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Passing ISSB for Ground Forces



New Recruit

Dec 9, 2007
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sir i m not recomended from issb due to over inteligence .i m apearing in issb again plz give some tips that how can i get entry in pma ? and also give some tips that how should i behave in issb center.:pakistan:
sir i m not recomended from issb due to over inteligence .i m apearing in issb again plz give some tips that how can i get entry in pma ? and also give some tips that how should i behave in issb center.:pakistan:
Can you please elaborate on "due to over intelligence"....
then i'll love to answer you.
sir i m not recomended from issb due to over inteligence .i m apearing in issb again plz give some tips that how can i get entry in pma ? and also give some tips that how should i behave in issb center.:pakistan:

When both my sons failed I got there files to see what they did and what went wrong. on both the files it had a stamp saying in Big RED words FOX.
FOX is a code they use for boys who's IQ is above 190 very intelligent and will do what they feel is right , they have to much confidence in them , In simpler words Smart *** which is not a bad thing but somewere in there career they will say yes sir and do the very opposite . In my sons case I would say confidence was in there blood they were very very young and saw there grand father becomming 1 star, 2 star them 3 star so I could not change that but a few thing I noticed in their files they complained a lot. 1 said in his interview to the president of ISSB " you have spent millions making this place and still you dont have hot water" the 2 clown says atleast maintain a standard the food sucks" In ISSB even the waiters are officers evaluating you. So its Friday everyone is in the mosque and these 2 are sitting out side there room smoking togather one of the waiters approached my son and said you are not praying the Juma munaz my son answered " do you actually think the boys in there give a dame there are only praying to impress ISSB, so the waiter says so they are doing a good thing to impress ISSB why dont you. my son answered its between me and my GOD mind you own business "and that waiter was a Sqd Ldr.
In all there tasks they were leaders all the 5 boys with them followed them, what ever they said the other followed which was a good thing but the problem was when they made a mistake they could have corrected it right there and them but both of them said to hell with it lets bend some rules and complete the task. Now that is a big problem in PAF or Army. Specially in PAF you bend rules you are dead. So I showed them the file and put some sence in there brains that you 2 are not me if you think you will get speciall treatment you are wrong sooner or later you have to realise that I will retire and you 2 will be on your own. The second time they did ISSB they both passed and now they are good officer and excellent pilots.

Faisal just remember be very polite but firm. Dont complain about anything no loose talk specially about your instructors in your rooms. keep a positive attitude in all aspects. In the interview if he asks you a question and you dont know the answer just say I am sorry sir I dont know the answere he will say give it a try or just guess, at that time you say sir I would rather give you a right answer than a wrong one. If he asks you what is 2+2 the answer is 4 but take 2 or 3 sec to answere. somethimes we give the wrong answer to the easiest question so take your time and answere. Max 2 sec than answere. Buy a atlas and just go through it so you know which country in where. One thing which most boys forget is haircut dont get a crew cut just a decent cut , your nails should be clean , clothes neat and clean. If you cant speak proper english just speak only what you know dont start like Amitab in Namak Halal:lol: And please dont bring religion into any discission, they will ask you do you pray just tell the truth somethimes I do sometimes I dont. dont lie while answering the question dont move your eyes , look at the person who is taking your interview look directly into his eyes while thinking or giving your answere, never bow your head in the interview. dont sit on the chair untill he says sit, always say thank you. when the interview is done and he says you can go say Sir it was a pleasure talking to you Khuda Hafiz. If the guy says what do you think will you pass or fail just say Sir I have given my best rest is up to ISSB dont say rest is up to you NO TC at all.
I remember when I did my ISSB in the 60s there used to be obsticles a task which has a ladders a 2by4 a drum stuff like that. If you really want to do good before you start tell the other boys hi lets sit for 2 min and make a plane before we jump in and say that a little loud so the observer can hear it. I asure you, you will get good marks regardless you finish the task or not.
why I am saying this take the task as a mission you 6 have to do, you just dont jump into a mission you prepare your self and the other have a plan, while doing the obsticle dont argue keep calm and keep others calm, boys get into panic when the observer says 5 min left all hell breaks loose, at that time say it to every one dont worry about the time concentrate on the task.
There are always a few trouble makers stay away from them dont confront them if you have a problem do what I did kick his *** when you reach the railway station. Beat the **** out of them but on the station not close to the center or in the center please. Haan if you talk to much like me tell your self I have to keep my mouth shut for 3 days and I am sure you can. Dont play cards in the night try not to smoke and no chewing Gums.
sir i m not recomended from issb due to over inteligence .i m apearing in issb again plz give some tips that how can i get entry in pma ? and also give some tips that how should i behave in issb center.:pakistan:

I have the same query as raised by Enigma 947….did they tell you that you are over intelligent….or it’s just your own intuition?

As far as the advice for ISSB, I would say that: Just be yourself. The GTOs at ISSB are very experienced military officers (from all 3 arms) and thousands of candidates pass thru their observation and the moment you walk in or open your mouth, they know that if you have the right salt. If you think that you can outsmart them by posing more intelligent or smart, you are already heading for a trouble..:cry:

Just be positive, respect your other group members, don’t try to be oversmart, don’t try to cheat in anyway and just be what you are….and I hope things will workout for you…:cheers:
I agree with X_man in totality....
You are an open book for the ISSB staff... an 18 year old kid cant fool them. Just be urself...very very very urself....i cant over emphasis this fact...
Dont try to outsmart them...be true, use ur mind and above all be positive. Just stop thinking about ur gf...the day you decided to join the Army...all gals around you became ur sisters...:azn:

lastly, just trust in urslef...and go with this mind...if i'll not get selected..it's not the end of the world....this thought is going to help you alot...thts my experience.
guud luck...

You cant see that ever....
i am a smoker. and i want to joint forces (army,navy,airforce). i want to know is smoking allowed in issb. if not then what should i do. i smoke 5 to 10 cigerates daily. how can i prepared myself for that peroid. is there any madicine for that.
Thnx For Sharing those Event Sir Murad!
They Will be Really very helpful,,
Here are many topics which discuss requirements in general for passing ISSB for ground forces. I put forward a problem for discussion which will help me and of course other readers. I put forward some questions after showing you some background.

My Background: I have once applied for Pakistan army 1 year back. I passed initials without any problem.
I appeared before ISSB in Khoat but i was rejected there. Obiously i dont know the reason why. May be i misbehaved with officer taking interview and lost my temperament or i broke too much rules or i performed bad or due to the reason that i was trialed in court from criminal actions(But cases were not proved and i was not given any punishment).
I didnt join any tranning acadmey to prepare my self for issb and i didnt know how to behave there and i had no informaton about military people. After rejection, I have become intrested in Ground Military.
I received my rejection certificate. When i though of applying again i realized that i have lost it which was my key to appear again. I have now thought to apply again with my full will power to be the part of glory of Military. Because i think that Military is in my blood and I will prefer to join military at the cost of my blood and life. I am not a good muslim but i am a good patriot.

Now i want some detailed information about my questions.
1. First, How do i appear before issb againg without my rejection certificate
2. Exactly what Physcology of people do ISSB seek. Either who runs his own orders, or either who is a "YES SIR" man and does whatever he is instructed to do. I want a detailed answer about physcology.
4. How to behave before Person taking interview.
3. Is it good to join tranning acadmies.
4. Will my cases affect the judgment of ISSB.

or for my direct mobile contact and advises: ***********
Please mention your profession or rank with your reply.
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Also give some tips for clothing and getup.
2. Does defacto or in real shafirsh matters?
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Here are many topics which discuss requirements in general for passing ISSB for ground forces. I put forward a problem for discussion which will help me and of course other readers. I put forward some questions after showing you some background.

My Background: I have once applied for Pakistan army 1 year back. I passed initials without any problem.
I appeared before ISSB in Khoat but i was rejected there. Obiously i dont know the reason why. May be i misbehaved with officer taking interview and lost my temperament or i broke too much rules or i performed bad or due to the reason that i was trialed in court from criminal actions(But cases were not proved and i was not given any punishment).
I didnt join any tranning acadmey to prepare my self for issb and i didnt know how to behave there and i had no informaton about military people. After rejection, I have become intrested in Ground Military.
I received my rejection certificate. When i though of applying again i realized that i have lost it which was my key to appear again. I have now thought to apply again with my full will power to be the part of glory of Military. Because i think that Military is in my blood and I will prefer to join military at the cost of my blood and life. I am not a good muslim but i am a good patriot.

Now i want some detailed information about my questions.
1. First, How do i appear before issb againg without my rejection certificate
2. Exactly what Physcology of people do ISSB seek. Either who runs his own orders, or either who is a "YES SIR" man and does whatever he is instructed to do. I want a detailed answer about physcology.
4. How to behave before Person taking interview.
3. Is it good to join tranning acadmies.
4. Will my cases affect the judgment of ISSB.

or for my direct mobile contact and advises: 03345537914
Please mention your profession or rank with your reply.

ight u can call my cousin, he just came from ISSB, unfortunatelly he did not pass, but he can tell u wt he did wrong n stuff. 03137422125
Here are many topics which discuss requirements in general for passing ISSB for ground forces. I put forward a problem for discussion which will help me and of course other readers. I put forward some questions after showing you some background.

My Background: I have once applied for Pakistan army 1 year back. I passed initials without any problem.
I appeared before ISSB in Khoat but i was rejected there. Obiously i dont know the reason why. May be i misbehaved with officer taking interview and lost my temperament or i broke too much rules or i performed bad or due to the reason that i was trialed in court from criminal actions(But cases were not proved and i was not given any punishment).
Now i want some detailed information about my questions.
1. First, How do i appear before issb againg without my rejection certificate
You can pay a visit to your nearest selection center and can get the latest information from there, otherwise i dont think it is that big a problem.
2. Exactly what Physcology of people do ISSB seek. Either who runs his own orders, or either who is a "YES SIR" man and does whatever he is instructed to do. I want a detailed answer about physcology.
They want none of what you have mentioned.
All they require is somebody with a clear head.

The one who thinks clearly, positively and evaluate everything before he makes any decision. Because in the Army you got to be a guud decision maker as one wrong decision can get many lives screwed!

Only and only if you can think clearly then the question of 'running own orders' or 'Yes Sir' will never arise. The one giving the order is giving it after much deliberation and the one obeying it i.e. you will carry it out as you KNOW that it is legimitate and correct. So the prejudice that one has to be 'obeying' all the time has no roots at all.

Moreover, at many a times you would be required to make you own decisions, and act independently, so again you have to be a guud decision maker also. Courtesy and respect always have paramount importance in this case but then again you are an officer and you know very well what would be 'right' or 'wrong'.

Army is a very versatile carrier, today you might be firing upon the enemy, tomorrow you may have to carryout the job of police, the day after you may be carrying out tree plantation and then in the evening you may be preparing a football or hockey ground.

You may have to deal with beggars and shopkeepers and then again you might have to deal with a DPO or DCO.

You might find yourself engaged with a foreign delegation and then you may also find yourself talking to a widow who complains that her in laws has taken away all her husbands savings.

You might be kick the arse of some under command who has a lose character and at the same time you might be talking to the 'numberdar' of a village to get soldier's problem solved.

At times you might be required to get your true anger controlled and at some other occasion you might have to pretend that you out of your mind, though you might be going on a date!

So if you can do this all "perfectly" you will get the recommendation letter, if not then i m sorry you have no place in the Amry atleast!

These examples will i am sure get your mind agitated in the right direction.

4. How to behave before Person taking interview.
One word: SENSIBLY!!
3. Is it good to join tranning acadmies.
Not advisable, but if you are so concerned and away from the world, you might like to try some.
4. Will my cases affect the judgment of ISSB.
Already Answered.
Hope that this will help you!!!

Still, you are free to ask anything
Thank you very much. You have given me a good insight. But still, can you kindly amplify two terms which you have stressed upon much. "Clear head" and "Sensible". In what respect you wrote it. Also the outlook and style of a military person.
Will u please.

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