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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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Absolutely immature behavior from apparently seasoned leaders. Let the SC decide. The parties are needlessly trying to hype the situation and many will have to eat their words very soon (whatever the decision be)
Nawaz is going to walk... the judicial system is just there to protect the elites of their crimes...
hundred percent agree with you, the only thing going to happen today is that they gonna make nawaz more stronger by giving him a clean chit after this whole drama
I have a better idea: if the verdict goes in favour of Nawaz, you can easily kill him by calling him a Blasphemer. Well, Nawaz did commit blasphemy many time by insulting Hazrat Imran Khan Niazi. I think that counts as one.
Panama judgement will be that Nawaz will go clean under Panama leaks case on lack of evidence but he will be restricted from further participation in election under article 62/63 and Hudabia paper mill case.
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