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Panetta believes Israel may strike Iran this spring

Hussein the more posts of yours I read the less time I am going to be spend behind the tv for entertainment.

1. i never mentioned or brought anything up about jews and FYI I dont hate them either and it would be interesting to know how you reached that conclusion? I admire their contribution to science and specially like reading Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Walt, Tony judt, etc. You need more than medical help, you need glasses too! Lol

2. You have nothing left to explain two-sided bolshevik loving nazi scum! You are the one who is brain-washed. A minute ago you were insulting my intelligence but you can't seem to write any coherent and comprehensible sentences yourself once confeonted with facts. All you got is "you people brainwashed duka duka duka arggggg brainwashed duka duka duka. I love Israhell, you hate jews... More duka duka duka".

Kid grow up, come with your true identity if you got a pair!
I care about Turkey, it was an important ally once until the Islamic party took over and the secular army was uprooted. I was once in Turkey myself, the people were nice and the scenery beautiful, hate to see you become Islamic Republic of Iran V2.

The only reason Turkey has been a strategic ally of Israel in the past was because Turkey was run by a military dictatorship that has been a lapdog of USA and NATO. Now Turkey is a free and democratic state with the most popular leader since Attaturk. Israel now has to contend with Turkish public opinion and not some handful of generals. Your crimes against your neighbours will never win the support of the Turkish public, no matter who is in power.
If Israel attack on Iran then Iran should retaliate as if there is no tomorrow. Go all out and make your mark. You guys have glorious past against bigot Saddam aggression. State of Israel has has no right to attack on sovereign nation with or without valid causes because israel itself stand on the bloods of poor Pelistini people.
If Israel attack on Iran then Iran should retaliate as if there is no tomorrow. Go all out and make your mark. You guys have glorious past against bigot Saddam aggression. State of Israel has has no right to attack on sovereign nation with or without valid causes because israel itself stand on the bloods of poor Pelistini people.
attack with what? The jets that don't have the range and the bombs that can't penetrate Iranian defences? Even America's MOP can't penetrate Iranian defences and this is according to the Americans. MOP can't even be fitted on Israel jets so what they have is even worse.
Pentagon developing more powerful bunker buster bomb | Mail Online

Americans are the only ones capable of hitting Iran and even they will need new bombs and a massive ground force to completely knock out the Iranian facilities.

Than there is the simple fact that all Iranian facilities are live, meaning that our reactors are functioning reactors and our enrichment facilities are enriching uranium as we speak. No nation in history has ever bombed live facilities. There are reports that up to 3 million Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani and Indian civilians would die if that were to happen.
If Israel attack on Iran then Iran should retaliate as if there is no tomorrow. Go all out and make your mark. You guys have glorious past against bigot Saddam aggression. State of Israel has has no right to attack on sovereign nation with or without valid causes because israel itself stand on the bloods of poor Pelistini people.

The only way Israeli jets can get to Iran is if they refuel over Saudi Arabia and that can happen only if Saudi Arabia give permission.
Ummah totally broken?
The only way Israeli jets can get to Iran is if they refuel over Saudi Arabia and that can happen only if Saudi Arabia give permission.
Ummah totally broken?
Actually not just that, they will need to refuel over Iran as well. The distance between Bushehr (Iran's light water reactor) and research facilities up North is the same as the distance between Bushehr and Israel. They will need to refuel twice over Iran. There will literally be more support planes than fighter jets in such a mission and these Boeing fuel tankers are easy targets. In order to refuel, the jets will have to slow down as well and that would make them vulnerable.

They would need HUNDREDS of fuel planes, figheter jets and other support planes. This is practically impossible. On top of that, their bombs are useless. The 13 ton American bunker busters aren't even enough (according to the Pentagon). All these discussions make me laugh.

READ people. It's not so hard to understand why Iran and Israel have never hit each other directly and never will.
The Isralis could strike with jericho missile what they can't reach with fighters..however it is there is NO WAY the fighters can reach Iran if Saudi Arabia does not play ball. Man this forum should be fun if that happens!!
The Isralis could strike with jericho missile what they can't reach with fighters..however it is there is NO WAY the fighters can reach Iran if Saudi Arabia does not play ball. Man this forum should be fun if that happens!!
I'm not very knowledged about this sort of stuff but I think your post deserves a gool ol' face palm picture.

The Pentagon says that a 13 ton mother effin bunker buster that is dropped from a B-2 right on top of the facility can't penetrate, you counter by giving me a story about a Jericho missile which has a 1 ton warhead? I'm guessing that you're sane enough that you're talking about a conventional warhead and not a nuclear tipped Jericho.

And again, Saudi or no Saudi, they would have to refuel two more times on Iran, which makes things even more impossible.
soon the people of Iran and Syria will have there freedom

god bless the power of good

well Since you have initiated self destruct i guess you are right soon people of the world not only Syria or Iran will enjoy freedom.
The Isralis could strike with jericho missile what they can't reach with fighters..however it is there is NO WAY the fighters can reach Iran if Saudi Arabia does not play ball. Man this forum should be fun if that happens!!

It will be even more fun if the Saudis get balls and shoot down the Israeli jets entering there airspace.
Actually not just that, they will need to refuel over Iran as well. The distance between Bushehr (Iran's light water reactor) and research facilities up North is the same as the distance between Bushehr and Israel. They will need to refuel twice over Iran. There will literally be more support planes than fighter jets in such a mission and these Boeing fuel tankers are easy targets. In order to refuel, the jets will have to slow down as well and that would make them vulnerable.

They would need HUNDREDS of fuel planes, figheter jets and other support planes. This is practically impossible. On top of that, their bombs are useless. The 13 ton American bunker busters aren't even enough (according to the Pentagon). All these discussions make me laugh.

READ people. It's not so hard to understand why Iran and Israel have never hit each other directly and never will.

In perhaps the most startling instance of sabre-rattling so far, Moshe Yaalon, who heads Israel's strategic affairs ministry and is a former commander of the military, said all of Iran's nuclear installations were vulnerable.

However, this appears to contradict the assessments of foreign experts and Israeli defence officials who regard the uranium enrichment facility at Qom as too deep underground to be hit effectively from the air.

Israeli plans for air strikes are in place. They reportedly envisage a five-day barrage that would attack the uranium-enrichment facility at Natanz, other nuclear-related installations and military sites.

Read more: Iranian leader vows to cut out 'cancer' of Israel
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