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Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer

Be wary, there are almost 7 billion "impressionist mindless degenerates" who are led on by political leaders worldwide, including your fellow citizens. People just need to stop a moment an think about what they're ingesting.

Calling a Palestinian a "mindless degenerate" won't win me over as your friend if I were a Jew, and other conscientious Jews, Palestinians, other Israelis and all manner of people out there.

The Fatah isn't a religious organisation and doesn't pretend to be one, and if I were there in the crowd, I'd fully understand Mr. Abbas' need for gaining sympathy by whatever angle he could exploit, but leave it at that. I won't learn my creed from a politician. What would be plain silly.

That is a translation so what does it really mean when you use the word Jew and Muslim is indiscernable (e.g. what is translated Jew may include Muslims). But it already is part of your creed that twice you'd spread corruption in Shaam and twice Allah will send people who are devoid of mercy to deal with you for your crimes! It has happened once in the past, so the conclusions are yours to draw. I don't have the reference right now but I did read it in the Bible.
^I persisted with that specific quote just to be able to say that second thing even though I'm very uncomfortable with it for several reasons, not the least of which is that I'd be a school kid trying to work with string theory.

There are far more skewed ideas children worldwide are growing up with. Muslim children too are learning extraneous ideas so unequivocally passed onto them as our tradition people from as late as the last century would balk at them. This is a problem of the age of quite grave concern for the Muslim ummah and I don't see a solution in the short-term, in the long-term yes, through Providence. What individual people who don't really have a public voice can do, I think, is to spot where their tradition is being worked to the advantage of local politics, and pass on the classical, unadultrated understanding to the next generation.
What I can tell you is, this Muslim kid grew up without an anti-Jewish bone in his body, but he didn't grow up in Palestine!
There is an anti-Jewish bone in all those that believe the world`s woes are because of Jews. It is as old as your religion and older. This day of age there is a more specific reason why many Muslims(Not all) hate Jews to the bone, Israel.
It has no logic other than the solidarity of the "ummah" with fellow "ummah" members, while the Palestinians nor the Arabs would shed a tear if you or yours were blown up yourself by a group that didn`t think you were Muslim enough.

This is the logic people are being taught, in your "Ummah". Instead of condemning, you are reasoning and justifying and that is why this hatred will perpetuate.

The Quran declares that the human race is one family, so this concept of "Ummah" is a contradiction, especially when you delude yourself into thinking that others care as much as you care for them.
There is an anti-Jewish bone in all those that believe the world`s woes are because of Jews. It is as old as your religion and older.

This day of age there is a more specific reason why many Muslims(Not all) hate Jews to the bone, Israel. ...
The world's woes are because of mankind. That's our understanding, and you're not in a position to teach me my creed.

To "This day of age there is a more specific reason why many Muslims(Not all) hate Jews to the bone, Israel.":
First off I would replace the words hate by don't like, because the former is not what God does, wAllahu a3lam, and our goal is to come back to the original state of our creation, which was in the image of God, we can't hate too!

Now, you're on to something there. In fact, you just spelt out exactly the right reason. But till the day there's one Jew alive who isn't a Zionist and opposes the illegal occupation, Muslims can't dislike the Jews. Period. They generally dislike the Zionists, and there's Zionists among the Muslims too!
The Quran declares that the human race is one family, so this concept of "Ummah" is a contradiction, especially when you delude yourself into thinking that others care as much as you care for them.
One qaum, one nation, bani aadam (A.S.), not one family AFAIK.

Allow me to say something not as a representative of my religion but myself:
A qaum is a people who have a common father somewhere up the line e.g. bani israa2iil - children of Jacob A.S.. An ummah is like Jesus A.S., it has an ummi (mother) but no father.
Mummy overrules Daddy any day!
What I could never understand is why is it that Muslims in general are so hostile to jews. Sometimes it's like they don't even want to see the entire jewish race on the Earth. It's like most Muslims hate jews like anything and some of them seem to have it as their life's mission to see to it that the entire jewish race is eliminated. It's pure, unadulterated hate.

I've witnessed this in my experiences too. Although it's something I could never understand.

Cut this crap, You Imflamer, Indian. We are not against any race what so ever. It's just the Occutaional Issues of Muslim lands which push some of us towards extreme. It's countries like of your's to be blamed for all the mess. We are just resisting your terrorist acts.
The world's woes are because of mankind. That's our understanding, and you're not in a position to teach me my creed.

To "This day of age there is a more specific reason why many Muslims(Not all) hate Jews to the bone, Israel.":
First off I would replace the words hate by don't like, because the former is not what God does, wAllahu a3lam, and our goal is to come back to the original state of our creation, which was in the image of God, we can't hate too!

Now, you're on to something there. In fact, you just spelt out exactly the right reason. But till the day there's one Jew alive who isn't a Zionist and opposes the illegal occupation, Muslims can't dislike the Jews. Period. They generally dislike the Zionists, and there's Zionists among the Muslims too!
The land of Israel belongs to Bnei Israel who are the sons of Jacob, any Mufti or religious scholar will tell you that unless they are out there preaching suicide bombing. It is in the Quran, no matter how much people try to ignore it.

Scholar: Quran says Israel belongs to Jews

He says medieval scholars, “without any exception known to me,” interpreted the Quran to recognize Israel as belonging to the Jews.

According to Mohammed, the idea that Israel does not belong to the Jews is a modern one, “probably based on the Mideast rejection of European colonialism, etc., but certainly not having anything to do with the Quran.”

Most Muslims, he laments, do not read the Quran for themselves and instead rely on imams and preachers to do the reading and interpreting for them.
The land of Israel belongs to Bnei Israel who are the sons of Jacob, any Mufti or religious scholar will tell you that unless they are out there preaching suicide bombing. It is in the Quran, no matter how much people try to ignore it.

Scholar: Quran says Israel belongs to Jews

My family came from ..... lets say Kandahar

so it belongs to me. Now i am going to bomb it. I am going to kill every nato and afghan soldier there bcz that city belongs to my family. Sounds good?????
I thought beni israelis were middle eastern not russians,ukrainians,americans ...europeans to be exact.
I thought beni israelis were middle eastern not russians,ukrainians,americans ...europeans to be exact.
It is a well known fact that Bnei Israel were driven out of Israel and assimilated all over the world. That is why we have middle eastern looking Jews, Russian looking Jews, European looking Jews, Ethiopian looking Jews, etc... They are all descendants of the twelve tribes.
It is a well known fact that Bnei Israel were driven out of Israel and assimilated all over the world. That is why we have middle eastern looking Jews, Russian looking Jews, European looking Jews, Ethiopian looking Jews, etc... They are all descendants of the twelve tribes.

Is this thread abt fogel family killing or israel history :undecided:
It is a well known fact that Bnei Israel were driven out of Israel and assimilated all over the world. That is why we have middle eastern looking Jews, Russian looking Jews, European looking Jews, Ethiopian looking Jews, etc... They are all descendants of the twelve tribes.

Assimilation doesnt change genetic makeup does it?also isnt it banned for jews to marry outside their community like the muslims?
Assimilation doesnt change genetic makeup does it?also isnt it banned for jews to marry outside their community like the muslims?
When interfaith marriages occurred, the spouses usually converted to Judaism, though not all did. As long as the mother is Jewish, the children are Jewish too. That is Jewish law.
Its human nature...Israelis mustve done something bad to them...they avenged it...its simple...lets assume If a guy kills my one family member..I will kill him but If hez hiding I ll kill his family member too so he cud atleast feel the same..Its not Islamic though...Israeli soldiers have murdered thousands of innocent Muslims..where are dere life sentences?....u r just talking about one family up dere..shame on ur hypocrisy
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