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Paris police accidentally set fire to suspect as Taser ignites tear gas

Yes this is a very serious concern, it is one of the reasons why police forces in the U.K now use Captor2 P.A.V.A spray vs traditional OC/CS Sprays. Also U.K police are replacing the X26 with the more powerful X2:


P.S: great video to demonstrate why sometimes when people are fueled by drink and drugs or have mental health issues, you have no option but to escalate force.
thats gotta hurt, mind you after he got hit with the baton he still confronted the police resulting in the teary fiery punch. its not that bad tbh the fire quickly died i assume the tear gas actually has some petroleum based liquids in it (gas). just train the police not to use the taser them after they've been given tear gas.

Or replace it with PAVA, PAVA even works on dogs and animals. Normal CS doesn't., not the concentration they use in civilian incapacitant sprays which is about 4%. Most likely the officer deployed CS before a taser officer arrived on scene.
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