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Palestine is here to stay

A street urinating Indian calling a Saudi a "weakling", I've seen it all people :lol:, pretty rich coming from a guy living in a country filled with starving people that don't even have toilets to clean themselves in, or are you another immigrant who escaped your sewer of a country ?

I got an Indian slave that submit to me, i make him clean my toilet regularly, maybe you should come and join him, i'm offering you an escape from your sewer country, you should thank me, cleaning Saudi toilets is the highest honor an Indian can ever dream of achieving :rofl:

There's plenty of Indian slaves here in the GCC :-)

There's no US bases in KSA all got kicked out to Qatar prior to Iraq invasion, and even if their were US bases here (which is false) it don't mean anything, plenty of strong and advanced countries such as Germany and Japan have US bases, does that mean they're weak ? the curry that you chew has affected your half brain cell i see.:crazy:

oh u liar i had a girl of saudi in my batch and i know all the shit that goes on in that country

A street urinating Indian calling a Saudi a "weakling", I've seen it all people :lol:, pretty rich coming from a guy living in a country filled with starving people that don't even have toilets to clean themselves in, or are you another immigrant who escaped your sewer of a country ?

I got an Indian slave that submit to me, i make him clean my toilet regularly, maybe you should come and join him, i'm offering you an escape from your sewer country, you should thank me, cleaning Saudi toilets is the highest honor an Indian can ever dream of achieving :rofl:

There's plenty of Indian slaves here in the GCC :-)

There's no US bases in KSA all got kicked out to Qatar prior to Iraq invasion, and even if their were US bases here (which is false) it don't mean anything, plenty of strong and advanced countries such as Germany and Japan have US bases, does that mean they're weak ? the curry that you chew has affected your half brain cell i see.:crazy:

do u even know what a brain cell is called??
go and drill oil,,,oh i forgot u cannot even do that without the help of west.

really sorry man
oh u liar i had a girl of saudi in my batch and i know all the shit that goes on in that country

A Saudi woman would rather die before touch or talk to your apes kind (Indians), You know in the west they call you Dot Heads but here in good old Arabia we call you Fart Heads, and it's for a good reason, you're smelly as fu*k, a shower won't hurt you know. :lol:

do u even know what a brain cell is called??
go and drill oil,,,oh i forgot u cannot even do that without the help of west.

really sorry man

Yeah we got plenty of slaves from all over the world that do our sh!t for us, the crackers can drill, but your kind are only good at:


plus the toilets of course :omghaha:
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Irregardless of Israel's occupation in the West Bank, their restrictions on the freedom of movement, economic restrictions, land theft, resource theft, state sponsored violence, illegal settlements that come about through brute force against original inhabitants and military attacks against the Palestinian people.

Palestine is here to stay forever. Israel is actively trying to destroy what's left of Palestine(As supported by real facts and not rhetoric) and not the other way around.

Karma says all this negativity will come back and hit the oppressor like a boomerang.

As for the recent attacks on Gaza there's an old polish saying....:

a Jewish man was beating up a little child and shouting 'help he is attacking me'


God bless Palestine.
WOW...you believe in Karma?
If he had guts and emotional maturity, to debate, he would have debated with me in the other thread instead of opening a copy-cat.

Sorry to say.

is it true @FaujHistorian

pati fauj mein ,,,biwi mauj mein??

If he had guts and emotional maturity, to debate, he would have debated with me in the other thread instead of opening a copy-cat.

Sorry to say.

they ban any thread that they perceive to be out of sync with their own made up mind.
If he had guts and emotional maturity, to debate, he would have debated with me in the other thread instead of opening a copy-cat.

Sorry to say.
he has guts to debate you, but you have to follow the rules of the debate yourself as well….ok? so if your ready @Hazzy997
If he had guts and emotional maturity, to debate, he would have debated with me in the other thread instead of opening a copy-cat.

Sorry to say.

You present no facts. Just rant after rant after opinionated drivel. I am ready when you are. We can have mods evaluate the conditions for the debate and declare the victor when it ends.
A Saudi woman would rather die before touch or talk to your apes kind (Indians), You know in the west they call you Dot Heads but here in good old Arabia we call you Fart Heads, and it's for a good reason, you're smelly as fu*k, a shower won't hurt you know. :lol:

Yeah we got plenty of slaves from all over the world that do our sh!t for us, the crackers can drill, but your kind are only good at:


plus the toilets of course :omghaha:
@he-man he drilling the crap out of you….. are you going to take it like a girl? or reply like a man?
Not the way Indians understand it. We believe in a formula for ourselves.
"Not the way Indians understand it"....Read below...Is there another meaning that I don't know off...please enlighten me...lol

Karma | Define Karma at Dictionary.com
mə/ bhakti ( def 1 ) , jnana.
Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
fate; destiny. Synonyms: predestination, predetermination, lot, kismet.
the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something: Lets get out of here. This place has bad karma.
1820–30; < Sanskrit: nominative, accusative singular of karman act, deed

Related forms
kar·mic, adjective
@he-man he drilling the crap out of you….. are you going to take it like a girl? or reply like a man?

i will get banned man.
i have come back today from a month long ban otherwise i would have done something.

sorry to say but most of the mods here are just looking for an opportunity to ban me,,,so i have no option.

See now this type of posts are great.

no substance. girl fights, same old $hit.


i am not even replying to that.
and especially i don't want knowledge from a guy living under a dictatorship to tell me whats right and wrong in the first place

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