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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread

Very Sad to hear 14 innocent people died.
God bless them All of the Government of region must support people of felestin
...All zionism is based on one myth(that the world hates them). What a better way to achieve this hatred by killing innocent civilians?


  • Monday, April 02, 2018
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    Elder of Ziyon
Photos of some of the "innocent civilians" in Gaza

Here are photos of some of the "civilians" killed in Gaza on Friday, as their deaths were condemned by the EU and France.

Musab al-Saloul (Hamas)

Jihad Ahmed Farina, Hamas field commander

Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Odeh (Hamas)

Sari Abu Walid Oudeh (Hamas)

Mohammed Abu Naeem Amr (Hamas)

Jihad Zuhair Abu Jamous Najjar (Al Aqsa Brigades)

Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades Fares al Raqab

IDF: At least 10 of the 15 killed at Gaza border were members of terror groups
Army publishes list of names, positions of men shot dead during violence at the security fence; Hamas acknowledges that five of them were gunmen from its military wing
By JUDAH ARI GROSS and TOI STAFF 31 March 2018, 10:44 pm

  • Fatalities from the March 30 violence on the Israel-Gaza border identified by Israel as members of terror groups. (Israel Defense Forces)

    The Israeli military on Saturday night identified 10 of the 15 people reported killed during violent protests along the Gaza security fence as members of Palestinian terrorist groups, and published a list of their names and positions in the organizations.

    On Friday, some 30,000 Palestinians took part in demonstrations along the Gaza border, during which rioters threw rocks and firebombs at Israeli troops on the other side of the fence, burned tires and scrap wood, sought to breach and damage the security fence, and in one case opened fire at Israeli soldiers.

    The army said that its sharpshooters targeted only those taking explicit violent action against Israeli troops or trying to break through or damage the security fence. Video footage showed that in one case a rioter, whom the army included in its list of Hamas members, appeared to be shot while running away from the border. The army in response accused Hamas of editing and/or fabricating its videos.

    According to the Israel Defense Forces (Arabic link), eight of the men killed were members of Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip. One served in the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and another was affiliated with “global jihad,” it said, apparently referring to one of the Salafist groups in Gaza.

    Earlier on Saturday, Hamas publicly acknowledged that five members of its military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, were among the fatalities.

    The army did not provide evidence for its identifications. Most could be independently verified with photographic evidence of the operatives wearing uniforms or receiving a military-style funeral from the terror group in question. Others could not be immediately substantiated. At least one appears to be partially incorrect.

    The IDF identified Hamdan Abu Amsha as belonging to Hamas, yet in his funeral he was wrapped in a flag belonging to a different terrorist group, Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and a Fatah-affiliated Twitter account claimed him as “our martyr.”

    Palestinians carry the body of Hamdan Abu Amsha, said killed a day earlier by Israeli fire during a mass border protest along the security fence, in Beit Hanoun in the northern of Gaza Strip, on March 31, 2018. (AFP/ MAHMUD HAMS)
    The army said that at least one of the Hamas members, Sari Abu Odeh, was part of the group’s elite Nukhba force and that another, Muhammad Abu Amro, served in its tunnel operations. (The IDF’s Arabic spokesman provided more details in Arabic via Twitter.)

    The IDF identified one of the two Hamas members who shot at Israeli soldiers on Friday evening and attempted to breach the security fence, before they were shot dead, as 23-year-old Mussa’b al-Saloul.

    Gaza’s Hamas terrorist rulers released these images of members of its military wing who it acknowledged were among 15 Gazans it said were killed by Israeli fire during clashes along the security fence on Friday, March 30, 2018.
    Palestinian media reported that the bodies of the two gunmen were captured by Israeli soldiers. The IDF would not officially comment on this claim.

    The oldest operative identified was Jihad Farina, 35, a company commander in Hamas’s military wing; the youngest was 19-year-old Ahmad Odeh, who served in the terror group’s Shati Battalion, the army said.


    Palestinians hurl stones toward Israeli soldiers during a protest near the Gaza Strip border with Israel, in eastern Gaza City, Saturday, March 31, 2018. (AP/ Khalil Hamra)
    Hamas claimed those killed were taking part “in popular events side-by-side with their people.”

    Thousands attended funerals in Gaza Saturday for 14 of those killed — two were buried on Friday — with mourners holding Palestinian flags and some chanting “revenge” and firing into the air.

    “Where are you, Arabs? Where are you, Muslims?” mourners chanted at one funeral, calling on the Arab and Muslim world to intervene. A general strike was held in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

    IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis said on Saturday that all those killed were engaged in violence, adding that Gaza health officials exaggerated the number of those wounded and that several dozen at most were injured by live fire while the rest were merely shaken up by tear gas and other riot dispersal means.

    Manelis said on Friday evening that the army had faced “a violent, terrorist demonstration at six points” along the fence. He said the IDF used “pinpoint fire” wherever there were attempts to breach or damage the security fence. “All the fatalities were aged 18-30, several of the fatalities were known to us, and at least two of them were members of Hamas commando forces,” he said.

    The Palestinians’ march to Gaza’s border with Israel on Friday was the largest such demonstration in recent memory, calling for Palestinians to be allowed to return to land that their ancestors fled from in the 1948 War of Independence. It was dubbed the “March of Return.”


    A picture taken on March 30, 2018 shows Palestinians taking part in a demonstration commemorating Land Day near the border with Israel east of Gaza City. (AFP/Mahmud Hams)
    The death toll from Friday’s protest was provided by the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry, which also added that some 1,400 Palestinians were injured during the protests, over half by live rounds. Israeli authorities have no way to independently confirm the casualty reports.

    Manelis warned Saturday that if violence drags on along the Gaza border, Israel will expand its reaction to strike the terrorists behind it. The military has thus far restricted its response to those trying to breach its border, but if attacks continue it will go after terrorists “in other places, too,” he said.

    Manelis reiterated that Israel “will not allow a massive breach of the fence into Israeli territory.”

    He said that Hamas and other Gaza terror groups were using protests as a cover for staging attacks. If violence continues, “we will not be able to continue limiting our activity to the fence area and will act against these terror organizations in other places too,” he said.

    Hamas is an Islamist terror group that seeks to destroy Israel. It seized control of Gaza from Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah in a violent coup in 2007.


    Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (C) shouts slogans and flashes the victory gesture as he takes part in a tent city protest near the Gaza border on March 30, 2018 to commemorate Land Day. (AFP PHOTO / Mohammed ABED)
    The army has remained on high alert even as the violence appeared to abate Friday evening, amid fears of persisting attacks, including infiltration attempts and rocket fire.

    Protest organizers have said mass marches would continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. Palestinians mark that date as their “nakba,” or catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands left or were forced to leave during the 1948 War of Independence. The vast majority of Gaza’s two million people are their descendants.

    At previous peace talks, the Palestinians have always demanded, along with sovereignty in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the Old City, a “right of return” to Israel for Palestinian refugees who left or were forced out of Israel when it was established. The Palestinians demand this right not only for those of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are still alive — a figure estimated in the low tens of thousands — but also for their descendants, who number in the millions.

    No Israeli government would ever be likely to accept this demand, since it would spell the end of Israel as a Jewish-majority state. Israel’s position is that Palestinian refugees and their descendants would become citizens of a Palestinian state at the culmination of the peace process, just as Jews who fled or were forced out of Middle Eastern countries by hostile governments became citizens of Israel.

    Agencies contributed to this report.
My Palestinian friend here in the US told me when I asked him if he thought it would be better if Israel gave all the Palestinians citizenship as a solution to the end of this problem since many have brought that up as one of them, and essentially that would take care of Netanyahu's security concerns in general since it would basically be one country governed and ruled by Israel. His answer was obviously an unequivocal "no." The reasons are pretty obvious since it comes down to basically the Palestinians giving up not only their sovereignty (or whatever is left of it) but of course their identity.

Then I asked an Israeli friend of mine also here in the US if he would welcome that and he couldn't say "no" in an emphatic way like Jamal did, but explained it in a more subtle way out of an effort not to be selfish or rude, which was admirable to be perfectly honest with you. That's what polite people do. So judging by that, even though that is only 1 representative from each side, I think it's safe to say that is the general consensus across the board. That Means there is only the other alternative and besides land borders and Jerusalem (hardly small concerns in of themselves,) there is the security issue. Israel isn't willing to give up the security of Palestinian borders and the Palestinians won't have true sovereignty without it. Without both sides giving up much more than they're willing to, I'm afraid your sentiment below will continue for a very long time, my friend.

Are they investigating any of these shootings?

Not surprised that the palestinian answered like that , i also don't think palestinians would agree to a one state solution , they obviously have national aspirations of self determination. Same goes for most Israelis.

As for the obstacles you mentioned like security , east jerusalem and borders I don't think we must solve it all in one go. What we need to change is the tone from hostility to open talk and cooperation. We can start working on improving the situation in Gaza , it is a humanitarian issue.

I also see some here that dismiss American involvement because of trump. I think that is rash. We are talking about a historical move more significant from this or that president. We must have American involvement , no other country can give answer to the security issues you mentioned but US . It would not be bad if the golf countries would open their pockets and pour some money to help develop Gazza. The Americans are the best to organize a coalition of nations to support that move.
Shame on Raheel Sharif. Where is his coalition army today? 773 Palestinians were shot yesterday, including people praying Salat.
To ensure Palestinian's health and well-being it's best to endorse the Israelis rather than this terrorists compelling their captive populace to attack the border.
To ensure Palestinian's health and well-being it's best to endorse the Israelis rather than this terrorists compelling their captive populace to attack the border.

We saw what the Palestinians of the west bank achieved by hunting down Hamas. Now you have an Israeli government more active on demolishing Palestinian houses and stealing their lands
Next Tuesday Saudi Arabia chairs an emergency Arab meeting to discuss Israel's crimes

unarmed Palestinians between the age of 16 and 39 killed..1500 injured..3 reporters injured as well..

Next Tuesday Saudi Arabia chairs an emergency Arab meeting to discuss Israel's crimes

unarmed Palestinians between the age of 16 and 39 killed..1500 injured..3 reporters injured as well..

Waiting for Sissi or any Arab State to utter a word...Palestinian are dying in a deafening silence....
If anyone on this world thinks that Israel is going to sit along with Palestinians and accept any sort of agreement with them is a total and complete idiot, And should check into a mental hospital as soon as possible. And as far as "The right to the land" concerns, There's no such thing. The land only belongs to the ones who can control it, Which in this case, Are Israelis. The Palestinians can do themselves and us a favor, They should accept the fact that Israelis are the ones who control the land and get along with it, Or if they're not happy with that, They should leave.
As for the obstacles you mentioned like security , east jerusalem and borders I don't think we must solve it all in one go. What we need to change is the tone from hostility to open talk and cooperation. We can start working on improving the situation in Gaza , it is a humanitarian issue.

We were ready my friend. It took almost 2 years for Sisi and co. to get Hamas to sit down and relinquish power to Fatah and even give control of Gaza to them also, just to facilitate the start of talks and when it was all set and presented to Netanyahu, he called it a "fake reconciliation" and didn't want anything to do with it. What else does he want? A few months later the US embassy move all but killed that entire effort, which was unprecedented since Hamas was elected back in 2006.

I also see some here that dismiss American involvement because of trump. I think that is rash. We are talking about a historical move more significant from this or that president. We must have American involvement , no other country can give answer to the security issues you mentioned but US . It would not be bad if the golf countries would open their pockets and pour some money to help develop Gazza. The Americans are the best to organize a coalition of nations to support that move.

Honestly, with this chaotic US administration and the Jerusalem stunt JUST to make himself look like he met one of his campaign promises after every single other thing he tried had failed, and claimed none of the other presidents before him had the guts to do it but he did, essentially killed the peace process.

Putting aside how Jewish or Israeli people feel they're entitled to Jerusalem, that was one of the worst things to make it official that Jerusalem has been taken off the table. This is how obvious this guy hasn't a clue what he is doing and has never researched the conflict or has any understanding of its history. And to appoint his clown of a son in-law to mediate this process is just as bad.

Just to show you how he has no clue about the history or the conflict, he didn't even know Israel was in the Middle East when he visited. Then he makes that move and thinks that taking it off the table is going to push the peace process?

There's a very good reason why none of the previous presidents said what they said about Jerusalem during their campaign but knew better than to actually do it. This guy and this disaster of an administration will be the last to ever facilitate a peace process, I'm afraid. They've already destroyed it.
The content of this thread brought tears to my eyes.

F*** you (Israeli) murdering scums.
We were ready my friend. It took almost 2 years for Sisi and co. to get Hamas to sit down and relinquish power to Fatah and even give control of Gaza to them also, just to facilitate the start of talks and when it was all set and presented to Netanyahu, he called it a "fake reconciliation" and didn't want anything to do with it. What else does he want? A few months later the US embassy move all but killed that entire effort, which was unprecedented since Hamas was elected back in 2006.

Honestly, with this chaotic US administration and the Jerusalem stunt JUST to make himself look like he met one of his campaign promises after every single other thing he tried had failed, and claimed none of the other presidents before him had the guts to do it but he did, essentially killed the peace process.

Putting aside how Jewish or Israeli people feel they're entitled to Jerusalem, that was one of the worst things to make it official that Jerusalem has been taken off the table. This is how obvious this guy hasn't a clue what he is doing and has never researched the conflict or has any understanding of its history. And to appoint his clown of a son in-law to mediate this process is just as bad.

Just to show you how he has no clue about the history or the conflict, he didn't even know Israel was in the Middle East when he visited. Then he makes that move and thinks that taking it off the table is going to push the peace process?

There's a very good reason why none of the previous presidents said what they said about Jerusalem during their campaign but knew better than to actually do it. This guy and this disaster of an administration will be the last to ever facilitate a peace process, I'm afraid. They've already destroyed it.

Yes , trump handled this embassy issue with the elegance of an elephant in a china shop. What the f*ck do i care where he sticks his embassy ? So far all this move achieved is to alienate the palestinians. I also doubt trump understands anything about this conflict nor does he make any effort to learn.

On the other hand , we had Obama for 8 years , who i thought was one of the most intelligent presidents in US history , yet i did not see him achieve anything in that matter too (nor in other issues concerning the middle east.)

This is why i think we must look beyond a particular president , trump can be gone in two years same goes for netanyahu. I think US is vital for the peace process , i don't see any other super power rushing to help solve this conflict. We are fortunate that such a nation is willing to support such a process.

Palestinian Health Ministry: 25 year old killed in demonstrations in Gaza by Israeli fire

Yes , trump handled this embassy issue with the elegance of an elephant in a china shop. What the f*ck do i care where he sticks his embassy ? So far all this move achieved is to alienate the palestinians. I also doubt trump understands anything about this conflict nor does he make any effort to learn.

On the other hand , we had Obama for 8 years , who i thought was one of the most intelligent presidents in US history , yet i did not see him achieve anything in that matter too (nor in other issues concerning the middle east.)

This is why i think we must look beyond a particular president , trump can be gone in two years same goes for netanyahu. I think US is vital for the peace process , i don't see any other super power rushing to help solve this conflict. We are fortunate that such a nation is willing to support such a process.


Don't think Obama was allowed to, the Congress made a scene when he sought a settlement freeze. As well as warned him not to 'force' peace process on Israel. The problem really lies with American Jewish community. They are the major party responsible that are dragging this conflict on. Israel relies on them heavily to lobby and arrange other matters for them.
The content of this thread brought tears to my eyes.

F*** you (Israeli) murdering scums.
I know it's hard, very hard, but overcoming the hate-brainwashing imposed by the State of Pakistan can indeed bring tears to Pakistanis' eyes. It is almost my first memory of a Pakistani: a diplomat in tears, shocked and resigned to finally accepting that the government he had sworn allegiance to was betraying his people.

The good news is that Pakistanis are flexible: the murder-mongering race-hatred for their eastern ex-brethren mostly disappeared within a generation after Bangladeshi independence. The bad news is that Pakistan's leaders have wielded racial and religious hatred as a unifying tool for so long that they fear to do without it, preferring to choose new targets instead.
IDF shoots, kills Palestinian who broke through Gaza fence
Dead man identified as 25-year-old Ahmed Arafa, a member of the DFLP terrorist group
By JUDAH ARI GROSS and AFPToday, 5:52 pm

[video in original]
  • Surveillance camera footage, provided by the army, showed one person smashing the fence with what appears to be a metal pipe. He is joined by four others, two of which go through a hole in the fence. Then it appears warning shots were fired.

  • The two men run back into Gaza, and once they are through the fence the video cuts out. It was unclear when Arafa was shot.

    According to the Israel Defense Forces, dozens of Palestinians took part in “violent riots in four locations along the Gaza Strip.”

    The army said it used mostly less-lethal riot dispersal measures against the demonstrators — tear gas and rubber bullets — but used live rounds against the people who sabotaged the fence.

    “The IDF will not allow security infrastructure and the fence, which protects Israeli citizens to be damaged, and we will take action against terrorists who are involved,” the army said in a statement.

    “We again warn against approaching the fence,” the IDF added.

    On Friday, over 30,000 Palestinians demonstrated along the Gaza border, in what Israel describes as a riot orchestrated by the Hamas terrorist group, which rules Gaza, and what Palestinians say was supposed to be a peaceful protest.

    There were discrepancies in Palestinian reports on the Gaza death toll from Friday. While Hamas claimed Monday that 18 had died, the official news agency of the Palestinian Authority had the number at 16. Israel has no official death toll figures. Over 1,000 were reported injured.

    Violent protests have been staged every day since Friday’s mass demonstration, though on a far smaller level, usually involving a few dozen people. Nevertheless, the army has remained on high alert in the area out of concerns that terror groups could capitalize on the tensions and carry out attacks.

    Earlier on Tuesday, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Israel will not be changing its policies toward Palestinians rioting along the Gaza security fence and brushed off criticism that the army used a heavy hand during Friday’s protests.

    “We have set clear rules of the game and we do not intend to change them. Anyone who approaches the fence endangers his life, and I would recommend that Gaza residents put their efforts not into protesting against Israel, but into regime change within the Strip,” Liberman said during a tour of Israeli communities just outside the coastal enclave.

    “I think the [Israel Defense Forces] operated exceptionally well, as expected, and I have no doubt that we will continue to act in the same way in the days to come,” he added.


    Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman speaks to local leaders of Israeli communities near the Gaza Stirp on April 3, 2018. (Defense Ministry)
    Speaking to local leaders and the heads of security for the communities, the defense minister defended the army’s actions. “It needs to be understood that the majority of the people killed were terrorists whom we know well, operatives in the military arm of Hamas, as well as in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These weren’t innocent civilians who came as part of a civil protest,” Liberman said.

    Fatalities from the March 30 violence on the Israel-Gaza border identified by Israel as members of terror groups. (Israel Defense Forces)
    The IDF on Saturday named and detailed 10 of the dead as members of terror groups including Hamas. (Hamas, an Islamist terror group that avowedly seeks to destroy Israel, had earlier acknowledged five of them were its members.) Islamic Jihad later claimed an 11th.

    The defense minister put the blame for Friday’s violence solely on Hamas.

    “We didn’t initiate any provocations against the residents of Gaza; we protect our residents,” he said.

    Asked what the IDF was anticipating for this upcoming Friday, when Hamas has called for renewed clashes on the border, the defense minister said he “didn’t want to make an assessment. We are prepared for every scenario.”

    The United States on Saturday blocked a draft UN Security Council statement urging restraint and calling for an investigation of clashes on the Gaza-Israel border, diplomats said.


    Palestinians run, as teargas canisters fired by Israeli troops land near them during a demonstration near the Gaza Strip security fence, east of Gaza City on March 30, 2018. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra)
    The draft council statement also expressed “grave concern at the situation at the border.” And it reaffirmed “the right to peaceful protest” and expressed the council’s “sorrow at the loss of innocent Palestinian lives.”

    Council members “called upon all sides to exercise restraint and prevent a further escalation,” the draft said. The proposed statement stressed the need to promote peace between Israel and the Palestinians based on a two-state solution.

    On Saturday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for “those concerned to refrain from any act that could lead to further casualties.” He also called for an independent and transparent investigation into the deaths and injuries during Friday’s clashes.

    TOI staff contributed to this report.

Exposed: More Palestinian ‘Victims’ Identified as Terror Org Members

This article is translated and re-posted from work by Israeli blogger Abu Ali taken entirely from open Palestinian sources (as opposed to unattributed military intelligence) in the aftermath of confrontations at the Gaza border. The blogger’s expertise and the information below have been corroborated to HonestReporting by Colonel Grisha Yakubovich (Res.), the former Head of the Civilian Department in the IDF’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) unit and an Arabic speaker and expert in Palestinian affairs.

Who are the victims of the March of Return?
March 30, 2018 – Land Day was officially opened by the “March of Return” events in the Gaza Strip. The events were preceded by intense preparations on the Gazan side, which included calls by many organizations in the Gaza Strip, both military and civilian, for civilians to come en mass to claim “their right to return to their land that Israel stole from them.”

In preparation for March 30, tents were set up and infrastructure was prepared for receiving the civilians, in order to ensure that they would remain in areas close to the fence up until the target date of May 15 – Nakba Day.

The confrontations around the fence opened with intensity throughout the Friday of March 30, and ended with 17 dead and more than 1,000 wounded Palestinians with varying degrees of injury. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, these included about 800 wounded by gunshots from Israeli snipers.

Many claims have been voiced since then against Israel’s excessive use of force in an attempt to suppress the demonstrations on the fence. There were also allegations of Israeli snipers indiscriminately causing harm to civilians.

In the following document, I will present the data on the fatalities as they were recorded in the Palestinian media – by open and public means.

I would like to point out that in the days following March 30, two more fatalities were added to the list of fatalities, which are included in the document.

The document refers to the 19 victims of the events – and it is correct as of April 4, 2018.

Before the data is presented, and for the sake of readers’ convenience, I would like to point out that of the 19 killed there are:

  • 7 operatives from Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 operative of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, Saraya al-Quds
  • 2 activists of Katayef al-Maqawama al-Wataniya al-Filastina – the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • 1 operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of Fatah’s Shahid Nakhl al-‘Amudi faction
  • 1 Hamas security forces operative (armed)
  • 1 military activist of the Fatah movement
  • 1 affiliate of Shada al-Aqsa – the Shahid unit of Nabil Mas’ud – an Iranian-oriented faction
  • 1 Hamas-affiliated operative with an orientation to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 Fatah activist – it has not been proven that he is a military activist
  • 3 without any significant organizational affiliation
Total of 15 persons with actual military identification. Another 4 whose connection to military activity has not been proven.

Note: Failure to find any connection publicly in the Palestinian media does not mean that they are not military activists.

Another important factor to consider when examining the identity of the dead and their affiliation is the fact that out of the 19 killed, it is possible to clearly identify 15 military activists, i.e. around 80% of those killed at a minimum.

The entire Gaza Strip has fewer than 70,000 military operatives, including from all the various organizations. Gaza has a population of 2 million today. That is, the percentage of military activists out of the total population is lower than 3.5%.

Thus, the dry facts show that although the share of military activists in the population is only 3.5%, in practice, 80% of those killed are military activists. That is 23 times the rate of their percentage in the population. This high rate among those killed is even more amazing given the fact that they were dressed in civilian clothes and could not be identified in advance as military activists.

Details can be seen in the scrolling window below or via downloadable PDF.

[h/t: EoZ, 15 of the 19 killed in Gaza were members of terror groups &
Amazingly, all the injured from Gaza seem to be military aged men - and Hamas is paying them]http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2018/04/amazingly-all-injured-from-gaza-seem-to.html
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