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PCB warns BCCI!!! PCB chief threatens to boycott India in all ICC events: Report

From your list, we learn one thing.

Despite the worst of the situations that our country finds itself in, we are still better than New Zealand, West Indies, Sri Lanka, Australia etc. And not far from England.

So now if the security situation improves a little bit more, which it definitely will (Insha Allah), we are going to get our clout back.

So good luck with the delusional thinking that India controls the world (for Indians it is not just cricket, but the world).

We are talking about cricket now.Don't worry buddy ur people delusional mentality will be over in a decade or two when india become a very big power having 3rd most powerful country in all parameters.
We are talking about cricket now.Don't worry buddy ur people delusional mentality will be over in a decade or two when india become a very big power having 3rd most powerful country in all parameters.

2025 or 2035?

I thought it was already 2020, that India was to become a supa powa under the esteemed leadership of superman Modi.

You are confusing me now.
2025 or 2035?

I thought it was already 2020, that India was to become a supa powa under the esteemed leadership of superman Modi.

You are confusing me now.
India bane na bane...lekin Pakistan to nahi banega yeh to pakka hai.... tu thand rakh mere yar.
2025 or 2035?

I thought it was already 2020, that India was to become a supa powa under the esteemed leadership of superman Modi.

You are confusing me now.

Why 2020, look in 2015 itself....and don't force us to make off topics

1. India is the 7th largest economy by nominal and 3rd largest by GDP PPP

2. India is the 3rd largest producer of electricity, the state like gujarat produce more electricity than whole pakistan

3. India now become 3rd largest consumer of oil overtaking japan

4. India going to overtake japan in 2016 as the 2nd largest producer of steel

5. India road and rail network is one of the biggest in the world

6. India is one of the biggest Software and Pharmaceutical industry in the world

7. India is one of the biggest producer of cement and coal

8. India have one of the largest pool of engineers,doctors,technicians in the world

9. India is one of the biggest soft power in the world

10. India is home to largest film industry in the world

11. India is having the biggest remittance figure in the world

12. India is the top producer of many agricultural products,Milk in the world

13. India is the 4th most powerful military in the world

14. India is home to one of the largest billionaires in the world

15. Indian stock exchanges 45 times bigger than pakistan

16. Largest oil refinery in th world is in india

17. India is the largest consumer of gold

Don't worry modi doing right job

India received $19.78 billion FDI from nations visited by Narendra Modi in FY15 - timesofindia-economictimes

It is not only disgraceful but downright pathetic for India to bring POLITICS in Sports, acting like a Naee Nawayli "DULHAN".

sorry mister....saeed, lakhvi, dawood ibrahim....the list of Pakistani mean spirited'ness towards Indian sentiments has been allowed to grow. It is tough to continue responding with sporty spirit!
As long as your terror policy continues, we will not reward you with a cricket series. Keep playing against others. These useless threats dont matter. Big-3 control ICC.
It is not only disgraceful but downright pathetic for India to bring POLITICS in Sports, acting like a Naee Nawayli "DULHAN".

IS it ?

Hasn't Pakistan always said .

"No trade with India, till core issue is resolved"

So Pakistan can bring politics in commerce, then why can't India bring politics in sports(which btw is also a commercial business), till our core issue of terrorism is solved?

It would be interesting to watch, were Pakistan to face India in an ICC final, semifinal , quarterfinals by the virtue of its ranking in the event, would it live up to its word and refuse to play and forfeit the match?
I fully and absolutely endorse the decision of boycotting India, not only in Cricket but also in all other sporting events. There is absolutely no point in playing with this insecure "Dehati Aurat". Because we know how this country behaves, once they lose to us.

He He who are you refering by the way

The world does not revolve around India. Look around, it is huge and if you think by not playing with you, we'll go bankrupt etc, well good luck with that! You have been trying this for more than 25-30 years, and even arranged the terrorist attacks on visiting Sri Lanka team. But we are still thriving!

Who is saying that PCB is going to be backrupt the only one who is saying is you.

Arranging the terrorist attacks on Srilankan team LOLZ. Who Dehati Aurat, RAW or Narendra Modi, Shekh Hasina or Obamma. Why not directly post the link which you have and have been hiding which proves the involvement of RAW, CIA, and Mosad involvement.

The matter of fact is, that we Pakistanis can live with boycotting India, but can you Indians live without us? Nah, you can't. Hundreds of un-invited trolls participating on PDF is a clearly reflect the combine psychology of Indians (no disrespect to few good Indians on PDF).

On the serious note you are not a troll but urgently need to visit the Doctor.

Not only this, but Pakistan must boycott any sporting event taking place in India on security grounds.

Our player's lives are far more precious than some sporting event. And in this hostile country, our players are really in danger!

??? Can any Expert comment on this serious security issue


sorry mister....saeed, lakhvi, dawood ibrahim....the list of Pakistani mean spirited'ness towards Indian sentiments has been allowed to grow. It is tough to continue responding with sporty spirit!

Provide Proff and surely the action will be taken

Why 2020, look in 2015 itself....and don't force us to make off topics

1. India is the 7th largest economy by nominal and 3rd largest by GDP PPP

2. India is the 3rd largest producer of electricity, the state like gujarat produce more electricity than whole pakistan

3. India now become 3rd largest consumer of oil overtaking japan

4. India going to overtake japan in 2016 as the 2nd largest producer of steel

5. India road and rail network is one of the biggest in the world

6. India is one of the biggest Software and Pharmaceutical industry in the world

7. India is one of the biggest producer of cement and coal

8. India have one of the largest pool of engineers,doctors,technicians in the world

9. India is one of the biggest soft power in the world

10. India is home to largest film industry in the world

11. India is having the biggest remittance figure in the world

12. India is the top producer of many agricultural products,Milk in the world

13. India is the 4th most powerful military in the world

14. India is home to one of the largest billionaires in the world

15. Indian stock exchanges 45 times bigger than pakistan

16. Largest oil refinery in th world is in india

17. India is the largest consumer of gold

Don't worry modi doing right job

India received $19.78 billion FDI from nations visited by Narendra Modi in FY15 - timesofindia-economictimes

View attachment 260032

Bus itna hi its just half of 40billion which Pakistan is getting from China.

Nawaz Sharif >> Narendra Modi
NS will detect NM first
NS have less RCS than NM

Why 2020, look in 2015 itself....and don't force us to make off topics

1. India is the 7th largest economy by nominal and 3rd largest by GDP PPP

2. India is the 3rd largest producer of electricity, the state like gujarat produce more electricity than whole pakistan

3. India now become 3rd largest consumer of oil overtaking japan

4. India going to overtake japan in 2016 as the 2nd largest producer of steel

5. India road and rail network is one of the biggest in the world

6. India is one of the biggest Software and Pharmaceutical industry in the world

7. India is one of the biggest producer of cement and coal

8. India have one of the largest pool of engineers,doctors,technicians in the world

9. India is one of the biggest soft power in the world

10. India is home to largest film industry in the world

11. India is having the biggest remittance figure in the world

12. India is the top producer of many agricultural products,Milk in the world

13. India is the 4th most powerful military in the world

14. India is home to one of the largest billionaires in the world

15. Indian stock exchanges 45 times bigger than pakistan

16. Largest oil refinery in th world is in india

17. India is the largest consumer of gold

Don't worry modi doing right job

India received $19.78 billion FDI from nations visited by Narendra Modi in FY15 - timesofindia-economictimes

View attachment 260032

Everything shining on paper, great.

Now back to reality....

2,3 million Indians apply for 300 peon jobs, many of them with PhD.

Tell them this all what you wrote above, hope that will bring bread to their tables in the evening!

sorry mister....saeed, lakhvi, dawood ibrahim....the list of Pakistani mean spirited'ness towards Indian sentiments has been allowed to grow. It is tough to continue responding with sporty spirit!

Add Modi, Devil, Manohar, Swami and few thousand more extremist from your side and then we have a balanced list here!
Not just cricket,we should boycott india on every level.

Just pound them on border and call off any sort diplomatic ties.

At the end of the day,we very well know that they are indian,even if we nuke them they won't retaliate
Breaking News : PCB warns BCCI!!!

PCB chief threatens India.
Says Play with us or we will boycott India!!!

PCB chief threatens to boycott India in all ICC events: Report
Friday, 25 September 2015 - 10:35am IST | Place: Karachi | Agency: PTI
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Shahryar Khan made it clear that if the BCCI backed out of the MoU signed for the proposed series, then Pakistan would have to consider several options and one of them could be the refusal to play against India in ICC and ACC events or at any level.
  • Shahryar Khan
Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Shaharyar Khan has threatened to boycott India in ICC and Asian Cricket Council events if the BCCI officially refused to play the proposed series againstPakistan in December, according to a report.

In a hard-hitting statement, Khan said it was disappointing that until now the BCCI had not even sought permission for the December series from the concerned ministry in India. "Nothing is final or decided as yet but if the Indian Board officially backs out of the series, then we have the option of boycotting all matches against them in ICC and ACC events as well," Khan was quoted as saying by 'Express' newspaper.

Khan, a retired career diplomat, said that with December approaching, the BCCI needs to come out with a clear reply to the letter sent by the PCB regarding the status of the proposed series. "I sent the letter on 28 August and I am still waiting for a reply. They (the BCCI) should tell us whether they want to play the series or not. Because if they say they don't have government clearance and refuse to play the series, then we reserve the right to act against the Indian Board for not honoring an agreement at every level," Khan added.

The PCB chief also said that since the secretary of the BCCI -- Anurag Thakur -- was a politician, that was why he was giving negative statements on Indo-Pak relations. Khan made it clear that if the BCCI backed out of the MoU signed for the proposed series, then Pakistan would have to consider several options and one of them could be the refusal to play against India in ICC and ACC events or at any level.

"I am not saying we have decided to do this or we will do it but certainly if we don't get to host our home series in December, then we have to consider appropriate action as well," he said. India and Pakistan have not played against each other since 2007, the last time the two countries played a proper bilateral Test series.

Pakistan toured India in late 2012 for a short one-day series, and apart from that tour, the two countries have only played against each other in ICC or ACC events.

PCB chief threatens to boycott India in all ICC events: Report | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis


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