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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

:P well the issue is not he being scholar or not.

But my personal opinion is he is just using religiously opinionated clout for personal gains just like those individuals who are crowd pullers.

He should join a political party or get one and then take part in elections thats not opposed.

but saying we should join his claim of bringing khilafat wherein he would be khalifa well thats just another personal agenda just like all those who are selling such ideas

He highly speaks against Khalifah and if it turns out that he claims to be khalifa then he is nothing but a dajjal!
I would not call him a liar or anything.

But I dont trust people who leave Pakistan for 'security' fears and come back with a foreign passport preaching tolerance or something else. It smacks of some kind of interference or some foreign agenda. If majority of Pakistanis are suspicious of such people, I m with them.

Personally, I dont want any foreign national leading a party in Pakistan and laying claim on the top leadership of the country.
He is advocating peaceful Islam and trying to strengthen the current democracy and electoral system of Pakistan and is far better than Mullahs.

He is not advocating anything new. Its already a established fact that Islam is peaceful and anyone who oppose his view does not becomes evil lover. Democracy is a newly invented system and those who associate it with Islam are inventing new matters in Islam which is against Islam. Islamic politics may not be compatible with current situation because of (peoples corrupt mind set) but it can not be replaced with modern Democracy and electoral system.



Molana Sahib celebrating Christmas-
Looks like a 21st century Mullah- with moderate views- and message of religious harmony-

Dont know why people disrespecting him-

It may be alright to wish your christian friend merry Christmas but totally not alright for a muslim scholar to celebrate it with a priest. Qadri is participating in an event which celebrates the birth of christ son of god.
I am not banking on him, just yet either. As far as i am concerned, he can be a force for good.

very positive thinking, even he bring the required change, he will never be able to win the elections, cause he hvnt decided yet, bt if he really clear the mess in which pakistan is now & that wouldbe good for many good peoples in pakistan hope , you got my point???;)
I hate this man with a passion. He can achieve all his lofty goals by coming to power via vote and then amend the constitution any which way he wants. If he derails the democratic system again it would be a real tragedy.

I don't know how educated people support such gimmicks, for the love of God how many times do we have to go through same BS?
ok Morsi also brought change in egypt do you support that kind of change???
then i am asking the same a person who is clean should bring the change. a corrupt person cant bring it. if Qadri bring a change i'll support him. but i am sure a corrupt person cant bring the change.
Democracy is a newly invented system and those who associate it with Islam are inventing new matters in Islam which is against Islam. Islamic politics may not be compatible with current situation because of (peoples corrupt mind set) but it can not be replaced with modern Democracy and electoral system.

That's not the case. Constitution provides the basis for governance and Pakistan's constitution recognizes that real authority is Allah and laws of Pk will be made in spirit of Islam.
thats a serious accusation
something that brings our second caliph R.A & his whip in mind which he used very effectively against the liars and slanderers.
do you have solid proof for that ? something that can stand in the court of Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab RA?

take your time to explain please because I will like to know.


on the question over his claim of learning from Imam Abu Hanifa ra, thats to do with Sufi/ spiritual Islam in dream or in meditating stateand one has every right to reject it if he is a follower of Ibn Taymiyah but please dont make fun of part of Islam which is essential element of Islamic faith

Is the youtube working for you? In this video he is talking about that dream
Tahir ul Qadri ka khawb - Such ya jhoot?! Tahir ul Qadri's dream - Truth or lie?! - YouTube

That's not the case. Constitution provides the basis for governance and Pakistan's constitution recognizes that real authority is Allah and laws of Pk will be made in spirit of Islam.

If Pakistan has Islamic laws then it would not allow a pharaoh to rule this nation and here we are one pharaoh after another waiting to rule over Muslims.
thats the problem , nt ever tom dick & harry can pull the crowd these days?

crowd was crazy for every one else too?
frist that was gen.musharf, thn it was justice chowdri,thn it was BB, thn it was NS, thn it was again ppp after the death of BB, thn it was IK, but they all failed, so they just found QADRI ? nothing new public want change in pakistan which was bloked or stolen from them?

Well for Qadri Sb, i highly doubt that he can bring any sort of change in Pakistan except changing Zardari. He's pretty messed up guy, religiously very very messed up. But who cares if he's backed by the west. Worse things are always good for Pakistan.
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