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Palestine is here to stay

he has guts to debate you, but you have to follow the rules of the debate yourself as well….ok? so if your ready @Hazzy997


Anything new, anythihng of substance in post #1 of this thread?

Same old jingoistic statements.

What is there to debate.

Heck your threads (even they are old) like secularims, anti-Semitism etc. are at least bring some fresh perspective, some poll, something that clearly shows you made an effort.

Here in this thread, nothing, zilch. good ole khusra and girly fights and 5th grade level slogans.

sorry to say.
Palestine is an old Islamic ,Muslim ,Arab land while the jews have come from Europe and seized their land by war...
Harun Yahya says different. Evolution is a evil jew-createt lie.
Palestine is an old Islamic land while jews have come from Europe and sized their land by war.

Islamic lands are aged 1400 years or less

Christians and Jews have been around far far longer.

Harun Yahya says different. Evolution is a evil jew-createt lie.

Please no more Mullahs and their conspiracy theories.

We have suffered enough already.
A street urinating Indian calling a Saudi a "weakling", I've seen it all people :lol:, pretty rich coming from a guy living in a country filled with starving people that don't even have toilets to clean themselves in, or are you another immigrant who escaped your sewer of a country ?

I got an Indian slave that submit to me, i make him clean my toilet regularly, maybe you should come and join him, i'm offering you an escape from your sewer country, you should thank me, cleaning Saudi toilets is the highest honor an Indian can ever dream of achieving :rofl:

There's plenty of Indian slaves here in the GCC :-)

There's no US bases in KSA all got kicked out to Qatar prior to Iraq invasion, and even if their were US bases here (which is false) it don't mean anything, plenty of strong and advanced countries such as Germany and Japan have US bases, does that mean they're weak ? the curry that you chew has affected your half brain cell i see.:crazy:
Do not bash them that hard, All Indians in the GCC should be sent home , since India is doing well economically , there is no need for them, they can find jobs back home, they can easily be replaced by Pakistanis, Bangladeshis or other Muslim Arab nationals, for that 40 billion dollars yearly revenues to boost their economy instead of helping a declared anti Muslim state to buy weapons. The other reason is to prevent their intelligence agents from hiding amongst their immigrants to further the Usraeli-Indian Agenda against Muslims everywhere. Those new violent happenings in the GCC and Shiaa vs Sunni new rifts are most probably stirred by some intelligence services whose aims are to weaken the Muslim world, so to be prudent GCC countries should send those people back home. This would have not been justified if India was still a very poor country, but, since it is not, it justifies the move.
Please no more Mullahs and their conspiracy theories.
We have suffered enough already.

Yeah, but unfortunately they will never shut up.
And it seems to me their influence is growing.
We need a muslim Charles Darwin or Richard Dawkins.
Yeah, but unfortunately they will never shut up.
And it seems to me their influence is growing.
We need a muslim Charles Darwin or Richard Dawkins.


I seriously doubt you can find "Muslim" Dawkins. Oxymoron it is. like yoda would say.


Seriously. Madrassha creeps will be around for a long time to come.
Do not bash them that hard, All Indians in the GCC should be sent home , since India is doing well economically , there is no need for them, they can find jobs back home, they can easily be replaced by Pakistanis, Bangladeshis or other Muslim Arab nationals, for that 40 billion dollars yearly revenues to boost their economy instead of helping a declared anti Muslim state to buy weapons. The other reason is to prevent their intelligence agents from hiding amongst their immigrants to further the Usraeli-Indian Agenda against Muslims everywhere. Those new violent happenings in the GCC and Shiaa vs Sunni new rifts are most probably stirred by some intelligence services whose aims are to weaken the Muslim world, so to be prudent GCC countries should send those people back home. This would have not been justified if India was still a very poor country, but, since it is not, it justifies the move.

As if Juba bro has a direct connection with King.
Do not bash them that hard, All Indians in the GCC should be sent home , since India is doing well economically , there is no need for them, they can find jobs back home, they can easily be replaced by Pakistanis, Bangladeshis or other Muslim Arab nationals, for that 40 billion dollars yearly revenues to boost their economy instead of helping a declared anti Muslim state to buy weapons. The other reason is to prevent their intelligence agents from hiding amongst their immigrants to further the Usraeli-Indian Agenda against Muslims everywhere. Those new violent happenings in the GCC and Shiaa vs Sunni new rifts are most probably stirred by some intelligence services whose aims are to weaken the Muslim world, so to be prudent GCC countries should send those people back home. This would have not been justified if India was still a very poor country, but, since it is not, it justifies the move.
The reason that we see many Indians support zions is that they are very populated country but that does not mean they are anti Muslims.
Yeah, and the state of Israel is it's modern continuation.
Is a man-hunter Jungle in the 21 century.

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