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PDF meet in Hyderabad, India

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@jbgt90 @Syama Ayas @tvsram1992 sorry guys but i did share with jbtg90 the reason. I will sure be ready for next meet. Please don't consider me out next time :cry:

I am with you Indushek... I thought meet is on sunday.... so i mess the chance.... No issues... How about next meet in Vizag in my apart or in Araku valley?
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I am with you Indushek... I thought meet is on sunday.... so i mess the chance.... No issues... How about next meet in Vizag in my apart or in Araku valley?

Araku lo kudirite keka i have lots of memories in araku :mps: ledante bheemili beechu lo chapa esukoni manchiga Blenders pride with apollo fish or tangdi kabab ohoho keka.
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Not sure why some Pakistani posters are apprehensive about bunch of Indian members meeting through PDF.

I think it is fantastic.


I was surprised and perplexed at first, at this reaction from some Pakistanis, then a little melancholy and disappointed, finally amused and tolerant.

Why on earth did they take fright? How utterly childish. You put it in perspective, though.
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I was surprised and perplexed at first, at this reaction from some Pakistanis, then a little melancholy and disappointed, finally amused and tolerant.

Why on earth did they take fright? How utterly childish. You put it in perspective, though.

Who knows one day PDF may become Peace Defense Forum for our two countries.

No I am not shoving all the hateful $hit under the rug.

Just praying for good future for our two people.

Who knows one day PDF may become Peace Defense Forum for our two countries.

No I am not shoving all the hateful $hit under the rug.

Just praying for good future for our two people.


I too pray for good Future of India and Pakistan. I second you on the BOLD Part, we've fought 4 Wars so far. However. at PDF we are at war 365 days a year and 24 hours day!!! :omghaha:

Who knows one day PDF may become Peace Defense Forum for our two countries.

No I am not shoving all the hateful $hit under the rug.

Just praying for good future for our two people.


It will take 20 years at least.
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I too pray for good Future of India and Pakistan. I second you on the BOLD Part, we've fought 4 Wars so far. However. at PDF we are at war 365 days a year and 24 hours day!!! :omghaha:


Thank you. Thank you.

For many years, I see this yearning for peace, and brotherhood that exists among our two people.


unfortunately we are beholden to our terrible past, well perhaps a past that has been highlighted purposefully with terrible things.

So we go on, carrying all that hate, all that negativity, all that hostility, slavishly, so helplessly,

Not even realizing that our actions and reactions are like huge boomerangs heading back to us, tipped with sharp knives, ready to rip us all apart.

No we do not think they are boomerangs, we just think they are just poison tipped arrows heading straight to our enemies, and thus we keep on making mistakes, keep on slipping down the deep deep abyss, every 150 years or so.

And that's something more terrible than the loss of most precious jewel one could ever possess.

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