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PCB chairman wants Amir return

I undersand your choice - dude remember he was 17 when he was heavily influenced by his mentors. He was still a minor. He was 1000s of miles away from family and friends. He should have been guided by his coach and elders. He made a grave misjudgement and has now suffered punishment and complete humiliation. I personally believe he will struggle to come back.
Do you believe after paying his dues to society, by being jailed and a 5 year ban he hasnt suffered enough. Lets have a think - should a person be punished for life because of a mistake he made when a teenager? I believe it would be grossly unfair to let him not continue his work...

I do sincerely agree with you on the part of his age and that he deserves an other chance but sadly cricket is not a one person game and the entire team will have to carry the cross along with him, No team has suffered and yet stood on its feet like the Pakistani team and it would be unfair for all of us to expect them to play with more added pressure.
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