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PDF Color Scheme

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at first it was confusing . But now i like it better then the previous ;look
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar in this new PDF the mention thing is not clear I mean in old PDF when we used to mention people it was clearly shown because it use to be in some color but now its not clear that weather we are able to mention or not please improve it
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar in this new PDF the mention thing is not clear I mean in old PDF when we used to mention people it was clearly shown because it use to be in some color but now its not clear that weather we are able to mention or not please improve it
Explain this more clearly? What do you mean by PDF mention is not clear?
Explain this more clearly? What do you mean by PDF mention is not clear?
I think he means when you mention the name of a member he or she used to get notified now they don't i guess.
I think he means when you mention the name of a member he or she used to get notified now they don't i guess.

Users can setup alerts, what they want, etc through.
Alert Preferences. No alerts are skipped, sometimes when you open the panel, it will read all. So you have to go to alert page for others that you "missed" reading.
Explain this more clearly? What do you mean by PDF mention is not clear?
For example when I mention you in a thread or I think it is also called tagging you I mean when I mention your name so you can know I mentioned you in a post or a thread that is not clear meaning if I have mentioned you I am not clear weather I was able to mention you or not so please make a process that when I and others mention some one his or her name should turn dark blue or some other color so it would be clear that I was able to mention him or her successfully
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For example when I mention you in a thread or I think it is also called tagging you I mean when I mention your name so you can know I mentioned you in a post or a thread that is not clear meaning if I have mentioned you I am not clear weather I was able to mention you or so please make a process than if I mention some one his name should turn dark blue or some other color so it would be clear that I was able to mention him or her successfully

^^I made a mistake this is what it will look like if we keep ALL texts white(some were green in the above pic):

Very well input anubis...
what if w keep text/quote boxes white..?while black background?It will balance isn't it?
Sticky thread & Normal Thread seperation is ok now, thx. Another thing i wanna advice is 1 page should include more posts then current situation. At least it should include 2x of current posts in 1 page. After reading or trying to skip some posts you should many times click for the other page.
Very well input anubis...
what if w keep text/quote boxes white..?while black background?It will balance isn't it?
Very well input anubis...
what if w keep text/quote boxes white..?while black background?It will balance isn't it?
Alright I will see how it looks!
Thank you webmaster....and please do something to your title cover..you have designed previous one very well...but this one is not good...can you please design it like old one?
The same black tone with write-ups and forum activities or news headlines on side columns?
That was very much like professional magazine look.
Thank you webmaster....and please do something to your title cover..you have designed previous one very well...but this one is not good...can you please design it like old one?
The same black tone with write-ups and forum activities or news headlines on side columns?
That was very much like professional magazine look.

Home page is not done,we will have another theme (same as old) which users can switch to. If they like...
Can you please solve the signature issue as well???
Home page is not done,we will have another theme (same as old) which users can switch to. If they like...

Old one was much better webmaster..because it was different as compare to other forums..I remember that your title cover has attracted me towards this forums...if your theme will be as same as other forums,then visitors won't be attracted much.
to attract a specific crowd,we must show something different and serious,the old title cover has given your forum a very different and serious look.
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