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Palestine is here to stay

actually its our incompetent and corrupt rulers who are afraid of you tiny idiots...if it was a General like Sahabi Umer (RA) or like Khalid bin Walid (RA) you would have been reduced to rubble in 2 years....

I don't have patience for Indians anymore. I'm surprised how Pakistani people handle them. Although I have to say Jewish people are a lot worse.
@he-man What happened to other Israel thread where Indian left wingers were showing so much love for Palestine?

got shut down,,,i don't know where ever i go

either the thread gets locked or i get booted out:rofl::rofl::rofl:

FaujHistorian although you are screwed up in your head but you are entitled to you opinion your hate Thread is closed and yes israel is here to stay for a long long time but you don't know whose is going to rule it in the End neither of us knows.

I still maintain you don't know zilch about sharia, sharia never collapsed it is still active the example is KSA isn't it, sharia in the very simplest form/definition for understanding are collection of laws i explained it earlier killing by stoing or killing by leather is no big deal the theme is DEATH so why does it give pain to liberals by the way what has western las given except for approval to destroy every muslim nation under various pretexts like iraqi WMDs guess what they never found it but yesterday ISIS captured chemical factory in iraq lol funny US/NATO couldn't find it. Without further derailment of thread nor should you I just wanted to let you know you talk alot without meaningful content, get out of critic position and suggest solutions instead of ruining and running your mouth like a bad mood woman in every Thread with your baseless critics and accusations.

and here comes the greatest analyst who ever lived:coffee:

I don't have patience for Indians anymore. I'm surprised how Pakistani people handle them. Although I have to say Jewish people are a lot worse.

ya we are horrible people.
what can u do about it tough guy??

cry in front of ur laptop:lol:
LOL i'm sure now that the Middle East section is the most immature section on this forum, just like in real life, no one is mature in the Middle East, i mean gotta love us Middle Easterns :P

by maturity what are u implying??

blinded hatred towards indians and jews??or real maturity to tell the things as they really are?

You have no idea how we handle them...people just have to ignore them

yes to ignore indians u had to leave pakistan,,,job well done i would say
else what a negative rating??
sharia expert:lol:

You moron where did I say I am sharia expert there is a thread running on sharia in Pakistan and I clearly mentioned me and others knows nothing about it; it is a broad subject now get lost out of this Thread you moron. You have earned enough -VE rating to make you member without credibility not to mention those bans.
by maturity what are u implying??

blinded hatred towards indians and jews??or real maturity to tell the things as they really are?

yes to ignore indians u had to leave pakistan,,,job well done i would say
To ignore Indians we still have to dismember to the size of Sri Lanka (or non existence) ....a job well done I would say done by your leaders by inciting unprecedented cruelty on Dalits and Shudars of Nagalands and Seven Sister States good luck recovering there...else Indians are here too you can't avoid them unless they are super sophisticated (I have NON such friends unfortunately)
You moron where did I say I am sharia expert there is a thread running on sharia in Pakistan and I clearly mentioned me and others knows nothing about it; it is a broad subject now get lost out of this Thread you moron. You have earned enough -VE rating to make you member without credibility not to mention those bans.

everyone knows ur credibility as an analyst here,,,,look in the mirror.
if credibility depended on ratings alone then i woild say its the end of the world

Well Indians will be just fine as soon as they stop sniffing Zionist butt 24/7 on this forum :tup:

tough guy!!
are u even alowed to snuff ur own butt by saudi king??
Palestine is a foreign, non-Muslim, Roman creation. It was never an own state/kingdom whatever.
The modern state of Israel on the other hand, is a transformed continuation of the ancient Kingdom of Israel.

Anyway, it's nearly a decade since i read the Quran, but didn't Allah stated in it too that this region was given by him to the Jews?

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