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Palestine is here to stay

Are these forums in English ? if yes give us a link :lol:

Sry for putting this in here but try mp.net (militaryphotos) and the "Ukraine butthurt " thread ...it has almost 4000 pages of sillyness-Eastern Europe style-it has all Russians acussing Romanians of genocide,Eastern Europeans accusing Russians of terrorism,hyperboles,metaphores,Nazis,ideeas of EEuropeans resorting to terrorism to blow things up in Moscow,historic discussions,nuclear threats,Poland STRONK111,accusations from the russians for what the poles did when they invaded Russia in the 17th century,"just a gas station",etc,etc.:lol:
Sry for putting this in here but try mp.net (militaryphotos) and the "Ukraine butthurt " thread ...it has almost 4000 pages of sillyness-Eastern Europe style-it has all Russians acussing Romanians of genocide,Eastern Europeans accusing Russians of terrorism,hyperboles,metaphores,Nazis,ideeas of EEuropeans resorting to terrorism to blow things up in Moscow,historic discussions,nuclear threats,Poland STRONK111,accusations from the russians for what the poles did when they invaded Russia in the 17th century,"just a gas station",etc,etc.:lol:
Sounds like PDF. :lol:
God bless people of Kashmir as well. Indians and Israeli's are alike. Although Israeli's are much more evil with sophistication. It's we Muslims, and Arabs more importantly start working to protect our people from these terrorists. Only we can guarantee the freedom and safety of our people. The remaining Muslims that haven't woken up, need to, and very soon.
Yeah.. Like Palestinians were there for thousand years before even Jews.. these Uzbek/Turk Muslim Kashmiris were there for thousand years even before Hindus. oh.. But Islam came in 700 AD? who cares? we were there for years..

Well Indians will be just fine as soon as they stop sniffing Zionist butt 24/7 on this forum :tup:

Yeah.. and you continue sniffing butts of Muslims on name of Ummat is OK.
The more you say palestian is here to stay, the more it means you don't want to reach solution. This would only make Israel more powerful.

This world requires dignity, which israel has plenty of. World will support palestian when they start acting peaceful.

The mods actually named it "Ukraine butthurt thread" :))
no freedom of speech here
If palestinians can not hunt down their own terrorists, well, Israel has to react.

At the end of day, nobody want to side with terrorists.

Well, Israel would allow palestinians to stay, well, just so miserably.

I am not sure why there is any proud there.

GOD definitely will not bless terrorists.

Irregardless of Israel's occupation in the West Bank, their restrictions on the freedom of movement, economic restrictions, land theft, resource theft, state sponsored violence, illegal settlements that come about through brute force against original inhabitants and military attacks against the Palestinian people.

Palestine is here to stay forever. Israel is actively trying to destroy what's left of Palestine(As supported by real facts and not rhetoric) and not the other way around.

Karma says all this negativity will come back and hit the oppressor like a boomerang.

As for the recent attacks on Gaza there's an old polish saying....:

a Jewish man was beating up a little child and shouting 'help he is attacking me'


God bless Palestine.

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