other Indian forum where Pakistanis exist in this volume, so dont get any opportunity to have a conversation with Pakistanis, hence here in this forum.

But to say that Indian scant be trusted, and then complaining at the same time that India is not talking with us, is not a good thing in my opinion.
I wont say much, as i can see ure a mod.;)
Thank you.
I have seen that alot in Canada buddy.

we can live under one roof in a different country, but we are against each other in our respective countries......

............ and over a treacherous battleground called Internet. :lol:
yes i have answer for this.

1. My post was meant for previous guy who said Indians cant be trusted. Probably you should remind him that its always Pakistan thats broken the commitment and not India.

2. I like gaining knowledge about world affairs, and it interests me seeing what the people across the border think about my country, hence joined this forum.

3. There is no other Indian forum where Pakistanis exist in this volume, so dont get any opportunity to have a conversation with Pakistanis, hence here in this forum.

But to say that Indian scant be trusted, and then complaining at the same time that India is not talking with us, is not a good thing in my opinion.
I wont say much, as i can see ure a mod.;)
Thank you.

1. Its his opinion isnt it.. does he speak for all Pakistani's?? Or do you for all Indians?


3.And therefore.. you are interested in the Pakistani nation and its people.. since you must co-exist.. one way or the other.. you talk.

You arent going to gain the trust of every Pakistani..nor I the trust of every Indian. But those that one can gain.. is that not worth trying for?

as for the last one.. whether I was the mod..or the forum admin..or the one holding the power cable to the server's.. makes no difference to me.
Making a good point.. a healthy civil discussion is never bounded in my view. If you can convince me of something.. or I you...agree to disagree in mutual respect... that is the model to follow.
But if anyone rants.. makes useless flaming troll posts.. I cannot be kind to them.

and Thank you to you too.
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