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Paris police order 'systematic eviction' of Roma gypsies


Aug 13, 2013
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I saw a lot of roms in the "carrefour market" of my city.
they have disappeared... Where are they ? :D

A leaked police note ordering officers to “systematically evict” Roma gypsies from a chic Paris district has sparked uproar in France and re-ignited a debate about their presence in the country.

The internal note, drawn up by a police chief in Paris’ sixth arrondissement and written “on the orders” of his superiors, instructs police “day and night” to “locate Roma families living in the street and systematically evict them”.

It is illegal in France for police to stop and single out any population according to their “real or supposed nationality”.

Jean-Pierre Lecoq, mayor of the sixth arrondissement from the centre-Right UMP party, said he was “not shocked” by the tone of the note.

“What shocks me is to see Roma families in the street with very young children, which is unacceptable from a human and social point of view,” he told Le Parisien.

The area, he said, had seen a “massive” influx of Roma families over the past two months, which prompted him to complain to local police authorities.

He added: “The number of families has tripled. It’s a real problem.”

The mayor’s complaints led to the crackdown, according to a police source.

Police say the Roma presence has increased in the 6th arrondissement because they have been chased out of neighboring areas.

“It’s musical chairs”, Jean-Pierre Colombies, an official with the SNOP-SCSI police union, told Le Parisien. “We chase the Roma from one place to another, from one arrondissement to another and it resolves nothing.

Given the scale of the controversy, Bernard Cazeneuve, the interior minister, said the note had been “rectified”.

But he said the police had respected the law and were obliged to “fight illegal begging and the exploitation of minors and prevent families with young children from sleeping in the street”.

The affair has reignited a heated debate about how to deal with a growing Roma population in Paris and other big cities.

Stéphane Le Foll, spokesman for president François Hollande’s Socialist government, denied there was a Roma “invasion”, but said: “We must try and get them to return to where they came from, to Romania or Bulgaria”.

“The aim is to avoid people in the capital making people in the capital in a situation of difficulty and poverty making everyone extremely nervous. Parisians no longer accept this presence,” he said.

Jean-Marc Bailleuil, head of the main police officers’ union, SCSI, said the language in the note was “poorly chosen”. But he said the police “lack clear legal means to fight against delinquency coming from Eastern Europe and the influx of Roma”.

An Amnesty International study released last week accused French police of using excessive force against Roma people, especially when evicting them from illegal camps.

Last year French authorities expelled a record 20,000 Roma – practically the entire population currently in France.

Last September, Manuel Valls, the then interior minister, declared that Roma gypsies were incompatible with the French way of life and should return home.

Paris police order 'systematic eviction' of Roma gypsies - Telegraph
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@Gabriel92 Happy Easter!
Every Sunday I go to church, I see gypsies roaming near it and begging. To be honest - it irritates me ...
Well technically Gypsies are genetically Indian so in essence secular France and some Europeans have issue with Indians in their cities , indirectly of course and they deny them nationality.

Very Dodgy stuff

Yes the French want Indians to but the Rafael fighter Jet

Double standard isn't it , sadly


vs Indian heritage lad


One is politically accepted and other is not , just because its good for sales of this, well its is France after all , where you have to eat pork to be muslim


It's very sad that India does not stands up for people that are technically genetically close to Indians who migrated over time to Europe and were denied citizenship , which meant they became educationally backward and with no real nationality
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Well technically Gypsies are genetically Indian so in essence secular France and some Europeans have issue with Indians in their cities , indirectly of course and they deny them nationality.

Very Dodgy stuff

Yes the French want Indians to but the Rafael fighter Jet

Double standard isn't it , sadly

There is nothing called as Indian ethnicity and the problem that Europeans have with Gypsies is their internal problem.
Well technically Gypsies are genetically Indian so in essence secular France and some Europeans have issue with Indians in their cities , indirectly of course and they deny them nationality.

Very Dodgy stuff

Yes the French want Indians to but the Rafael fighter Jet

Double standard isn't it , sadly
most of europe is racist towards romas why only france. Although to be fair they are from eastern europe so its not responsibility of french govt.
Christ is Risen !

What exactly irritate you... Gypsies or Gypsies begging?

Gypsies begging,gypsies stealing,etc.Their life style,behaviour,not their etnicity.

most of europe is racist towards romas why only france. Although to be fair they are from eastern europe so its not responsibility of french govt.

Well,they told us,Slovakia,Czech Republic that sterilising them is racist,inapropriate.
Well provided the Gypsies are given

a) Full Nationality
b) Access to Education and health care, 2-3 generations assisted by Local governments to
get appropriate skills and jobs
c) Jobs in society

Their social economy situation would remain such that are forced to beg, not their fault its , fault of European civil rule

Any talk or sterilizing them is same as Genocide in my humble opinion and war crime

Two children born on European soil one Gypsie and one European any kind

a) One does not gets education , other gets full education
b) One gets minimum nutrition , other gets medium to full level care and nutrition
c) One is given no health benefits , other gets full medical services
d) One can't write the name , other gets University education
e) One is not given jobs , due to lack of education other , gets job since assisted from start

The issue is just simple , Europeans like to preserve jobs for "Preferred" racial standard , and Gysies are generally deprived of their birth rights (Considering many are born on European Soil)
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Christ is Risen !

Gypsies begging,gypsies stealing,etc.Their life style,behaviour,not their etnicity.

Well,they told us,Slovakia,Czech Republic that sterilising them is racist,inapropriate.
well thats because western europe is PC, but they consider you equally subhuman if not more. They wont tell you directly though.. (most likely here only bitch about how NHS is getting clogged because romanian and bulgarian etc).
Well provided the Gypsies are given

a) Full Nationality
b) Access to Education and health care
c) Jobs in society

Their social economy situation would remain such that are forced to beg, not their fault its , fault of European civil rule

Any talk or sterilizing them is same as Genocide in my humble opinion and war crime

Except that they are given all of this but they refuse to integrate.When they can't accept that simple things such as child marriage are imoral,illegal and have to enforce these rules by armed police breaking gypsie weddings and taking the children,we have a huge problem integrating them.
Well there is no substantial evidence of support to Gypsies

No one loves to beg unless its the last resort
well thats because western europe is PC, but they consider you equally subhuman if not more. They wont tell you directly though.. (most likely here only bitch about how NHS is getting clogged because romanian and bulgarian etc).

I really didn't see this attitude towards EE.Yes,there's moaning about taking their jobs,etc but not "considering us subhuman,gypsie style".You went to far with that statement,plus,sometimes gypsies are used to portray EE.I saw this in the UK,showing gypsies camping outdoors doing all kinds of nasty stuff and saying "this is how the Romanians act".Another example,they went to a gypsie village in Romania and portrayed it "This is how the Romanians live" but in both cases they were showing 100% gypsies.

Well there is no substantial evidence of support to Gypsies

No one loves to beg unless its the last resort

Wrong.It's the opposite for them.I know it's easy judging the situation from afar and pointing fingers but i've lived all my life near them,i know what i'm talking about.
Except that they are given all of this but they refuse to integrate.When they can't accept that simple things such as child marriage are imoral,illegal and have to enforce these rules by armed police breaking gypsie weddings and taking the children,we have a huge problem integrating them.

Hey, weren't Gypsies kept as slaves for many centuries in Eastern Europe?

You can't expect people that have been treated this way in the past to become productive citizens overnight.
Well provided the Gypsies are given

a) Full Nationality
b) Access to Education and health care, 2-3 generations assisted by Local governments to
get appropriate skills and jobs
c) Jobs in society

Their social economy situation would remain such that are forced to beg, not their fault its , fault of European civil rule

Any talk or sterilizing them is same as Genocide in my humble opinion and war crime

Two children born on European soil one Gypsie and one European any kind

a) One does not gets education , other gets full education
b) One gets minimum nutrition , other gets medium to full level care and nutrition
c) One is given no health benefits , other gets full medical services
d) One can't write the name , other gets University education
e) One is not given jobs , due to lack of education other , gets job since assisted from start

The issue is just simple , Europeans like to preserve jobs for "Preferred" racial standard , and Gysies are generally deprived of their birth rights (Considering many are born on European Soil)

This is more and more wrong !

Personal,TRUE example.....3 years ago my father had a cerebral attack,we went to hospital.Technically,if you work in Romania you have free healthcare and minimum healthcare even if you don't work.

So my father,has been working for over 35 years,we get him interned but as per Romanian tradition the doctors tell us that we have to pay for his medicines while he's in the hospital because they have none to spare due to the poverty of the health system altough they were supposed to be free.That amounted to some 40 euros per day in medicine per the next 3 weeks (the minimum wage is 190 euros in here !)+ some 300-400 euros bribe for the doctors to be sure they'll do their job..Do the math !!

A few days later they brought a gypsie into the ward but when they told his family they have to buy medine for him they rioted (about 30 of them).The doctors immediately backed down and told the nurses to bring all what's needed from hospital reserves ! I was shocked,that gypsie didn't have a "working card" nor "an insurance card" like my father but he was receiving it ALL FOR FREE while i was borrowing money like crazy from friends because the whole situation caught me off guard......SPARE ME YOUR KNOWLEDGE PLS!! i live through these situations.

Hey, weren't Gypsies kept as slaves for many centuries in Eastern Europe?

You can't expect people that have been treated this way in the past to become productive citizens overnight.

They were freed in the middle of the 19th century.A lot of water pored through the Danube since then,as we say.
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Hey, weren't Gypsies kept as slaves for many centuries in Eastern Europe?

You can't expect people that have been treated this way in the past to become productive citizens overnight.
I have had experience with roma people, not very nice one. But educated people tend to rise above such personal bias and think why are an awful lot of them like that. It cant be genetic?
can anything be done that can change them, because other communities which did get some help are doing better everyday. Look at african or south asian community.
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