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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread

So you're frustrated because I am controlling the narrative here on Palestinian journey for self determination. And due to my presence, I keep it independent and don't allow anyone to exploit for some other regional agenda. In your case you want to use this cause to promote Iran-Syria-Hezbollah--Houthi axis to bash Arabs and other pan-Islamist movements. I'm not allowing you to exploit this cause like an insensitive prick that uses it to demonize others. Tough luck, get lost, I will make sure the narrative is solely focused on the cause as long as I am here.

Bravo! :tup: Keep up the great work and don't be deterred by the bugs. A good spray of insecticide like you just did works very well every once in a while, especially in the little gaps and crevasses where they crawl in from. :lol:
Pro-Meretz party Israeli's take part in demonstrations in Tel Aviv calling for government to take steps to deescalate:

Pro-Meretz party Israeli's take part in demonstrations in Tel Aviv calling for government to take steps to deescalate:

Bernie Sanders was on CNN today and it was good to finally hear some US politician actually condemn Israel for the killings instead of toting the usual support.

Now the Israelis are threatening to expand into Gaza.

Then this:
Furthermore, the United States blocked a UN Security Council draft statement which called for an investigation into the Friday demonstrations that resulted in the death of 17 Palestinians. The statement was drafted by Kuwait.

Where is Hamas? and where is the biggest phoney army of Egypt?
Pro-Meretz party Israeli's take part in demonstrations in Tel Aviv calling for government to take steps to deescalate:


Meretz has been the moral campus of Israeli parliament for a decade now.

Just to translate the signs , they read : peace now , stop the fire , and two nations - one hope ...
Meretz has been the moral campus of Israeli parliament for a decade now.

Just to translate the signs , they read : peace now , stop the fire , and two nations - one hope ...

They wrote stop the fire in Arabic. We need these people to get in power since they seem to be much more peaceful and also seem to have the right mindset, Sammy. You and I been talking about this for almost as long as they've been in around. Waiting for the day because there just isn't a solution with the Likud party and we've actually found a way to get Hamas to give up their authority for peace and then got the middle finger in return. Sucks, buddy.

BTW, any truth to this part here, the opposite supporters to the Meretz group whom are advocating killing them all?


They wrote stop the fire in Arabic. We need these people to get in power since they seem to be much more peaceful and also seem to have the right mindset, Sammy. You and I been talking about this for almost as long as they've been in around. Waiting for the day because there just isn't a solution with the Likud party and we've actually found a way to get Hamas to give up their authority for peace and then got the middle finger in return. Sucks, buddy.

BTW, any truth to this part here, the opposite supporters to the Meretz group whom are advocating killing them all?



Meretz has always been a small opposition party , but always their views that where at first regarded as different , became mainstream after a couple of years. They where always pioneers in many other issues as well concerning human rights.

I am not aware of a counter group to meretz calling for killing arabs , there are always idiots and fanatics but publicly inciting murder would be illegal.

As for Likud , if you remember we talked about netanyahu legal problems few months ago , so there is a good chance that in a few months his government would fall and he will be facing legal charges. We will just have to be patient and see. I doubt anyone at the moment can forsee what will happen.

I know you and i have been at it for years and had very little satisfaction from what we see on the ground but there is really no other way. Whether it takes 5 years or 50 years , this is the only path we must take. Two nations living in such proximity have only two options - continue to make each other miserable OR join hands and work together for a better future for all.

F-ck this conflict , i am fed up with it , fed up with innocent blood spilled , fed up with the hate and prejudice.

I know you and i have been at it for years and had very little satisfaction from what we see on the ground but there is really no other way. Whether it takes 5 years or 50 years , this is the only path we must take. Two nations living in such proximity have only two options - continue to make each other miserable OR join hands and work together for a better future for all.

My Palestinian friend here in the US told me when I asked him if he thought it would be better if Israel gave all the Palestinians citizenship as a solution to the end of this problem since many have brought that up as one of them, and essentially that would take care of Netanyahu's security concerns in general since it would basically be one country governed and ruled by Israel. His answer was obviously an unequivocal "no." The reasons are pretty obvious since it comes down to basically the Palestinians giving up not only their sovereignty (or whatever is left of it) but of course their identity.

Then I asked an Israeli friend of mine also here in the US if he would welcome that and he couldn't say "no" in an emphatic way like Jamal did, but explained it in a more subtle way out of an effort not to be selfish or rude, which was admirable to be perfectly honest with you. That's what polite people do. So judging by that, even though that is only 1 representative from each side, I think it's safe to say that is the general consensus across the board. That Means there is only the other alternative and besides land borders and Jerusalem (hardly small concerns in of themselves,) there is the security issue. Israel isn't willing to give up the security of Palestinian borders and the Palestinians won't have true sovereignty without it. Without both sides giving up much more than they're willing to, I'm afraid your sentiment below will continue for a very long time, my friend.

F-ck this conflict , i am fed up with it , fed up with innocent blood spilled , fed up with the hate and prejudice.

Are they investigating any of these shootings?
Zionist regime is wilder than ever:

Meanwhile MBS meets israeli heads in the avid and kiss them ...

Zionist regime arrests over 450 Palestinian workers before Jewish holidays


Tel Aviv’s forces have arrested hundreds of undocumented Palestinian laborers working in Israel ahead of Jewish holidays during a massive operation denounced by rights activists as “racist.”

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Tel Aviv’s forces have arrested hundreds of undocumented Palestinian laborers working in Israel ahead of Jewish holidays during a massive operation denounced by rights activists as “racist.”

In the operation dubbed “Biur Chametz,” meaning cleaning a house from non-Kosher food, nearly 2,300 officers and “volunteers,” assisted by Israel’s air force, have raided dozens of locations in Israel since Saturday.

Out of the 569 arrested, 468 were Palestinian laborers working in Israel without permit, 17 were accused of harboring laborers, 24 were suspected of transporting and eight were suspected of employing.

“These operations will continue as long as necessary in different areas, as part of security in order to prevent incidents from taking place,” Micky Rosenfeld, an Israeli police spokesman said.

Rights activists have slammed the operation for both its crackdown on undocumented workers and the insulting connotation of its name.

Biur Chametz refers to a religious Jewish tradition of removing all traces of non-kosher food from a home either by cleaning all surfaces, burning leftovers, or giving them to non-Jews.

“Israeli police’s terminology towards people, like food that must be cleaned and removed, attests to the racist character of the police activity,” Adalah, an NGO dedicated to Palestinian legal rights in Israel, said in a statement on Tuesday. “Indeed, this is an ethnic cleansing.”

“These Palestinians do not have any intention to harm anyone yet the police treat them like criminals who must be arrested, for no fault of their own,” Adalah pointed out.

Israeli forces typically intensify crackdown on Palestinians before and during Jewish holidays, including massive arrests and closure of crossings into the occupied territories.

As of Thursday, a day before the Jewish holiday Passover, Israeli forces will close crossings from the West Bank and Gaza Strip for eight days, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

According to the Israeli army’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), 70,000 Palestinian workers with permits crossed daily into Israel in 2017.

Israeli police regularly carry out raids targeting undocumented workers, as well as the Israeli citizens suspected of employing them and housing them.

In July 2017, Israeli forces detained 98 Palestinians during a similar operation against undocumented workers.
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