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Palestine in photos

This guy is posting some random pictures to make us think Palestine is doing great, the real Palestine is bombed to pieces by you people. Let me guess this is also Palestine.
i hate Hezbollah because he is not hezb of allah he is hezb ashaytan ( the devils party ) he never protect Palestine and he give a reason to israel to attack Lebanon
Okay if you or anyone hate hezbollah, then just see pakistan and palestine flag. Simple!
If you call slaughter a civil war it makes it somehow better?

No, I never claimed that Israel can make crimes because others did crmes. I have problem with delegitimization of Israel. That Israel does not have a right to exists, that Israel is super evil state, that Israelis dont have a right to celebrate the Independence day etc. No one claims that about other countries who killed much much more.
No country has a right to exist, including SA. Countries either exist or don't. Would you say Nazi Germany had a right to exist? Soviet Union?
i hate Hezbollah because he is not hezb of allah he is hezb ashaytan ( the devils party ) he never protect Palestine and he give a reason to israel to attack Lebanon
i disagree the only thing gave isreal reason to attack is the weakness of their enemy and after 2006 war isreals will think long and hard before making another attack on lebnon but of course i agree hezbollah is not there to protect lebnon but the balance of power in the region is important and i dont know why many arabs hate the iran syria hezbollah alliance i think are doing very good and they are helping the region to have peace
No country has a right to exist, including SA. Countries either exist or don't. Would you say Nazi Germany had a right to exist? Soviet Union?
Nazi Germany and Soviet Union are nothing but forms of Germany and Russia. Regimes can change countries remain.

i disagree the only thing gave isreal reason to attack is the weakness of their enemy and after 2006 war isreals will think long and hard before making another attack on lebnon but of course i agree hezbollah is not there to protect lebnon but the balance of power in the region is important and i dont know why many arabs hate the iran syria hezbollah alliance i think are doing very good and they are helping the region to have peace
It was Hezbollah who attacked Israel in 2006. And I can assure you: if they will repeat similar attacks again, 2006 war will seem as picnic to them.

Ramallah again:

It was Hezbollah who attacked Israel in 2006. And I can assure you: if they will repeat similar attacks again, 2006 war will seem as picnic to them.
all i want is peace and if the alliance of hezbollah syria iran can bring peace by balancing the power in the middle east then this is good we can argue alot who started not to mention bombing and entering airspace of other countrys
I'm not going to lie but I consider Israel a Parasitic manipulative state but ironically the parasite is better then the Arab countries, the Arabs have expelled the Palestinians out of their countries and any lesser state would have kicked them out for good but Israel still deals with them so for that I commend them.

Gaza could have been a Singapore probably the first successful Arab Country without Oil or USA Aid but in the end it was blown, I still believe it could become another Singapore if Hamas renounced Violence.
The days of ZIONIST occupation of PALESTINE ( FALESTINE ) are numbered. Mark my words, this is the year of liberation ( 2012 ).
Enough with your lies, enough with distorting the truth 500! Black September was nothing but a civil war, like any other army who force national security respect on nationals, it has happened many times eveywhere throughout history, including USA and Iraq and many others. So what? Saddam killed many Iraqis, so, would you take it as a pretext to kill less or more?
Why don't you envade Syria and start killing Syrians, and Justify it by saying Al-Assad killed far more than us.

He right you need to quit lying, Can't believe I'm even agreeing with 500 but Arabs have killed more Palestinians then anyone thats the dirty little secert want to hear what else Arabs also expelled many palestinians,

Here you go the Arab brothers that Kicked out the Palestinians and killed them

Thats more then Israel has ever done maybe the syrians are getting a little karma today don't ya think however no more lies, Arabs have infact killed more Palestinians and expelled them

The days of ZIONIST occupation of PALESTINE ( FALESTINE ) are numbered. Mark my words, this is the year of liberation ( 2012 ).

They actually lived better under the parasite Israel then their fellow arabs.
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