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PDF Color Scheme

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How about giving users the option to either choose the new layout, or live with the older design and saving that preference in user's profile ?
We are going to back to the old design. :) It will be done.. just a challenge to make JF-17 look like F-16. ;)

Is there any reason you have decided to go back to the old design? (though personally I am all for the old design)
Is there any reason you have decided to go back to the old design? (though personally I am all for the old design)

New design will be available still, users can pick and choose. Whatever they prefer.

Old is something EVERYONE will be content with.
certain issues:-

1) My previous (before the up-gradation) threads and posts are not visible on my profile.
2) 'users currently viewing the thread' feature is not there.
3) There is no 'report' button
4) I don't feel connected to this site anymore. everything looks so alien and dull
5) No ranking system like before based on your seniority level
6) GIF images not supported


Edit: I do see report button now.
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We seriously need the 'online' light thingy we had beside everyone's name!
Thanks Webby,

Its working.
Webby, lost the Currently viewed/latest threads section at the top of the forum page.

Can we have it back?
Live feed on the forum page has disappeared!
@WebMaster, Signature option is not working. I tried many times.
Error :lock:
"Your signature is 14 character(s) too long:
@WebMaster, Signature option is not working. I tried many times.
Error :lock:
"Your signature is 14 character(s) too long:
Basically it does not want any signature.So the character limit is 0.Your signature had 14 letters in it so it was 14 characters too long!
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