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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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I dont know..why he sometimes pretends to be neutral and once in a while posts against Nawaz Sharif..whereas he clearly is a noonie.. Maybe a new strategy by PML N media cell
BTW good observation... but disagreed on blaming on strategy of PML N media cell....

GEO NEWS is trying very hard to save Sharif Mafia

اسلام آباد:نوازشریف اور انکے خاندان کے خلاف رحمان ملک دور میں انکوائری کا معاملہ
اسلام آباد:خط اُس وقت کے ڈائرکٹرایف آئی اے سلیم محمود کی جانب سے لکھا گیا تھا، ذرائع
خط 28 جنوری سن 2000 کو وزارت داخلہ کے جوائنٹ سیکرٹری کو لکھا گیا تھا،ذرائع
خط میں رحمان ملک کی تحقیقات کو غیر رجسٹرڈ اور غیر سرکاری قراردیا گیا تھا
رحمان ملک نے شریف خاندان کیخلاف نا مناسب اور غیر رجسٹرڈ انکوائری کرائی، خط
رحمان ملک نے تحقیقات ذاتی حیثیت میں کرائیں، خط کا متن'

What is the credibility of M. Rahman.... who knows to him... this guy is just running for sake of getting his name in politics and media... nothing else.... As he is roaming to show his letters sometimes to JIT or the SC, honestly speaking, these letters keep no importance... I am 100% sure no one will weight to his letters....

This cartoon leaves a good message...
Maybe over reaching. ISI and MI guys scared of loosing their jobs!? Threats etc is understandable but not threat to jobs ... Big question mark on that
If what Rauf Klasra is saying is correct then God save Pakistan... What he's saying between the lines is PA is supporting NS. I sincerely hope he is wrong in his information! :undecided:
I personally think he is over-reacting. JIT members have voiced their concerns collectively and it inculdes civilan members and also fron FIA which is controlled by the govt. In addition, witnesses can particularly be vulnerable... so I think they are justified in their demands... Rauf Klasra is an excellent journalist but this time he is over-reacting to say the least.

Why is he calling PTI to be Irani?
Maybe over reaching. ISI and MI guys scared of loosing their jobs!? Threats etc is understandable but not threat to jobs ... Big question mark on that

Only MI rep in JIT is in regular & in service, ISI rep is retired Brig and now a contract employee.

And yes, Klasra is absolutely right as of today, June 24th.
Only MI rep in JIT is in regular & in service, ISI rep is retired Brig and now a contract employee.

And yes, Klasra is absolutely right as of today, June 24th.

I think Klasra is over reacting..he iss basing his argument on the fact tht JIT, in its reservations has asked SC, to look after their job security.. He thinks tht since ISI and MI brigadiers are also in JIT, and has their signatures( as is a usual practice tht every JITresponse has signatures of all JIT members) ..so he thinks tht ISI and MI brigadiers are also worried abt their jobs.. I dont think...tht this is the case...just because it has their signatures.. Its a long list of reservations tht JIT has submitted..of which job security is a small part..and all members have signed on their reservations.. So i dont think..we should look at it..as ISI and MI members specifically are also worried abt thier jobs... I think civilian members are worried..since promotion board was sitting exactly in these days...
Won't be a lengthy process as per lawyers. It will take maximum 1 week after the court verdict.

Justice Khosa's 1 point in verdict

"The Election Commission of Pakistan is directed to issue a notification of disqualification of respondent No. 1 namely Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif from being a member of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) with effect from the date of announcement of the present judgment."

Election Commission will issue a notification of disqualification. That will take hardly 1 week.

Judges will direct EC to issue disqualification notification of the PM.
Fine then. There are at least two people who think that SC, if verdict is against NS will send a note to EC who will then disqualify Nawaz in a week or two max. :tup:

Thank you for sharing your views on this.
Fine then. There are at least two people who think that SC, if verdict is against NS will send a note to EC who will then disqualify Nawaz in a week or two max. :tup:

Thank you for sharing your views on this.

Not in a week or two.. ECP will have to immediately issue a notification, of disqualification, as soon as the verdict comes...and SC disqualifies the PM.. Justice Khosa has written tht if SC declares someone dishonest on 62/63... It has an automatic effect..and EC cannot interfere with it.. Justice Gulzar also says tht..Nawaz Sharif now ceases to be MNA and also PM of Pakistan... So, if other judges disqualify him...and we get majority..then it will have automoatic effect.. EC can do nothing on it.. Maximum one day...to issue notfication of disqualification .. Infact notification will lose value also... Infact it wont even matter when notification will be issued.. It will be just a formality .after SC disqualifies PM
Shame on Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz and there cabinet of thugs traveling with them to Saudia and then to HOME to England to celebrate Eid while Pakistan burns. Around 60 killed in multiple blasts in Parachinar and Quetta.

Everyone goes to home, to the place one is comfortable with and care about to celebrate EID. Nawaz with his family traveling to ENGLAND on every Eid shows how much they really care about Pakistan and Pakistani people.

@Hamzay come one and defend this by abusing Imran Khan
@Tesky you have to point out some PTI mismanagement to justify this?


Shame on these people who call them our leaders. Go rot in hell all of you. Morons!!

@Zibago @notorious_eagle

Note: No personal info on my page so you can let the tweet stay. Want support and retweets on this matter from our members.

Aur sharm ni aati in ka supporters ko jo is sb ko b defend krty hein!
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Shame on Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz and there cabinet of thugs traveling with them to Saudia and then to HOME to England to celebrate Eid while Pakistan burns. Around 60 killed in multiple blasts in Parachinar and Quetta.

Everyone goes to home, to the place one is comfortable with and care about to celebrate EID. Nawaz with his family traveling to ENGLAND on every Eid shows how much they really care about Pakistan and Pakistani people.

@Hamzay come one and defend this by abusing Imran Khan
@Tesky you have to point out some PTI mismanagement to justify this?


Shame on these people who call them our leaders. Go rot in hell all of you. Morons!!

Note: No personal info on my page so you can let the tweet stay. Want support and retweets on this matter from our members.

Aur sharm ni aati in ka supporters ko jo is sb ko b defend krty hein!
Till we have people like you mentioned above and let me also say that there are plenty, rest assured we can forget that these leaders will have anything remotely similar or perhaps even know the meaning of word shame or sharam. You will find plenty of boot lickers who will come here and defend it or say IK na KPK main kya ker lia.
Not in a week or two.. ECP will have to immediately issue a notification, of disqualification, as soon as the verdict comes...and SC disqualifies the PM.. Justice Khosa has written tht if SC declares someone dishonest on 62/63... It has an automatic effect..and EC cannot interfere with it.. Justice Gulzar also says tht..Nawaz Sharif now ceases to be MNA and also PM of Pakistan... So, if other judges disqualify him...and we get majority..then it will have automoatic effect.. EC can do nothing on it.. Maximum one day...to issue notfication of disqualification .. Infact notification will lose value also... Infact it wont even matter when notification will be issued.. It will be just a formality .after SC disqualifies PM
Ni i meant to say that KOI TU IS KO HATAI GA NA, someone will have to enforce it. With PMLN still going to be in gov. which institution will actually step up and make NS GO!! (Go Nawaz Go yaad aagya :P :D )
Of course, the whole case is going towards the disqualification of NS family and now each member of the family has been involved in it. So EC will have to issue a disqualification notification if SC directs it too since there is no other way. After that other criminal proceedings will start. The bhagori is also going to be declared dishonest and thus killing all her evil plans. They will inshaAllah rot in prison for sometime before being dispatched to the gallows. Both NS and SS have FIRs of murders registered against them.

Maybe over reaching. ISI and MI guys scared of loosing their jobs!? Threats etc is understandable but not threat to jobs ... Big question mark on that

I think so too. He is getting freaked out by their signatures on the petition. I think JIT members are unanymous on these issues and that's a good sign. Furthermore, the witnesses need protection and ISI and MI cannot deploy security on their own unless and until sanctioned by the highest authorities.

By the way, we should always take Rauf Klasra's opinion with a pinch of salt especially regarding the military since I have felt he has a little anti-army bias and then he becomes Kauf Klattra.
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