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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

and Tahirul Qadri says Riba (sood) is halal for canadian muslims. i can post cutting of the news paper. but it has words which are not appropriate. to be posted.



Do you know Hazrat Umer R.A summoned the greatest Muslim military commander in Rashidun Khilafat Khalid Bin Waleed and removed him from office because the later took bath in water mixed with Alcohol?- as Hazrat Umer thought since Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW banned it so that usage of alcohol in any form is haram?- but later on its application and medical usage was accepted by later Muslims scholars?-

Only thing i want to say is such things are debatable- and what the authorized Scholars of the time suggest we have to follow that- since our understanding of religion is not enough to make a decision for ourselves-

About christmas i dont see such fatwas- so spare the poor molana the blame-
Can you link me to the vid or article or news piece?-
Did he say ticket for where?-

@Irfan Baloch

ok bro got the video as well. watch it till end.
at the last few seconds he said " prophet asked him that Tahir you must arrange all my travelling expences (nauzubilla) in pakistan and to madinah.
Do you know Hazrat Umer R.A summoned the greatest Muslim military commander in Rashidun Khilafat Khalid Bin Waleed and removed him from office because the later took bath in water mixed with Alcohol?- as Hazrat Umer thought since Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW banned it so that usage of alcohol in any form is haram?- but later on its application and medical usage was accepted by later Muslims scholars?-

Only thing i want to say is such things are debatable- and what the authorized Scholars of the time suggest we have to follow that- since our understanding of religion is not enough to make a decision for ourselves-

About christmas i dont see such fatwas- so spare the poor molana the blame-

what about Sood?? its 70 times zinna with mother?? and ALLAH will give the person who will take sood a spare (neza) and ask him to fight ALLAH. and this man has made it jaiz for canadian muslims.
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sir sheer maling Imran khan does not pretend to be a religious leader or person.
though i dont support this. but the whole perspose of the thread is that tahir is a liar.

ok bro got the video as well. watch it till end.

what about Sood?? its 70 times zinna with mother?? and ALLAH will give the person who will take sood a spare (neza) and ask him to fight ALLAH. and this man has made it jaiz for canadian muslims.

Eating pork- drinking alcoholic drink- every thing haram is allowed in Islam in difficult situations-
So the poor canadian muslims had to buy houses to live in- Mortgage was the only solution for them Muslims-
Islam is not that much strict on issues which most people has made it to be-

Here is Saudi Arabia- every one is buying car on lease- loan on sood- house on sood- business on sood- It is allowed-
I am giving example of saudi arabia because here people are suppose to follow the strictest version of Islam-
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comon yar saudi's are not our role model. and pork and other things and eating them .....
its up to you what you take or what you leave. mera kam tha ap tak bat pohonchanca behs matlab nahi.
Eating pork- drinking alcoholic drink- every thing haram is allowed in Islam in difficult situations-
So the poor canadian muslims had to buy houses to live in- Mortgage was the only solution for them Muslims-
Islam is not that much strict on issues which most people has made it to be-

Here is Saudi Arabia- every one is buying car on lease- loan on sood- house on sood- business on sood- It is allowed-
I am giving example of saudi arabia because here people are suppose to follow the strictest version of Islam-

Exactly. I wonder how riba-based banks operate within such Islamic societies ??

comon yar saudi's are not our role model. and pork and other things and eating them .....
its up to you what you take or what you leave. mera kam tha ap tak bat pohonchanca behs matlab nahi.

KSA is the role-model for those who wish to follow Islam in the strictest sense.
I asked you for a favour but in return mere satire! No fret, I can understand your frustration! Don't bother, leave it.

Well, the one you shared lately appears this way.. So at least I am unable to watch it.


The one shared by @laiqs@mi does not mention blasphemy part and if you can recall I was asking about his take on blasphemy laws.

Sorry I had to leave with my mom for some time so while replying to your post, I saw Laiqs@mi's shared video so pointed you towards that. You're not logged in to facebook that's why you weren't able to view the video. However, in that video, Tahir-ul-Qadri was denying his any involvement in making of Blasphemy law in front of foreign media persons, while on local tv program he was telling his fairy tales on how he alone made that Law and made it Act of Parliament in Zia's time. To europeans, he said "Whatever blasphemy law is in Pakistan, its not applicable to non-muslims" while on Pakistani tv program, he said "whoever violates this blasphemy law and disrespect Prophet (PBUH), should be killed and kicked to hell like a dog, whether he is muslim or non-muslim, woman or man.."
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@RazorMC following Islam is very difficult now days would you leave it??
ribaa, Jehad or Qital, and i can point many things. or should we change our religion???
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Cheeta laga hai Imran-
You cannot be at war with them or restrain them continuously specially when we sharing the same Planet- and world has became a smaller place-

How we should deal with them is in my signature- thats from Quran btw-
Exactly. I wonder how riba-based banks operate within such Islamic societies ??

KSA is the role-model for those who wish to follow Islam in the strictest sense.

you must be joking

they do not follow islam except few things. look at their style and you will know how much they follow islam.
islam is what Quran and Sunnah of Mohammd s.a.w.w says. we have to follow it nothing else. role-model is only Mohammd s.a.w.w no one else.
@RazorMC following Islam is very difficult now days would you leave it??
ribaa, Jehad or Qital, and i can point many things. or should we change our religion???

I would never leave Islam nor abandon it for some looneys to impose their ill-guided misconceptions to become the absolute law.
There is no place on earth that is Riba-free. There is also a Hadeeth relating to this age of Riba (dust of Riba).

We have to adopt as many Islamic principles as we can in the society we live in. Following Islam is not difficult, it has only been made difficult by the looneys I mentioned above.
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thanks for your reply now please elobrate who is loony.
Quran (nauzubillah) it clearly say ribaa is haram
Mohammad (s.a.w.w) in many ahadith it is said Ribaa is haram. and the person takes ribaa is calling for war against ALLAH. who is loony this is not my interpretation??

and please give me the link of the hadith no. which you mentioned.

and tell me where i have interpret any thing. i have quote a hadith and an ayah from Quran the interpreter is who you decide.
Eating pork- drinking alcoholic drink- every thing haram is allowed in Islam in difficult situations-
So the poor canadian muslims had to buy houses to live in- Mortgage was the only solution for them Muslims-
Islam is not that much strict on issues which most people has made it to be-

Here is Saudi Arabia- every one is buying car on lease- loan on sood- house on sood- business on sood- It is allowed-
I am giving example of saudi arabia because here people are suppose to follow the strictest version of Islam-

Today these so called strictest saudi arabs are doing lots of bad things also, so by your logic, we should consider them allowed as well? If majority is taking sood doesn't mean that sood is halal, there is always an alternative available. These are just lame excuses because we've got used to sood.
@RazorMC following Islam is very difficult now days would you leave it??
ribaa, Jehad or Qital, and i can point many things. or should we change our religion???

Yaar Jehad fil nafs Jihad fil Qalb and Jihad fil Qalam according to Islam is more Holy and has more value than Jehad fil Saif-

There is no Jehad or Qital- its always been Jehad and Qital- only Jehad fil Qital is fighting-
Dont know why people focus more on Jehad fil Saif wa Qital- Maybe they find it easy to achieve Jannah while dying fighting- Just like talibans are doing forgetting other form of Jihad is the more desirable way to reach Jannah-

About Ribaa- one simple scenarion we face every month- the monthly Salary we recieve for our hard work is given to us through banks which deals with Ribaa all day long- how can we be sure the amount we received came from a halal source?-
As muslims what should we do or what you did to evade such situation?- stop working?-
As Muslims is it our destiny to live hand to mouth and struggle and be backwards because we think the religion of peace the way of life is so strict and has failed us in 21 century?- and has provided us with no alternative way of life?- You tell me as pious Muslims should we starve to death?-
If scholars of our time debate and decide for us that such thing is permissible shouldnt we as muslims obey them?- isnt that the Islamic way?-

And kindly dont think i am advocating sood or ribaa- by definition it is surely Haram-
And so is Alcohol- if we stop using alcohol at all- most of us will die 7th century deaths-
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