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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread

Breaking(Initial Reports):

Israeli Tank fire kills Palestinian demonstrator in Khan Yunis, injuring another:

A farmer was killed and a second person was wounded by an Israeli tank shell on Friday, a Gaza health ministry spokesman said, as tensions rose on Friday ahead of planned protests by Palestinians along the border with Israel.

The Israeli military declined comment and was checking for details. The Gaza health ministry spokesman said the farmer was killed and another wounded near the town of Khan Younis.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are planning to begin a six-week-long tent city protest near the Israeli border to demand Palestinian refugees be allowed to return to what is now Israel and Israeli troops are on heightened alert along the border.




Initial Report: Multiple Palestinians injured after Israeli forces open fire at border in Hay Zaytoon


PS: Official demonstration hasn't begun yet, should begin around 3-4 hours from now
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7 Palestinians killed, dozens injured as Israel suppresses massive protest in Gaza

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Six Palestinians have been killed b y Israeli forces and dozens more injured since early Friday morning, as thousands of Gazans took to the borders with Israel as part of “The Great March of Return” taking place across the besieged coastal enclave to mark the 42nd Land Day.

In 1976,Israeli police shot and killed six Palestinian citizens of Israel as they were protesting the Israeli government's expropriation of thousands of dunums of Palestinian land. Since then, Palestinians have commemorated March 30 as Land Day with mass protests across the ocupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, Gaza, and inside Israel.

A Palestinian farmer was killed around dawn and another was injured as Israeli forces targeted the southern Gazan district of Khan Younis with mortar shells.

Spokesperson of the Gaza Ministry of Health, Ashraf al-Qidra, identified the slain farmer as Omar Sammour, 31, adding that another Palestinian, whose identity remained unknown, was injured during the shelling.

Israeli media reported that Sammour and the other man with him were targeted for approaching the border fence with Israel in a “suspicious manner,” though local sources reported that Sammour was simply gathering crops from his land to sell later in the day.




Demonstration earlier:



Quite a distance from the fence, no reason to use live fire on demonstrators. I'll let Israeli's reflect upon the 7 lives lost today....


Breaking: 2 more casualties reported in northern and southern Gaza : Palestinian Health Ministry
(Ibrahim Shaar 20, Abd-Alfattah Bahjat 25)

Breaking: 59 injuries reported in demonstrations in city of Ramallah
Breaking: 10th reported casualty in Gaza Strip demonstrations: Palestinian Health Ministry

10 شهداء في مسيرات يوم الارض بغزة


Meretz leader decries IDF use of live fire in Gaza, calls for ceasefire

Meretz leader Tamar Zandberg decries the army’s use of live fire to disperse Palestinian protesters clashing with Israeli soldiers along the Gaza border.

“We are following the events in Gaza with concern and calling for an immediate ceasefire,” Zandberg says in a statement. “The Palestinians have a right to demonstrate.”



Hamas urges blood donations as hospitals flooded by injured protesters

Hamas military wing, Izaddin al Qassam, is instructing its members to urgently donate blood to hospitals in northern Gaza Strip.



Live Stream:

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Like you say, having conflict persist is not preferred for both sides

I'm not so sure about that, my friend. While people like Sammy might be of the same opinion, I highly doubt the Israeli government is on that same page.

Quite a distance from the fence, no reason to use live fire on demonstrators. I'll let Israeli's reflect upon the 7 lives lost today....

So they fired a tank shell from the border fence into that area where those people are?

Israeli media reported that Sammour and the other man with him were targeted for approaching the border fence with Israel in a “suspicious manner,” though local sources reported that Sammour was simply gathering crops from his land to sell later in the day.

"In a suspicious manner." Usually it takes at least a lethal and deadly rock thrown at a defenseless armored vehicle or tank to cause a retaliation like that.

Breaking: Israeli artillery shells fired at watch tower belonging to Palestinian military faction






I'm not so sure about that, my friend. While people like Sammy might be of the same opinion, I highly doubt the Israeli government is on that same page.

This is true, this party that dominates the Israeli government is very extreme and I don't see enough Israeli's questioning their trajectory. It's nice to see smaller parties bringing up the issues in the West Bank and Gaza and see a need to address it.

So they fired a tank shell from the border fence into that area where those people are?

He was collecting crops early in the morning, they deemed that suspicious activity and fired a shell at his land towards him. The shrapnel proceeded to kill him.

The rest of the shells are being fired at watch towers. Whenever the demonstrations become lively they fire artillery shells at those watch towers and outposts belonging to Hamas.

"In a suspicious manner." Usually it takes at least a lethal and deadly rock thrown at a defenseless armored vehicle or tank to cause a retaliation like that.

Yeah it's really unfortunate and trigger happy. A tank should never be used in this case.
Not sure what the Israelis are worried about a bunch of Palestinians peacefully gathering in a peaceful protest? What's the issue with them that they don't like and need to disperse them from such a gathering, let alone kill 10 so far.

I'm surprised CNN isn't reporting this.

Not sure what the Israelis are worried about a bunch of Palestinians peacefully gathering in a peaceful protest? What's the issue with them that they don't like about it and need disperse then from such a gathering, let alone kill 10 so far.

I'm surprised CNN isn't reporting this.


They are dropping tear gas from what appear to be Amazon -like drones:



Now they shelled an watchtower belonging to the PIJ.


There are reports of two people killed now in tank shelling. The Palestinian factions are shooting down drones on the border now. Spy drone shot down.

EDIT: No injures in the tank shelling
The rest of the shells are being fired at watch towers. Whenever the demonstrations become lively they fire artillery shells at those watch towers and outposts belonging to Hamas.

So the Israelis have a problem with the watchtowers, but only when they're manned? Unreal.

They are dropping tear gas from what appear to be Amazon -like drones:

Unbelievable. Imagine if the Palestinians flew Phantom 2s over the Israeli tanks that need to guard the border fence. It's ridiculous. Let the people protest peacefully and commemorate the murdering of their people from 1979 what the heck is the big deal?

The frustrating part is not only seeing Palestinians lives being sacrificed like cattle for zero in return, but it's also literally for "nothing" because even when the world hears of these things, it makes absolutely no difference. That's just as bad as losing lives in the process.

Report: 4 Israeli artillery shells fired at two watch towers belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in northern Gaza

Report: 2 Palestinians killed by tank shelling near eastern border, they barely came near the fence and Israel is using artillery shells on them

Report: Palestinian from Nusyraat Refugee Camp killed by Israeli gun fire in the demonstrations according to Palestinian Healthy Ministry (AbdelQader Alhawajre)

Report: 2 Palestinian men detained in Hebron

Report: 2 Palestinians killed in artillery shelling in Northern Gaza


It is unclear what is happening, reports suggest 3 killed near border, and two Palestinian militants killed in drone strike or shelling in northern Gaza.

So the Israelis have a problem with the watchtowers, but only when they're manned? Unreal.

Unbelievable. Imagine if the Palestinians flew Phantom 2s over the Israeli tanks that need to guard the border fence. It's ridiculous. Let the people protest peacefully and commemorate the murdering of their people from 1979 what the heck is the big deal?

The frustrating part is not only seeing Palestinians lives being sacrificed like cattle for zero in return, but it's also literally for "nothing" because even when the world hears of these things, it makes absolutely no difference. That's just as bad as losing lives in the process.

It's a sad situation my friend, they want to be heard and want independence. As well as lifting the siege which has led to high poverty and unemployment rates. I just can't believe Israeli people, how can you watch this continue? Do you want people to believe you are bad or what? If the Palestinian factions get involved it will get even uglier and no one wants to see that. The world needs to make the peace process a priority as soon as possible.
Why the European criminal Netanyahu ordered his army to fire on peaceful protesters?
This stupid guy needs to be assassinated for good. I think it's possible to assassinate him while he visits some African countries where they have bad security condition and can't detect outsiders.

I do not reside in the region but did one point in my life and have been there many times. I believe this is an important time to push the agenda of two state solution. Like you say, having conflict persist is not preferred for both sides and most people want security/peace then to be able to have a good quality of life. We can only hope as you say a miracle occurs or something draws attention for this to move forward and happen.
After huge change in geo dynamics, Isreal is very scared to go for two state agenda. They can prolong there rule, but at end of day they have to find the solution. Because Palastinian population is increasing and they are very short of land.
Why the European criminal Netanyahu ordered his army to fire on peaceful protesters?
Didn't happen. Check out Israeli media, you'll see not only unarmed protesters but pics and videos of armed men in the crowd assaulting the Israeli line. Those are the ones the Israelis are targeting. If the IDF was shooting peaceful protesters there would be thousands dead, not a dozen.

It's sad to see how Muslims have fallen for the "Palestinian" narrative and claptrap. It wasn't always this way. Two hundred years ago when the Jew, Haim Farhi, was murdered in Acre his death was acknowledged as unjust and Constantinople ordered Ottoman troops to cooperate with his brothers to exact revenge.

While that effort collapsed when one of the brothers died at the head of his army, it showed the civilized principle of rule of law applied: Jews couldn't be treated unjustly merely because some Muslims desired their wealth, property, or position and it was the duty of the larger Muslim community to enforce that. But today many Muslims find the idea of Jews justly killing Muslims revolting, yes?

It's the absolute worst form of sectarian racism and I suppose what makes it even more unbearable to racists is the fact that there's no mirror to hold up to the Zionists: they have to lie and misrepresent events instead.

-Hamas Official Yahya Sinwar visits and partakes in peaceful demonstration in eastern Gaza

-Palestinian Health Ministry confirms three civilians(not militants) killed in shelling in northern Gaza, Saree Abu Ouda, Mohamed Alkfrnah and Hamdan Amshah

-Death toll is raised to 14 according to Palestinian Health Ministry, Maan Agency reporting 13 killed, and 1200 injured:


-Turkish foreign ministry condemns Israel's use of lethal force against the demonstrators

-Press statement by various Palestinian faction officials: These popular demonstrations will remain peaceful and continue

-First day of demonstrations comes to an end and will continue on a daily basis

-Azhar of Egypt condemn Israeli use of lethal force against peaceful demonstrators


Earlier photo:

Report: 4.7M Palestinians live in W. Bank, Gaza
Latest report compiled by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics confirms figures presented in a Knesset committee by IDF official that indicated that Muslim and Jewish population was reaching parity between Mediterranean and the Jordan River; 2.8 million Palestinians live in West Bank and east Jerusalem, while 1.9 million live in Gaza.
Elior Levy|Published: 03.28.18 , 19:48


Keep strong Palestinians
On Land Day, Israeli forces kill 14 Palestinians, injure hundreds more in Gaza

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces shot dead 14 Palestinians and injured over a 1,000 more along the Gaza border on Friday, as thousands of Palestinians demonstrated in “The Great March of Return” on the 42nd anniversary of Land Day.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed that 14 Palestinians were killed on Friday. They were identified as:

  1. Mohammad Kamel Najjar
  2. Wahid Nasrallah Abu Samour
  3. Mahmoud Abu Muammar
  4. Mohammad Abu Amro
  5. Amhad Ibrahim Odah
  6. Jihad Farina
  7. Mahmoud Rahmi
  8. Ibrahim Abu Shaer
  9. Abd al-Fattah Bahjat Abd al-Nabi
  10. Abd al-Qader al-Hawajri
  11. Sari Walid Abu Odah
  12. Hamdan Ismail Abu Amsha
  13. Omar Samour
  14. Bader Fayek al-Sabbagh

The ministry added that 1,272 Palestinians were injured. While the majority suffered from severe tear-gas inhalation, tens of Palestinians were injured with live ammunition, some critically.

The ministry called on Palestinians across Gaza to donate blood at hospitals.

Leading up to the march, the Israeli army released a statement saying it had declared the border area along Gaza a “closed military zone,” meaning that any Palestinian who got close to the border fence could risk getting shot.

The Israeli army released statements on Twitter describing the protests as “violent riots.”

“17,000 Palestinians are rioting in 5 locations along the Gaza Strip security fence. The rioters are rolling burning tires and hurling firebombs & rocks at the security fence & IDF troops, who are responding w riot dispersal means and firing towards main instigators,” the statement said.

Despite the Israeli army’s claims, Palestinian activists and leaders in the Gaza Strip have maintained that the “March of Return” was organized as a massive non-violent, weeks-long protest advocating for the return of Palestinian refugees to their original homelands in historic Palestine, now present day Israel.


Kuwait requests UN security council meeting over events, Jordan, Iran, Turkey and Azhar of Egypt condemn Israeli use of live fire/shelling against demonstrators. PA/Hamas call for day of mourning for the victims.
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