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There is Iqama of Kalsoom Nawaz on social media. Does it have any legal implication for NA 120 election?
’’ میاں صاحب اللہ حافظ‘‘ حنیف عباسی نے بھی مسلم لیگ ( ن) چھوڑنے کا فیصلہ کر لیا، نواز شریف کے لاہور پہنچنے سے پہلے ہی بریکنگ نیوز آگئی

اسلام آباد(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک) میڈیا ذرائع کے مطابق نواز شریف کے چھوٹے بھائی کی طرح سمجھے جانے والے مسلم لیگ(ن) مرکزی رہنما حنیف عباسی نے مسلم لیگ (ن) کو چھوڑنے کا عندیہ دیا ہے ۔

روزنامہ اوصاف کے مطابق نجی ٹی وی چینل کی رپورٹ میں کہا گیا ہے کہ گزشتہ دنوں جب نوازشریف کی ریلی راولپنڈی پہنچی تو سابق وزیراعظم نوازشریف نے حنیف عباسی کو بلا کر جھاڑ پلا دی کہ کدھر ہیں بندے آپ تو بڑی باتیں کررہے تھے ، اوروہ دولاکھ بندے کہاں ہیں جن کا دعویٰ کررہے تھے ، آپ نے مجھے بے عزت کروادیا ہے نوازشریف نے حنیف عباسی کو جھاڑ پلادی ۔ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ حنیف عباسی نے کہا کہ آپ کو شائد کنٹینر سے لوگ نظرنہ آئیں ایسی صورتحال کے بعد حنیف عباسی کافی رنجیدہ ہوگئے اورانہوںنے پارٹی چھوڑنے کا فیصلہ کرلیا ہے ۔ذرائع کے مطابق حنیف عباسی تحریک انصاف میں شامل ہو سکتے ہیں ۔

WTH is this?
How did you hear the squealing? My ears cannot tolerate the squeal. So he announced another stunt on 14th?

It was difficult..but I tolerated.. Infact I listened to all his speeches...in these 3-4 days...

I wanted him to be as aggressive ..and make as much noise as he can.,,..so tht no iota of sympathy remains in judges' heart for him... As expected, NS didnt disappoint..NS became crazier and crazier with each passing day and each passing speech.. I think tht we can thank him for making sure tht tough circumstances await him, in future court proceedings...

NS has said tht he will announce his future plan of action on 14th.. Lets see..what Mian Saanp announces on 14th....
It was difficult..but I tolerated.. Infact I listened to all his speeches...in these 3-4 days...

I wanted him to be as aggressive ..and make as much noise as he can.,,..so tht no iota of sympathy remains in judges' heart for him... As expected, NS didnt disappoint..NS became crazier and crazier with each passing day and each passing speech.. I think tht we can thank him for making sure tht tough circumstances await him, in future court proceedings...

NS has said tht he will announce his future plan of action on 14th.. Lets see..what Mian Saanp announces on 14th....

Venezuela plan? He wants to destroy Pakistan with the aid of foreign powers. possibly!
He said something about changing the constitution that is not to be taken lightly @Farah Sohail @PakSword and what is all the hallaballu about Kulsum Nawaz,s aqama
He said something about changing the constitution that is not to be taken lightly @Farah Sohail @PakSword and what is all the hallaballu about Kulsum Nawaz,s aqama

Yes..he said something abt changing constituition...but hopefully he wont succeed...and if he passes some ridcukous ammendments in constituition, with help of PPP...i hope tht SC will strike tht down..citing malafide intent

I know I keep repeating it..but it has become imperative tht monitoring judge start proceedings ASAP.. No further delay.. But i dont think they will start before 21st August,,. I am afraid tht by tht time, sharifs would have filed review in SC..and then further delay..

Does anyone have idea, when is Justice Ijazul Ahsan coming back from abroad? It seems tht J Ejaz Afazal wont start proceedings in his absence....... I hope..its not too late, by then..
Supreme court needs to become active again and become active on monday! This mofo is now willing to sell Pakistan down the river to save his fat tooi.

I dont think, SC will become active before 21st August... I think SC will become active only, when J Ijazul Ahsan returns..then monitoring proceedings will start
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