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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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The case is being heard on a daily basis for almost 4 weeks now. Wasn't it easy for the judges to gives dates of hearing and (like all other cases) this case would have gone on for years...!!!!!!
Do agree to your most of the points. However, time is being wasted, this could have been controlled further.
And who gets 5
IMO this is the last chance when corrective action can be taken in the interest of Pakistan, without general violence

Very true - agree 100% ....and the judges know that.

In addition, the implications will be far and wide.

After this it will be possible to nab all those are involved in corruption under the protection of Shareefs.

It will also be possible to put a hand on Zardari - without allowing him to use the Sindh Card.
‏آسٹریلیا میں تو دور کی بات، میں نے پاکستان میں بھی کبھی اتنے رنز چیز نہیں کئے، یہ پتہ نہیں کہاں سے مجھ سے امید لگا بیٹھے ہیں: اظہر شریف

‏پاکستان کرکٹ ٹیم کی 2018 تک شکست انشاالله ختم کردیں گے: وزیراعظم نواز شریف کا قوم سے وعده

‏پاکستان کی بیٹنگ کے دوران عمران کے کہنےپہ جہانگیر ترین نے ساتھ والی زمین خرید کرگراونڈ بڑا کردیا تھا-ہم رنز نہی بناسکے: سلیم صافی کا انکشاف

‏جیتنے والے جیتتے رہیں گے ہم آگے بڑھتے جائیں گے ہماری نظریں 2050کے ورلڈ کپ پر ہیں: احسن اقبال

‏ہم نے ڈیوڈ وارنر کو ہڈی نہیں ڈالی اس لیے ہمارے خلاف اتنا بڑھ چڑھ کر کھیلا ہے: خواجہ سعد رفیق

‏ایک پلان یہ بھی تھا کہ محمد عرفان کو انجرڈ کرکے عمران خان کو آسٹریلیا بھجوایا جائے: جاوید ہاشمی کا انکشاف

‏چاہتے ہیں زیادہ رنز بنانے پر ہر آسٹریلوی کھلاڑی کا احتساب ہو صرف ڈیوڈ وارنر کا احتساب ہوا تو یہ اچھی روایت قائم نہیں ہو گی: سراج الحق

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

also @PakSword; @Farah Sohail

The history of Pakistani courts does not give me much optimism either. I am making my conclusions as an outside observer.

Just look at the following:
  • The case is being heard on a daily basis for almost 4 weeks now. Wasn't it easy for the judges to gives dates of hearing and (like all other cases) this case would have gone on for years...!!!!!!
  • The judges are working intensely and very hard. Their hands are tied due to lack of legislation (which PPP and PMLn never did for their own sake). Due to the lack of legislation they are hearing the case under the clause of "public interest". This clause give powers and freedom but, at the same time, puts restrictions as well.
  • If the judges go outside the constitution, the case will be thrown out by a larger bench in appeal.
  • By adopting a Hawk and Dove approach judges have succeeded in carrying the case forward. Not allowing the Shareefs to say that judges are biased against us. Even the sleeping force of PMLn (their army in legal bars) is quiet and not uttering a single word. They know that what is happening is according to the law. In my view this is a great achievement of these judges.
  • The intensity of this case has now gone very high. In fact, the whole world is looking at it. When Gillani was disqualified, the decision was criticized. I don't think this one will.
  • Due to the high intensity, it is now incumbent upon the judges to deliver.
Now! one more thing.

Watch when the council for the "children" takes the podium.

The judges have kept the 1st Qatari letter as part of the case for a reason. Even if Qatari prince doesn't turn up, judges will tear the council apart based on this letter.

I am betting 5 - 0

I soooo hope what u are saying comes true... But Right now, i am betting (if decision comes agst nawaz sharif) 3-2 at max.... I think Justice Khosa, Justice Ijazul Hasan and Justice Gulzar might give verdict agst nawaz sharif, while pakira judge and esp justice ijaz afzal will give verdict in favor of nawaz sharif

@Dil Pakistan what happened today in court?
@Farah Sohail, two different tracks, Justice Ejaz is clueless.

After the statement was read, Justice Ejaz Afzal asserted that if the magistrate in front of whom the statement was read was unable to verify its authenticity, it would be no more than a piece of paper.

Hamid concurred, saying, "the statement is nothing more than a piece of paper."

At this Justice Asif Saeed Khosa intervened, saying the statement is not just a piece of paper but a part of evidence on which no action has been taken.

Justice Afzal wondered how the top court could have given such a verdict in a writ petition. Justice Khosa replied that the NAB reference had been discarded because the investigation was not conducted according to the law.

He added that the court had disposed of the case on the basis of technicalities.

In 1997, the case against Dar was heard by a two-judge bench in an intra-court appeal which is ordinarily heard by a five-member bench, Justice Khosa remarked.

@PakSword technicalities again, following argument speaks volume.

The 1992 protection law keeps the court from hearing a case in which the defendant has already been acquitted, Hamid replied.

‏آسٹریلیا میں تو دور کی بات، میں نے پاکستان میں بھی کبھی اتنے رنز چیز نہیں کئے، یہ پتہ نہیں کہاں سے مجھ سے امید لگا بیٹھے ہیں: اظہر شریف

‏پاکستان کرکٹ ٹیم کی 2018 تک شکست انشاالله ختم کردیں گے: وزیراعظم نواز شریف کا قوم سے وعده

‏پاکستان کی بیٹنگ کے دوران عمران کے کہنےپہ جہانگیر ترین نے ساتھ والی زمین خرید کرگراونڈ بڑا کردیا تھا-ہم رنز نہی بناسکے: سلیم صافی کا انکشاف

‏جیتنے والے جیتتے رہیں گے ہم آگے بڑھتے جائیں گے ہماری نظریں 2050کے ورلڈ کپ پر ہیں: احسن اقبال

‏ہم نے ڈیوڈ وارنر کو ہڈی نہیں ڈالی اس لیے ہمارے خلاف اتنا بڑھ چڑھ کر کھیلا ہے: خواجہ سعد رفیق

‏ایک پلان یہ بھی تھا کہ محمد عرفان کو انجرڈ کرکے عمران خان کو آسٹریلیا بھجوایا جائے: جاوید ہاشمی کا انکشاف

‏چاہتے ہیں زیادہ رنز بنانے پر ہر آسٹریلوی کھلاڑی کا احتساب ہو صرف ڈیوڈ وارنر کا احتساب ہوا تو یہ اچھی روایت قائم نہیں ہو گی: سراج الحق

Imad! This is THEEEE post of this thread.
@Farah Sohail, two different tracks, Justice Ejaz is clueless.

After the statement was read, Justice Ejaz Afzal asserted that if the magistrate in front of whom the statement was read was unable to verify its authenticity, it would be no more than a piece of paper.

Hamid concurred, saying, "the statement is nothing more than a piece of paper."

At this Justice Asif Saeed Khosa intervened, saying the statement is not just a piece of paper but a part of evidence on which no action has been taken.

Justice Afzal wondered how the top court could have given such a verdict in a writ petition. Justice Khosa replied that the NAB reference had been discarded because the investigation was not conducted according to the law.

He added that the court had disposed of the case on the basis of technicalities.

In 1997, the case against Dar was heard by a two-judge bench in an intra-court appeal which is ordinarily heard by a five-member bench, Justice Khosa remarked.

@PakSword technicalities again, following argument speaks volume.

The 1992 protection law keeps the court from hearing a case in which the defendant has already been acquitted, Hamid replied.


Justice ejaz Afzal is pakka pakka acting as defense lawyer in the court.. He is the only judge who often argues with Justce khosa in the court... No other judge, not even pakora judge does this....

I find this remark of justice khosa interesting @Emmie

At this Justice Asif Saeed Khosa intervened, saying the statement is not just a piece of paper but a part of evidence on which no action has been taken.

So... It means tht Justice khosa is gving serious worth to confessional statement by dar...right? And it can be used as an evidence against the sharifs, right?

No remarks by pakora judge today? What was his opinion on this matter? This article doesnt state pakora judge remarks today

I am happy you enjoyed it

Yes...your post was the best lolll....
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I soooo hope what u are saying comes true... But Right now, i am betting (if decision comes agst nawaz sharif) 3-2 at max.... I think Justice Khosa, Justice Ijazul Hasan and Justice Gulzar might give verdict agst nawaz sharif, while pakira judge and esp justice ijaz afzal will give verdict in favor of nawaz sharif

@Dil Pakistan what happened today in court?

Proceedings have been very interesting and this is how I see them:

Shareefs have asked time till Monday to submit the details of Shareefs family wealth and property. Justice Khosa's comment on this was negative (which will not go well for Shareefs).

Judges have kept the money laundering case against Dar live by questioning the decision of the lower court and, also, by questioning that how a case can be disposed without reaching its conclusion. Judges have also refuted Shahid Hamid's point that the document related to Dar's case is a piece of paper - court wants to treat it as evidence, which has legal implications.

Still no money trail.

Still no evidence how the money moved around.

Remember! judges are only listening, they will speak when they will give the verdict.
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