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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

According to you, everyone is chor except for that douchebag leading the long march. Look in the mirror buddy

FFS, look at the message NOT the messenger. He's fighting for your future and future generations ahead. For them to live without being a part of corrupt society.

Ankhain kholo!
Because Qadri is advocating the same. He is the one who is riding on public support. Point is, that if public support on the streets is the only measure, then TTP could do it as well. After all it is public support that matters isn't it according Dr Allama Professor Sheikh-ul-Islam Tahir Ul Qadri.

Thats a big name BTW he has got no support now What will he do back down? People will leave! Or he can order people to take over parliament that is possible!
well said said something about punishing those tax evaders, pakistan law states that any guy who evades tax, doesnt pay it, he is illegal by law to contest in elections and to stay in parliament

he said some thing about those MNAs who came to the parliament on fake degrees, were disqualified and then re elected

he said that ECP is ineligible to stop rigging, well thats a fact seeing the rigging in by elections

he also said that the reforms can be made in 90 days not more than that

he also emphycised on the matter of holding elections on time

i dont know why useless people are for his head on his canadian nationality which he obtained seeing the taliban threat and who wanted to kill him

Problem with Mullah TuQ TuQ and other politicos is they fail to understand the basic fact.

---- Politics is a drama to to be watched only from 8pm-to 9pm or a segment within this time slot.
---- Politics drama should not be 24 hour show non-stop. Because it distracts people from doing real work.

Look at Chinese. They kill or at least throw in jail anyone who plays too much politics.

Ordinary Chinese do one thing for 90% of waking hours. WORK!

And see what kind of wonders this has brought to their nation.

1 billion + people, with shiny cities, fantastic growth rate that is 10s of time more than any democrazy around the world. And I am saying around the fing world.

In Pakistan us the ordinary people spend 99% of our waking hours doing what? $hitty politics against each other, against Hanud, Yahood, and Nasarah or anyone we can find.

And the result is that our country is in toilet.

Economy, jobs, businesses grow and countries become prosperous only when people work.

But we all refuse to do so and blame one Gadari or the ganjas or IK.

These are all puppets, doing puppet show for our entertainment.

So do not given them more than 1 hour per day even when they want 24 hours. Do not allow them to take more than 60 minutes.

This is the only way we will progress. This is the only way.

Time to ignore this tamasha, this naach gaaana, this twaif baazi. TuQ TuQ, IK, ganja, gadari etc. are all twaif. Don't watch their dance 24 hours a day. Do not waste your time. And instead Work!

FFS, look at the message NOT the messenger. He's fighting for your future and future generations ahead. For them to live without being a part of corrupt society.

Ankhain kholo!

I dont want some retard from Canada to fight for my future. Its my right to fight for my own. Who are you to say otherwise. Apni Ankhain kholo!!!

And this sham march will do what???

There will be no rigging after the march?

Thats a big name BTW he has got no support now What will he do back down? People will leave! Or he can order people to take over parliament that is possible!

Yeah, rain forecasted for today night or tomorrow.

People will leave then because temp will drop drastically and nobody wants to be out in the wet in this weather.

BTW, people are already leaving. And did you see the Talat Hussain program today. They gave a forward, back, sideways view of the rally, and there not more than 40k people there. Much different than the 3 million said by Qadri and millions forecasted.
I hope he gets shot. Put an end to his misery. How dare he disrupt the lives of innocent people in Islamabad

You have no class and have a disgusting mindset, which demonstrates with clarity that Pakistan is in a distitute situation with this level of mentality. How dare you advocate the killing of a man who is asking for change and is not even doing it violently..is this the education and morality level of Pakistan.

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