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Pastor plans to burn effigy of Prophet of Islam

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Civilizational achievement? Right... Jungle Civilization you mean..

all hypocrisy and double standards my friend...

You have to respect me and if you insult me... dont complain if you get a bloody nose...

He may get a bloody nose but you get an two-year prison sentence.
Civilizational achievement? Right... Jungle Civilization you mean..

all hypocrisy and double standards my friend...

You have to respect me and if you insult me... dont complain if you get a bloody nose...
What if I am more powerful than you, i.e. I not only insult you, I give you a bloody nose too(I happens all the time). Will I be right then?
I am sure you will disagree.
Wat a f...kin retarded prick.

When those Egyptian muslim mobs attacked and slained those christian minorities not long ago, I do not see you call those bastards prick??? The pastor is nut.

However, compared with those muslim mobs who killed christian minorities in Egypt, Indonesia and etc, he is a much better person in this sense.
what ..we can expect from evil pastorzz...who r against the humanity and human values...:woot:
You have more than 10% population who are muslims, that is why you cannot.

U.S. is founded based on Christian faith. muslims is just a small minority. Historically, Christians indeed are not in the same terms as the muslims.

I am talking about all religions. In India, I cant burn book of any religion. It can lead to violence even if insult buddists( may be not for Jains).
Cant imagine what will happen if I insult hindu scripture.
I hope one day, people will just ignore the guy (or support if they like).
Well, it is not sensible to do what he did. I guess U.S. constitution is specially focused on protection individual rights over any group level rights.

I am talking about all religions. In India, I cant burn book of any religion. It can lead to violence even if insult buddists( may be not for Jains).
Cant imagine what will happen if I insult hindu scripture.
I hope one day, people will just ignore the guy (or support if they like).
This is fake news, though I believe this guy can do it.
When those Egyptian muslim mobs attacked and slained those christian minorities not long ago, I do not see you call those bastards prick??? The pastor is nut.

However, compared with those muslim mobs who killed christian minorities in Egypt, Indonesia and etc, he is a much better person in this sense.

I did think they r ... bastards........ Wat abt iraq,afghanistan n the drone strikes ?Gitmo?abu gharib?baghram?
I did think they r ... bastards........ Wat abt iraq,afghanistan n the drone strikes ?Gitmo?abu gharib?baghram?

Iraq: get rid of sadam. [blame sadam]
afghanistan: get rid of taliban and bin laden. [blame bin laden]
Gitmo: well, those are terrorists.
abu gharib: senseless U.S. prison guards and they have been punished. Still it is not systematic massacre as what happened in Egypt and Indonesia and etc.
Drone stike: again, it is against bin laden and taliban.
Where the heck is baghram???

BTW, that is why you get what you deserve.
Iraq: get rid of sadam. [blame sadam] i thought it was WMDs? and in return bomb the hell of a normal country which thnks to MAJORITY christian country is now a failed state n a safe heaven of al qaeda.
afghanistan: get rid of taliban and bin laden. [blame bin laden]
Ladan was saudi n u to get just 1 guy u killed ????
Gitmo: well, those are terrorists.
Do u know how many innocents were also released after years of detension,torture,... Holy Quran etc were also disrespected there.
abu gharib: senseless U.S. prison guards and they have been punished.
And how many of such cases were never reported?
Gangrapes,killings,boming etc......... ?

How many of the soldiers were given death sentences or serious punishment?

Still it is not systematic massacre as what happened in Egypt and Indonesia and etc.
Was the state responsible for a few such cases?
Drone stike: again, it is against bin laden and taliban.
More thn 2500 innocent ppl includin kids,women n old ppl have died....... was their blood cheap.

Where the heck is baghram???
Ignorance is a blessing for u.
BTW, that is why you get what you deserve.
No wonder ur kid osama bombed twin towers n ur still in deep shyt with coffins frm iraq,afghanistan comin home everyday.............. u sick...
There was a time when , Muslims Civilization ruled the world , and then Mohammad , was respected - and no one dared disrespect our prophet , and now of course we live in a world - where Muslims are slaves - of couse we will see a Christian idiot talk about burning something.

We need to return back to how things were - and reclaim things -
^ Indeed and that is what the ultimate struggle is for. Never lose sight.
About one week ago this burning Quran subject came up in a restaruant with me, a couple of Americans and a couple of foreigners (south America and Europe).
There was this one 'libertarian' lady friend who thought like: 'We lose our freedoms if we let them [Muslims] dictate what we can do in our own country'. The rest of us disagreed. We thought burning Quran was very inappropriate and really does not contribute at all to any 'freedoms' Americans enjoy nor does it infringe upon any American freedoms. This libertarian lady thought that Quran is 'just a piece of paper'. To which we all replied that in her own head it may be but to hundreds of millions of Muslims it is not.

So why shake up the hornets' nest then?

Nothing good could come out of this kind of stupidity by burning Quran. And American 'freedoms' are not really impacted at all. People are free to go to bars, strip joints, casinoes, whorehouses--as extreme examples of 'depravity', if you will.

There are people in America who would really, really love to start an un-winnable war against the Muslim world. Because these kind of people thrive on war-profits. That is a tiny proportion of the population. Mostly Republicans. Let's not feed their wishes. The end result is catastrophy for all. Let the Muslim world evolve so that there is more rationality in the interpretrations of religion. Let the hottest political disputes like Israel-Palestine be solved very soon so there are no excuses. And then so, in this Age of Information, I really think that Muslims too will think that their God cannot be insulted by the slurs of some stupid Pastor in some backwater town of America. Until then, let the hornets be with themselves.
If burning a copy of the Quran is freedom of speech, then what about our freedom of speech ?? What about the right of a Muslim to build a mosque wherever he or she likes ?? What about the right of a person to openly criticize the US and its policies ?? Why can't Muslim women wear the niqab if they want to ?? Why can't a Sikh wear a turban without being ridiculed ??

There are such strong anti-Semitic laws in Europe and the US. Why are there no laws to protect other religions and their followers ??

Idiotic people with idiotic policies.

It's all ignorance sugar coated with "freedom of speech" however its still legal. Building a mosque was up to the judiciary.. however I've seen muslims also breaking Hindu idols and call it "freedom of speech" I find it ignorant but as long as its not violent or breaking the law.. its fine.
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