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PDM Minister Criticized by Cuban Ambassador for Humiliating his Country

Good to find @Areesh supporting Cuba. And the minister saying this :
He said he does not want Pakistan to turn into Cuba or North Korea. "We have to set Pakistan on the path of [development, like] Malaysia, Turkey, China and South Korea."
Cuba and North Korea should be the model because they are developed and self-reliant to a large extent despite the decades of illegal sanctions by Western governments.
This idiot went and insulted Cuba. Not surprising. Patwaris are namak haram by nature so it's easy for people like him to forget the medical support Cuba provided after the Kashmir Earthquake.

Patwaris are also cowards and slaves of the highest order, so they are likely alarmed by anyone who stands up against power for their freedom and self respect, especially at economic cost, which is something the greedy patwari can never even consider.
Good to find @Areesh supporting Cuba. And the minister saying this :

Cuba and North Korea should be the model because they are developed and self-reliant to a large extent despite the decades of illegal sanctions by Western governments.
The DPRK is an utter hellhole and everyone is poor in cuba

is equality of misery really your thing ?

communism = depression, poverty, food shortages, some authority controlling every aspect of your life..

fvck communism
so called patriotic journalist Ahmed Qureshi justifying his masters to Cuban Amb,


Good that in Pakistan the people say it like it is. :tup: In India many people are afraid to speak out against the fascist government we have and so speak in euphemisms.

The DPRK is an utter hellhole and everyone is poor in cuba

is equality of misery really your thing ?

communism = depression, poverty, food shortages, some authority controlling every aspect of your life..

fvck communism

An apartment in "utter hellhole DPRK" :

Parks in "everyone is poor" Cuba :


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