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Pashtuns are jews ... A documentary...lost tribes of Israel.

Central Asians and the earlier Aryans are by far the largest external input into the area but not the only.

Pashtuns are certainly not Jews but it is possible individual post-Moses Israelites moved to the area, merged with people, and remnants of their legacy exist.

I am sure centuries before the state of Israel, descendants from Prophet Ibrahim and Ketura [who were not Jews] were in the area. Genesis 25:6 says Prophet Ibrahim instructed his sons from Ketura to go to the lands of the East, as far East as they can. This was very early in history and Scythians had yet to arrive in the area.
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What would one call, half Dehli wala and half Kashmiri? North Indian or Pakistani?
What would one call, half Dehli wala and half Kashmiri? North Indian or Pakistani?
Pakistani is a nationality while Kashmiri, North Indians are regions ...
that's why full delhi walas have been our presidents, COAS, CJ, Governors
Anyone can convert and claim to be a jew but not Israelite as in race ------ now its pretty evident that pakhtoon ,polish etc aren't Israelites simply because of the Caucasian features .

Quran addresses both Isrealites and jews as well -------.

Even Jews don't know anymore who they really are, or which ones are authentic Jews. Today Zionists are the ones who dictate the narrative of Judaism. It is the Zionists who created the illegal state of israel. So sure, if someone wants to lump in Pukhtun as Jews, does not have any baring on reality.
Pashtuns are simply Central Asians and probably the oldest Persian offshoot.

Lost this lost that bla bla bla. Even the original Pashtu accent is pretty much Persianized as compared to the distorted Pashtu accent in Pakistan.
Pashtuns are genetically more South asian with minor central asian component..
pashto is from the indo Iranian group of languages therefor has commonalities yet very different from persian.
What is up with pakistanis trying to be some other race. First its arab then its persian then turkish, then greek. Jeez what is wrong with you all.
What is up with pakistanis trying to be some other race. First its arab then its persian then turkish, then greek. Jeez what is wrong with you all.
No it's the Jewish guy claiming them as jews,
I wonder who has recently fingered the Jews from Israel. They are jumping up and down since the last three days with multiple posts.
At present Israel is arming the Northern Alliance. It is also known that 9/11 was a Jewish conspiracy using Al Qaeda rogue elements.

When you present , analyze or accept any piece of evidence or information,
please firstly question the source,
then question the rationale through which the information is being manifested,
One could make a video, pashtuns are greek / aryan mix , or are nordic, or they are from arabia

would that means it is true ?
how would one establish lineage ? where are the DNA samples ? where is the historical proof of migration and connection ?

Stop posting these silly videos, made by insecure people,
What is up with pakistanis trying to be some other race. First its arab then its persian then turkish, then greek. Jeez what is wrong with you all.

LOL it is your Jewish brothers that are peddling these theories. There are tons of Jewish sources claiming how Pashtun are supposed to be an Israeli tribe.

Just do a little Google search Hindustani. You must be feeling down and out why they never considered you LOL
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