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Pashtuns are "My Cousins": Says Israeli Rabbi

The reason I said that was when most pashtun tribes come out and say that we have never been truly "defeated" or "ruled" they are technically right and there is no evidence to say otherwise. In fact there is more “evidence” in the opponent camps that back up these pashtuns claims.

"true and whats not" not much out there where you can come to certain conclusions, I am surprised you talked to that geezer for 2 hours.

Haha. Yah because i was in lab and had no work to do because it was a rainy day and i couldn’t go outside :partay: . Usually i just say “you are right”.
Here where I live in the US, we have a large diaspora of ANP and MQM types. They had to leave Pakistan when they realized most people are opposed to them and that they have no future there.

These are the types of Ex-Pakistanis who promote things like “We are actually Afghans only,” “Pakistan should be invaded by US,” and forbid their kids from indentifying with Pakistan or learning Urdu, Punjabi, etc.

These are the ones who heavily promote this Jewish origin of Pukhtoons. They also hate Pakistan and wish to be Afghans. Most of their kids have already lost their faith, Islam, and the current generation is losing Pukhto also.

Having visited and lived in KPK and North Punjab, I have a lot of Pukhtoon friends and half my family members are married into Pukhtoons (Niazis.) I know decent amount of words in Pukhto and Hindko as well.

Even being a Punjabi Rajput, I get along great with Pukhtoons, mostly relatively fresh immigrants from Pakistan, we also have a decent number of patriotic Pukhtoons too in my area in the US still connected with Pakistan.

There are a lot of similarities between the two (Rajput/Pukhtoon,) hence intermarriage between the two is common. We are both fiercely loyal and patriotic, have a strong emphasis on culture and religion, strong values of hospitality, and strong gender roles.

@OsmanAli98 @Pakhtoon yum
Actully most pakhtoons are crazy in love with Pakistan, extremely patriotic, some might say even to a fault.

You are bound to find bad fish in a pond, its life they are everywhere. In all sorts of people.

Having said that, those that say they are Afghan and by Afghan I mean from modern Afghanistan, are simply bat shit crazy. The amount of Pakhtoon culture and Heritage that exists in Pakistan, exists nowhere else in the world.

The "Pakhtoons" in afganistan are a shadow of what Pakhtoons are. They are heavily persianized and a different culture all together.

Also saying that we might be connected to the Jews of the past is no sin, and it certainly does not make us anti-islamic or against our fatherland. It's our past and we are proud of it. We are proud of our ancestors deeds and actions, including the act of embracing Islam.
Send the pusthuns to downtown gaza and let them chill with the other fake jews of israel.
Israeli Tribe of P Shaytanis
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jee jee aap to thanda paani bhi phoonk phoonk kay peetay hain...

kia hua wese bhayya dar gaye apke, josh khatam?
Wahi bhayya bhayya bhai bhai wali story.
Sau din bakenge,do din larenge,phir ek dusre ko biryani khila ke aur sau din bari bari fekenge,,,as usual,,nooklia dushmani.
Did u expect anything else this time around?
Wahi bhayya bhayya bhai bhai wali story.
Sau din bakenge,do din larenge,phir ek dusre ko biryani khila ke aur sau din bari bari fekenge,,,as usual,,nooklia dushmani

hahaha chal dil na chota kar... khelne de
Actully most pakhtoons are crazy in love with Pakistan, extremely patriotic, some might say even to a fault.

You find a lot of weirdos like this in the diaspora in the US from all communities.

My area just has a high proportion of ANP/PTM losers. I know it is not indicative of Pukhtoons in general.

These are the traitors who tell Arabs and other Muslims, “We are not actually Pakistani, but Afghan.” or “We are the more beautiful/fair/cultured type of Pakistanis.” Even “We left Pakistan because we don’t believe in it and we were forced into it.”

I don’t have much patience for them.

MQM losers are just as bad who spout “We are actually Indians.” “We should have stayed in India.” “Karachi should be independent.” “Punjabis, Pukhtoons, Sindhis did us wrong, so we left Pakistan.”

They are a minority also, but over represented in US.

You find diaspora Arabs like this also who try to deride everyone else to give themselves an ego trip.
Wrong, All or most of the pashtun tribes (60 tribes or so) have never been defeated. Yes some tribes were defeated and ruled by the above. But there is no evidence that all or most tribes have been defeafed and all their land ruled. One of main reasons is and was, pashtun never had a centric point from where they could be ruled, even today. Your other points are out of context and no substance, mostly facebook and some blogs stuff.

We can make it either very tricky or very simple. We first need to determine if the discussion is about Pashtoons/Afghans, or Afghanistan? Not all tribes may have surrendered to the invaders but Afghanistan as a territory has been conquered in its entirety and ruled by foreign invaders far longer than the locals. Alexander marched into Afghanistan after defeating Darius III, suggesting Afghanistan was either under a complete rule or suzerainty of the Persians. Cyrus and his successors had properly ruled over Afghanistan. These are the Kingdoms that ruled Afghanistan after Alexander's death one after another:

* Seleucid Empire (Greek): they ruled as far as the Mediterranean
* Muryans empire (Indian)
* Parthians (Persian)
* Indo-Parthians (Persian) broke away from original Parthians & took Eastern Afghanistan & ruled much of Pakistan
* Greco-Bactrian (Greek), came from Greek population in Afghanistan (Greeks never left)
* Indo-Greeks (Greeks who broke away from Greco-Bactrians), ruled much of Central and Northern Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan, and Turkmenistan.
*Indo-Scythians (Persian), took Southern Afghanistan and almost entire modern day Pakistan.
* Kushan Empire (Indo-Europeans people); entire Afghanistan, Pakistan, and North Central India.
* Sasanian Empire (Persian); entire Afghanistan and Pakistan.

--> Hephthalites: Persian influenced Central Asian tribe living in Afghanistan. Not Pashtoons or their precursor tribes but perhaps first locals or localized people to rule Afghanistan in a very long time.

* Arab conquest of Afghanistan
* Post Arab conquest many of the kingdoms that came to rule Afghanistan, including the Ghaznavids, were largely Persianide Turkic (including Seljuic) Mamluk dynasties.

In between, there may have been instances of local rules in small pockets.

* The local Afghan/Pashtoon tribe that eventually succeeded in taking Afghanistan from foreigners was Durrani tribe. Ahmed Shah Abdali has rightly earned the title of "Ahmed Shah Baba."

* Ranjeet Singh later took what is now KPK and small pockets of North-Eastern Afghanistan.

* The British were defeated in Afghanistan but they kept what is now KPK.

Afghanistan is indeed a graveyard of empires, not only because Pashtoons are hard to subjugate but also because foreign invaders have fought each other for it as well.

Note: It appears that the Greeks never left. They assimilated with the locals.
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You find a lot of weirdos like this in the diaspora in the US from all communities.

My area just has a high proportion of ANP/PTM losers. I know it is not indicative of Pukhtoons in general.

These are the traitors who tell Arabs and other Muslims, “We are not actually Pakistani, but Afghan.” or “We are the more beautiful/fair/cultured type of Pakistanis.” Even “We left Pakistan because we don’t believe in it and we were forced into it.”

I don’t have much patience for them.

MQM losers are just as bad who spout “We are actually Indians.” “We should have stayed in India.” “Karachi should be independent.” “Punjabis, Pukhtoons, Sindhis did us wrong, so we left Pakistan.”

They are a minority also, but over represented in US.

You find diaspora Arabs like this also who try to deride everyone else to give themselves an ego trip.

Isnt is strange they all seem to live in Southern States like Florida and Texas I mean Houston is filled with these Balochi and Pathan sepratists scums you never find these folks in big cities like NY or LA but in the suburbs for some reason but I agree they are just a minority who get air time when something happens in South Asia

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We can make it either very tricky or very simple. We first need to determine if the discussion is about Pashtoons/Afghans, or Afghanistan? Not all tribes may have surrendered to the invaders but Afghanistan

All pashtun territory, the maps you see today of the empires you mentioned are badly drawn for example not taking the ground realities that existed. Compare it to the soviet and American "rule" over Afghanistan. Yes they ruled certain stretches and pockets but thats about it. Like I said the pashtun are not centric, one of the reason all or most never came under direct rule. Not to forget some afghans/pashtuns worked alongside, the turks, arabs, Persians.... Show me one credible source that suggests that 60 or most pashtun tribes were under direct rule or most of their present territory was. Dont pull out maps ...or long stories keep it sweet, short backed up by evidence.
You find a lot of weirdos like this in the diaspora in the US from all communities.

My area just has a high proportion of ANP/PTM losers. I know it is not indicative of Pukhtoons in general.

These are the traitors who tell Arabs and other Muslims, “We are not actually Pakistani, but Afghan.” or “We are the more beautiful/fair/cultured type of Pakistanis.” Even “We left Pakistan because we don’t believe in it and we were forced into it.”

I don’t have much patience for them.

MQM losers are just as bad who spout “We are actually Indians.” “We should have stayed in India.” “Karachi should be independent.” “Punjabis, Pukhtoons, Sindhis did us wrong, so we left Pakistan.”

They are a minority also, but over represented in US.

You find diaspora Arabs like this also who try to deride everyone else to give themselves an ego trip.
Lmao, they arent worth ur attention dont try to argue with them. They will disappear eventually
Isnt is strange they all seem to live in Southern States like Florida and Texas I mean Houston is filled with these Balochi and Pathan sepratists scums you never find these folks in big cities like NY or LA but in the suburbs for some reason but I agree they are just a minority who get air time when something happens in South Asia


They want to live in isolated places where they won't face their compatriots. They want to build idyllic communities in the middle on nowhere where they can brainwash people into their ideology.

Very difficult in NYC and NorthEast with the constant inflow of Pakistanis from the homeland or Pakistanis well-connected back home.
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