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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread

That pic is from 2011 at least: link. Another recycling of old anti-Israel propaganda in an attempt to sustain current slanders and hatred against the Jewish State.
Go to other links you will see other pics..The arrests are as recent as the 10 or so past days.. no one needs to sustain current slanders and hatred against the Jewish State.. it is doing it itself..
Go to other links you will see other pics...
No way, you used a deceitful photo as a lead, you don't deserve the benefit of doubt any more: the burden of proof is squarely on your shoulders.
No way, you used a deceitful photo as a lead, you don't deserve the benefit of doubt any more: the burden of proof is squarely on your shoulders.
You are using deceitful rhetoric.. the photo is real as well *** the news.. don't try to defend your apartheid state..everyone is laughing about you..

Hamas attacks Israel — and the world condemns Israel


© Getty Images

The world “should wait for our great move,” said a top Hamas leader, speaking to Palestinian protestors during violent clashes with Israeli forces along the Gaza border, “when we breach the borders and pray at al Aqsa.”

With hundreds around him chanting, “We are going to Jerusalem, millions of martyrs,” and with 20,000 Palestinians protesting along the border — some burning tires, others throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks — Yahya Sinwar declared during April protests that Hamas was “following in the path of martyr Yasser Arafat in resisting the enemy” and “if we explode we will explode in [Israel’s] face.”

That Sinwar and other Hamas leaders made clear that their “March of Return” is only the latest tactic in their efforts to destroy Israel, however, hasn’t convinced much of the global community, the West, or the media to abandon its comfortable narrative – of a peace-loving Palestinian people in Gaza, driven to violence by an iron-fisted Israel.

Such is life as the world’s only Jewish state — with Hamas and other terrorist groups across its border in Gaza; with the more dangerous Hezbollah across its northern border in Lebanon; with terrorists roaming the Sinai; and with Hezbollah and Shi’a militias implanted amid the chaos of Syria.

However carefully it responds to violent efforts to breach its borders and attack its people, Israel finds itself falsely portrayed, second-guessed, and ultimately condemned. Thus, the current turmoil along Israel’s border with Gaza is playing out along predictable lines in the court of public opinion.

Hamas, which seeks Israel’s destruction and has run Gaza since ousting the Palestinian Authority in a violent coup in 2007, launched the “March of Return” on March 30 to remove the “transient border” between Israel and Gaza and fulfill the “right of return” of all seven million descendants of the Palestinians who fled their homes when Arab nations launched the 1948 war against the new Jewish state. (With such a full “right of return,” Palestinians would outnumber Jews in Israel, upending a state that emerged from the Holocaust and marked a people’s return to their historic homeland.)

The second such “march” came on Friday, April 6, and Hamas vows to mount one each Friday until “Nakba Day,” the annual day when Palestinians mark the “catastrophe” of Israel’s creation in May of 1948. For that day, the group promises a “march” that will include at least a million participants.

But these weekly “marches” aren’t marches at all. Like the rockets that Hamas launches into southern Israel or the tunnels it uses to infiltrate underground, these marches are violent efforts to breach Israel’s border — and they’ve left about 30 dead at the hands of Israeli forces that say all 30 were engaged in violent activity.

“Palestine and Jerusalem belong to us,” top Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh declared this week. In an Orwellian twist, he termed the “March of Return” a “peaceful, civilized, and popular march.”

But Hamas is not only orchestrating the violence on Israel’s border; it’s incentivizing it. The group is paying $3,000 for the family of a “martyr” who dies in a confrontation with Israeli forces, $500 to protestors who are seriously wounded, and $200 to those who are moderately wounded. It’s also reportedly jailing bus drivers who refuse to take Gazans to the border to protest.

With Hamas laying bare its strategy, much of the world has nevertheless found it easier to blame Israel for the chaos.

The International Criminal Court’s prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, warned both Israel and Hamas that each could be committing crimes — as if a terror group using violence to breach a border and a nation defending itself are equivalent.

The European Union’s High Representative Federica Mogherini called for an investigation of Israel’s use of “live ammunition,” said its force should be “proportionate,” and urged a “full opening of the crossing points.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who exerts enormous influence over the Democratic Party’s activist wing, laid the blame squarely on Israel, tweeting, “The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response.”

Maybe Israel’s critics don’t realize that with their one-sided condemnations, they’re emboldening Hamas. Or maybe they do.

Lawrence J. Haas is a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council. He served as a former senior White House official and as senior communications director for Vice President Al Gore and is the author of, most recently, Harry and Arthur: Truman, Vandenberg, and the Partnership That Created the Free World.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian along southern Gaza border

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man on Thursday along the border of the southern Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The ministry spokesperson, Ashraf al-Qidra, announced that a man identified as Abdullah Muhammad Shahri, 28, was shot in the chest during ongoing protests, east of the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis.

Shahri was evacuated to the European Hospital in Khan Younis, and was pronounced dead shortly after.

Shahri’s death brought the number of Palestinians killed during protests along the Gaza border to 30, since the “Great March of Return” began on March 30.

The "Great March of Return” is a weeks-long planned protest in which almost 1.3 million of Gaza’s 2 million inhabitants who are refugees are demanding their right to return to their original homelands from which they were forcibly expelled when the state of Israel was created in 1948.



I am neutral on this.

Literally no one in the world cares, grow up. You are not a politician and making an announcement on an online forum will not change anything in your country or your situation with UAE. You need to be involved in politics to have an influence.

Israeli forces kill two Palestinians as Gaza protests continue
At least 34 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces since they began holding Land Day protests on March 30.

Its better to resolve the Palastine problem fast as possible, again unstable Syria is lethal for Israel existence . Stable Syria was huge protection for Israel . Palastinian groups getting trained with latest weapon and they are getting very heavy supply from " unstable Syria" .
That is quite the smokescreen! Best way to do it to clog up the view and cut down on the murdering.
Let's hope those lunatics on the mounds don't start firing blindly through that black smoke.
That is quite the smokescreen! Best way to do it to clog up the view and cut down on the murdering.
Let's hope those lunatics on the mounds don't start firing blindly through that black smoke.

Scenes From Today’s “Non-Violent” Gaza Protest
Aussie Dave
April 13, 2018

Teach them while they’re young. #peace

How quaint to fly a kite during the peaceful protest. Note sure why it has a Molotov cocktail attached to it, though.

When trying to damage the border fence, make sure there is at least one guy on crutches.



Since this morning, thousands of Palestinians have been rioting in five locations along the border with the Gaza Strip.

7:23 AM - Apr 13, 2018

That’s either a huge peace sign or…never mind.

Hmm, why would Hamas dress up a bunch of dudes in Press uniform – even though clearly not there to report objectively? Curious minds want to know!

Rioter trying to place an explosive device on the fence, right near journalists and a man on crutches.

Protesters hold a coffin with an Israeli flag and the pictures of Hamas captives Hadar Goldin, Oron Shaul, Hisham al-Sayed and Avera Mengistu (REUTERS/Mohammed Salem). #peace.

“What are these rocks?”


“Shame we cannot use them for this very non-violent, peaceful protest”

Glad to see the Gazans are managing with that tire shortage

I am beginning to think this is really not non-violent at all

Dare I say she throws like a girl?

Sistas are doing it for themselves

Israelis have gone wild.

Newsletter Friday April 13, 2018

Terrorist killed in IDF strike in Gaza took part in Nahal Oz attack
Hamas originally presented Muhammad Hajila as a civilian killed by IDF fire, but photos disseminated in Gaza show he was a Hamas member • Hamas boasts about Hajila's part in an ambush that killed five IDF soldiers during Operation Protective Edge.

Israel Hayom Staff


The terrorist killed in an Israeli Air Force strike in the Gaza Strip on Thursday was a member of the cell that killed five Israeli soldiers in an attack on an IDF outpost during the Gaza conflict in 2014, Hamas-affiliated media outlets reported Thursday.

Muhammad Hajila was a member of Hamas' military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas outlets said.

Originally, Hamas presented Hajila as a civilian who had been killed by IDF fire, but pictures published of his body dressed in an Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades shirt, as well as messages disseminated in Gaza, exposed his identity as a terrorist.

Palestinian media reported that Hajila, a father of three, was killed as he was operating a machine gunnery post targeted by the IDF on Thursday. The reports also said that two of Hajila's brothers had been killed carrying out acts of "resistance," one in 2004 and the other in 2008.

"We are revealing the identity of one of the perpetrators of the action at Nahal Oz that broke the legs and the heads of the soldiers of the occupation [Israel] – the shahid [martyr] and hero of the Shujaiyya neighborhood," a Twitter feed associated with Hamas declared.

In the ambush at Nahal Oz during Operation Protective Edge in 2014, armed terrorists rushed an IDF outpost and killed five soldiers: Sgts. Erez Sagi, Daniel Kedmi, Barkey Ishai Shor, Dor Dery and Nadav Raimond.

After the IAF struck Gaza on Thursday, heavy machine gun fire was aimed from Gaza at Israeli communities near the border. One home was hit. The IDF retaliated, killing Hajila and wounding another terrorist.
Breaking: 968 Palestinians injured and one killed in Gaza demonstrations


Palestinian official from PIJ party taking part in demonstrations:


Newsletter Friday April 13, 2018

Terrorist killed in IDF strike in Gaza took part in Nahal Oz attack
Hamas originally presented Muhammad Hajila as a civilian killed by IDF fire, but photos disseminated in Gaza show he was a Hamas member • Hamas boasts about Hajila's part in an ambush that killed five IDF soldiers during Operation Protective Edge.


That's made up, he was killed after Israeli Forces invaded Gaza at night time and called in a drone strike after fleeing from counter fire. He is part of the armed wing and was guarding the border, and it was announced as that from the very beginning in Palestinian media. That amounts to an act of aggression by Israel.
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