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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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No, report will be made public but to what extent we don't know. Parties (respondents and petitioners) shall be given copies of report, most prolly findings and recommendations part, SC can't rule anything without letting parties know the relevant parts of the report. Sharifs shall be given right to impugn the contents of report.

True that, courts have endless discretion at their disposal. I sincerely hope that entire report is made public.

Absolutely! But not trial, lets call it a hearing.

I would love to read every word of it.

SC will have to release relevant parts if not the report in its entirety, law require

It should be ideally since report has got nothing to do with national security.
well jit report after being read by 3 judges will be given to both parties.
1..... attorney general .for further procedings for criminal case
2. to ns lawyer n ik lawyer.......... so eventually its in public either way
well 7/8members of ns family, 6/7 heads of institutaions,plus many individuals appeared in jit for questions,
60plus days of jit findings, plus proofs. need time to be read, and seprate truth from myth.
but only 3 members will read the report of jit, not khosa n gulzar. then they will write there judgement.
but being head of bench......... khosa will give the final blow n head of ns, by reading verdict

Justice Wajihuddin says thht Justice Khosa and zgulzar can make some additions/revisit their previous verdct too based in JIT report... I hope its true..

So theres some confusion regd what will happen now?
are kaise jail ho jayegi? HUssain Nawaz to resident hai hi nahi Pakistan ka!! Why should he declare assets to Govt of Pak? yeh konsa kanoon hai?

He's a dual national plus he holds NTN number. He's a benamdar of his father, now deal with it. It's not mandatory for him to file returns but for this he has to prove he's rightful owner of two BVI based offshore companies first. He has to prove his beneficial ownership to bailout his father and sister. So far no one knows the actual ownership, a valid memorandum of association showing his ownership is all required to solve all this mess; unfortunately he has failed to produce any such document.

I'm noticing you're beating about bush, if you have something constructive to share here please feel free, I will not allow posts which have got nothing to do with three pending petitions before apex court.
If it is proven that the flats were acquired in early 90s, his father will be responsible to show the legit money trail.

oh Bhai mere ,
about that letter? That qattari prince's letter...
can you prove he is wrong?
Justice Wajihuddin says thht Justice Khosa and zgulzar can make some additions/revisit their previous verdct too based in JIT report... I hope its true..

So theres some confusion regd what will happen now?
no........... nothing like that will happen.
the only thing that will happen is
5.0 against nawaz n family. n guys dont underestimate j azmat saeed .. (pindi boy_)
wajid zia ... FIA. merah gharian hy, murree hills......
No, report will be made public but to what extent we don't know. Parties (respondents and petitioners) shall be given copies of report, most prolly findings and recommendations part, SC can't rule anything without letting parties know the relevant parts of the report. Sharifs shall be given right to impugn the contents of report.

Till now, all the reports, except that related to probe on pic leak, have been made public. The recent one is FIA's report against SECP chairman. I think the entire report is with media now.

So there is no reason that JIT's report will not be made public. It is however not clear if SC will make it public tomorrow, or they will read the report first before handing it over to media for public information.

oh Bhai mere ,
about that letter? That qattari prince's letter...
can you prove he is wrong?

Page 1 to 153 of this thread please!
he has to prove he's rightful owner of two BVI based offshore companies first. He has to prove his beneficial ownership to bailout his father and sister. So far no one knows the actual ownership, a valid memorandum of association showing his ownership is all required to solve all this mess; unfortunately he has failed to produce any such document.

That's the point, now you here you go!!

1. Why should he prove? If he proves then this means money trails back to Pakistan. It is the job of investigation agency to prove it to prove that these shell companies were actually managed by him with a fake management.
2. If the bonds are not in his name or any company not in his name through which collateral loan was taken from bank of Scotland, how come he comes in the picture?
Till now, all the reports, except that related to probe on pic leak, have been made public. The recent one is FIA's report against SECP chairman. I think the entire report is with media now.

So there is no reason that JIT's report will not be made public. It is however not clear if SC will make it public tomorrow, or they will read the report first before handing it over to media for public information.

No report has been made public officially.. Those reports (JIT's complaints, their response to H Nawaz allegations) have been "leaked" to the media..and not in full.. Even FIA's report's conclusions have been made public.. Not the actual enquiry report
oh Bhai mere ,
about that letter? That qattari prince's letter...
can you prove he is wrong?
JIT is not bound by any law to prove he is wrong(liar_).. he him self has to prove .......the letter is bullshit without any certified proof of his claims in letter..
if they had any iota of proof. even in begining of court procedings.. the monkey would not be jumping on trees now.......... would it...
JIT chief reportedly hires cousin to probe Sharif family in UK

The head of Supreme Court’s Joint Investigation Team, Wajid Zia has hired his cousin to probe Sharif family in Panama Papers case, The Nation has learnt.

Sources close to the development say that Akhtar Riaz Raja is associated with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and runs a private firm by the name of Quist Solicitors in the United Kingdom.

He has been tasked with writing letters to various institutions in the United Kingdom relating to the children of Nawaz Sharif and was hired on the instructions of Wajid Zia by the JIT, they added.

Fifty three-year-old Raja, according to sources, is the sole practitioner of Quist Solicitors (The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2EW) and his law firm has no expertise in investigating high profile cases involving finances and complex jurisdictions or trust deed laws.

Investigations show that Akhtar Raja and Wajid Zia are first cousins and hail from Murree.

@PakSword @QatariPrince @Emmie JIT ko controversial banaany ka kaam abhi bhi jaari hai
Till now, all the reports, except that related to probe on pic leak, have been made public. The recent one is FIA's report against SECP chairman. I think the entire report is with media now.

So there is no reason that JIT's report will not be made public. It is however not clear if SC will make it public tomorrow, or they will read the report first before handing it over to media for public information.

The other day I was listening to Rauf Klasara, he had a few reasons to think about the possibility. Anyway, I want this report get public.
if reading page 1-153 proves it then JIT must not roam here and there and come directly here.

Tou wait karo SC ke verdict ka.. yahan sar kyun phhorr rahay ho? You will know exactly what will happen..

Mera bhi troll mode on hogaya hai.. lollz
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