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Pashtuns are "My Cousins": Says Israeli Rabbi

Chosen people in chosen land.
There are no chosen/ unchosen among muslims, it is a zionist concept in direct contradiction to Islam. The only chosen people are muslims as a whole. If u want to go down this road then i can make an even bigger distinction regarding my hetitage which will make the choosen lost tribe look insignificant but this is not how muslims think.
There are no chosen/ unchosen among muslims, it is a zionist concept in direct contradiction to Islam. The only chosen people are muslims as a whole. If u want to go down this road then i can make an even bigger distinction regarding my hetitage which will make the choosen lost tribe look insignificant but this is not how muslims think.
So "Pathan" is the actual name and not "Pashtun" or "Pukhtoon" ??

We call ourself Pakhtoon. Others call us Pashtoon or Pathan. Its common believe that different Sardar (mashran = elders) of Pashtoons went to Prophet Muhammad and embraced Islam. Upon whose return all members of thise tribes accepted islam. (Thats why the number of non-muslim Pathan are less then 0.0001%. ). Now, Theories suggest that the word Pathan came to its existance when Holy Prophet Asked Hazrat Khalid Ibn e waleed to seek Pashtoons help in some war (dont remember the name). So Pashtoon fought that war along armies of Islam. Due to courage and fighting skills of Pathan fighters. Prophet Muhammad titled us “Bathan”. Which is the name of the front wooden part of ship that is too strong so that it can sustain strong waves. Bathan became Pathan when it entered sub-cintinent.

But there are some flaws in this theory.

1. There is no historical proof (as far as i know) that Pashtoon fought wars Along arab armies in the life of Prophet Muhammad.

2. Prophet Muhammad once said to one of his companion (Abu huraira) in a fun way. (Cant go to the full context... next time). So that companion ditched his real names and we all now know him by the name (Abu huraira : in english it means father of a Kitten). So, thats the sentiment. And when holy Prophet Titled us Bathan. Then how is it that we still call ourself Pashtoon and not Pathan despite the fact that Pathan are very devoted muslims.

So as per my short knowledge i think this record is at best tempered and at worst myth.
They are attempting no doubt to cause dissent among the Pashtuns against the state of Pakistan. Well, good luck with that as Pashtuns are as patriotic as a Pakistani can get. There is no way in hell any honourable Pashtun will associate with such filth.

We call ourself Pakhtoon. Others call us Pashtoon or Pathan. Its common believe that different Sardar (mashran = elders) of Pashtoons went to Prophet Muhammad and embraced Islam. Upon whose return all members of thise tribes accepted islam. (Thats why the number of non-muslim Pathan are less then 0.0001%. ). Now, Theories suggest that the word Pathan came to its existance when Holy Prophet Asked Hazrat Khalid Ibn e waleed to seek Pashtoons help in some war (dont remember the name). So Pashtoon fought that war along armies of Islam. Due to courage and fighting skills of Pathan fighters. Prophet Muhammad titled us “Bathan”. Which is the name of the front wooden part of ship that is too strong so that it can sustain strong waves. Bathan became Pathan when it entered sub-cintinent.

But there are some flaws in this theory.

1. There is no historical proof (as far as i know) that Pashtoon fought wars Along arab armies in the life of Prophet Muhammad.

2. Prophet Muhammad once said to one of his companion (Abu huraira) in a fun way. (Cant go to the full context... next time). So that companion ditched his real names and we all now know him by the name (Abu huraira : in english it means father of a Kitten). So, thats the sentiment. And when holy Prophet Titled us Bathan. Then how is it that we still call ourself Pashtoon and not Pathan despite the fact that Pathan are very devoted muslims.

So as per my short knowledge i think this record is at best tempered and at worst myth.
I dont think this to be true as muslims didnt fight large scale battles on foriegn lands in the life of Prophet(pbuh), it can be that Pashtun warriors joined muslims during the reign of Abu Bakr(RA) or Umar(RA) and yes someone high must have given them that title as it is well earned even today.
They are attempting no doubt to cause dissent among the Pashtuns against the state of Pakistan. Well, good luck with that as Pashtuns are as patriotic as a Pakistani can get. There is no way in hell any honourable Pashtun will associate with such filth.

I dont think this to be true as muslims didnt fight large scale battles on foriegn lands in the life of Prophet(pbuh), it can be that Pashtun warriors joined muslims during the reign of Abu Bakr(RA) or Umar(RA) and yes someone high must have given them that title as it is well earned even today.

Exactly. There are two posibilities.

1. It happened but in the Rashedeen’s time period.

2. It didn’t happened at all.

Now, some people says that too much influence of its culture, language and ethnic inflence on a Pathan eventually harm his nationalism. But i find it wrong rather Opposite. With the increase in ethnic influence on me, i found myself a more devoted and dedicated nationalist. I am more biased when it come to ethnic discussions. I usually says to friends that i dream of the day when PM, President, CJP, COAS, and all other big offices have a Pashtoon sitting in it not due to some nepotisim or favor but education, competence, merit and qualification. A prosperous Pashtoon will Always give back to his land. Thats for sure. They say lar-o-bar Pakhtoon. I say,

Lar o bar Pakhtoon
Lar o bar Pakistan.
yeah the pakhtoons know very well how the jews get along with their REAL cousins the ARABS! thanks but no thanks, take your kosher cousin love and shove it up your kosher bungholes where the sun don't shine!
Exactly. There are two posibilities.

1. It happened but in the Rashedeen’s time period.

2. It didn’t happened at all.

Now, some people says that too much influence of its culture, language and ethnic inflence on a Pathan eventually harm his nationalism. But i find it wrong rather Opposite. With the increase in ethnic influence on me, i found myself a more devoted and dedicated nationalist. I am more biased when it come to ethnic discussions. I usually says to friends that i dream of the day when PM, President, CJP, COAS, and all other big offices have a Pashtoon sitting in it not due to some nepotisim or favor but education, competence, merit and qualification. A prosperous Pashtoon will Always give back to his land. Thats for sure. They say lar-o-bar Pakhtoon. I say,

Lar o bar Pakhtoon
Lar o bar Pakistan.
Equal education and economic opportunities to all provinces and then yes the best man should get the post regardless of punjabi or pashtoon. Remember ethinic nationalism can be our biggest fault line, the only nationalism we should knw must be Pakistani nationalism.

I am still of a mind that the enemy made a mistake when he constituted the plan to break Pakistan, they used religion against us, although it devastated us yet that is the only thing that unites us in the first place so we prevailed yet if the enemy had used ethinicty instead of religion 15 yrs ago, i fear Pakistan would be no more. It is not possible now as they have missed there chance as we have now smartened up to 5g war and counter terror yet as u can see they have realised their mistake, a little too late yet they have realised it, hence the recent wave of supoort for groups like PTM.

An ideal Pakistan in my view would be divided in 20 or more provinces in such anway that there is no longer a Punjab, Sindh or Pakhtoonkhwa but merged populations essentially eliminating the only serious clinch left in our armour.

You should not dream of Pashtoon COAS, CJ etc but compitent Pakistanis in such posts regardless of ethinicity. It is not like Pashtoons have bieng denied such honours, Pakistan has seen its fair share of Pashtoons in power corridors from COAS to DG ISI to Presidents and so on.
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Well even if these claims are true, it can lead to only one possibility i.e diamond cuts diamond.
My only wish is that the said long lost cousins go through zionists like a hot knife goes through butter and put an end to their transgressions once and for all.
Once upon a time, I was discussing this theory with a friend in my university & a Pashtoon friend standing nearby took offense. The Rabbis and the Israelites must be careful about this. Next thing you know the Taliban are marching to Israel looking to establish Emirate of West Afghanistan.
6. Another myth that we were not defeated ever. Just to name some, we were defeated by Alixender, Ranjeet singh, british and many others that i dont remember. Amd we were not just defeated but were ruled. Even by the Punjabis (that some Afghani Pashtoon pass derogatory remarks about). We may be great warriors, but we are not the greatest. We are defeatible. We CAN be ruled and we WERE ruled.

Wrong, All or most of the pashtun tribes (60 tribes or so) have never been defeated. Yes some tribes were defeated and ruled by the above. But there is no evidence that all or most tribes have been defeafed and all their land ruled. One of main reasons is and was, pashtun never had a centric point from where they could be ruled, even today. Your other points are out of context and no substance, mostly facebook and some blogs stuff.
Gene's change, what doesnt change is the cultural and linguistic hints and their are many to be found. Like the star of David in our art.
You are correct to say that genes change; but if there is some connection; there would at-least be the slightest genetic link; however there is nothing.

Also, the Star of David was/is common among Muslim art throughout the world.

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