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Pak's Criminal Enterprise: Can the State free the People?

For two years I have maintained that Organised Corruption is Crime Against Humanity. Since 1980s Paks have been the victim of this crime with increasing intensity. The results for both the Pak State and Pak People are becoming grave by the day.

The result of this #EconomicTerrorism is that the majority of Paks have not only become poor but the State itself has become most vulnerable than ever before.
This is the fruit of current system.

A do or die decision moment?
Or simply survive this one and we'll see what happens next attitude shall continue?

But for how long such an attitude can Perserve the State?

Without a state there cann't be a nation. That's why Perservation of the State is Highest Virtue.
Perservation of State is the only thing that matters... without it there is no identity or culture as a composite. Or a civilisation can exist. The State is the Framework of all else to exist in relative freedom.
The preservation of the state is a notion that hasnt settled well in many people! MANY use the example that the people make the state...they forget it works as a feedback mechanism, whereby when you give to the state (in its making, helping it grow) it gives back (makes the people and civilization prosper). When you steal from it, you cause a rot/ decay that also grows over time. The system is dynamic and any input does grow to bear the fruits of the seed the people sow!

This is why we see our institutions almost at the end of their lifeline!
Organised Corruption is Crime Against Humanity:

What is this evil?

When someone steals a TV from a house it is not just an object that is stolen. But part of life is stolen. Someone had to work, save money, there would have been family's emotional investement and family time together... a long chain of Value.

So it is not just the object that gets stolen but part of life gets stolen.

Therefore, in a fair judicial system... it is overweighed the motivation of theft. Whether it was to quench fire of hunger or a criminal enterprise? Punishment accordingly.

A TV can be returned! Value regained....but...

When the theft becomes organised the consequences are the collapse of a system. Corruption is theft simply. An individual government empolyee taking bribe to provide serivces which are the rights of a citizen is individual corruption.

However, when the entire governmental departments, bureaucracy and politicos get into the act then its a National Theft with national consequences.

The result of this is denial of education, health and justice. NS league, Zardari League, Mullah League are all part of this enterprise. Becuase they have not stolen just the money but the future of Paks.
Certain things cant have a value on it. Human life doesnt have a value....it is priceless and stealing its future should be a crime at the highest level!

MANY dont understand that being a "leader" in any sense makes you "accountable" as well as "responsible" for those under you...Even Islam teaches you this...every human and even every animal under your country falls under your responsibility! So how can such people escape accountability?

They have stolen Right to Human Dignity.

What does stunted growth means?
It means that that child will never reach a full human potential. Essentially becoming a subhuman. This has happened to about 50% of Paks. Those who are above the poverty line won't get education or health care or justice. Creating the vast majority of population of dispossessed citizens.

Even if by some miracle all the stolen wealth is recovered it will take two generations to recover from the impact of this Oranised Crime. Because subhumans won't be able to raise Quality Humans to contribute to National Strength while the rest of the world moves into Super Intelligence of AI dominated economies.

Subhumans don't have human right!
The world is headed towards human development index while Pakistan is headed the other way...People development is seen as a waste of money while irrelevant projects that manifest as large objects such as metro are seen as a priority!

WHEN one entity wants to continue stealing, they need a nation that cant identify it nor can argue with it. They need a nation of numbness...one whose only taste at understanding is what is being fed to them is very dangerous! In a world where information is at our fingertips, spoon feeding should not exist! However, having said that too much information can also be harmful (will read on and see if this needs to be a separate discussion).

Anatomy of Corruption:

In its simplest definition corruption is not doing one's job in accordance to the defined rules. Pak's sickness of corruption has its roots after the assasination of first PM of Pak. Then it was corruption for power. ZAB was the ulitmate example of its peak. Enter Zia and he brought in the cancer of Total Corruption with JUI-NS alliance.

From day one NS turned politics into business..he didn't see people but assets to be bought, invested in and utilised. This investement is still paying off in judiciary and bureaucracy. All are NS assets.

1992 Isaq $ Money Bill laid the foundation of money laundering in Pak. The capital flight became easier and PKR remains on steady decline ever since. In other words increasing poverty growth in Pak.

In the 90s BB-Zardari took lessons from NS and joined in the looting... Mullahs also were rewarded with assets. Relgion became more profitable. Everyone has now offshore holdings/trusts and assets.

Even the bureaucrats have offshore companies. Let us not forget judges and other instituitions. Either on their name or their kids/wives. Some Paks are very very rich.

I think what needs to be elaborated is how this is a crime:

  1. Running away from taxes: hindering country's income
  2. Preparing an alternative land for escape/ retirement : this itself shows one's loyalty
  3. Damage to the economy
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True Size of Pak's Economy:
It is quite difficult to determine the true size of Pak economy without validated data. However, about 60% to 70% Pak's economy is black within Pak borders. However, when we take into consideration the money that went off shore the picture changes.

The billions of dollars that got laundered got invested. That money is not sitting idle. Money when it sits idle loses its value. Be it BD garments industry, realestate in ME, Europe, North America or South... all has increased in value... e.g. NS sons are into property business or some others own hotels directly or through frontmen.

The point being that all these assets and business are the property of Paks and indirectly part of Pak economy. Let us just forget narcobusiness exports and networks.

Can then someone calculate the true size of Pak's Economy?
Economy is the 1st framework that shows how much corruption has happened...

But ALHAMDULILLAH ...it also shows that despite so much going out : making 2 generations of 2 families billionaires...we still exist! THIS itself is a miracle!

However, had that money stayed in Pakistan, we would have had a better lifestyle! Had these same people thought of the fact that they are looting a country which if prospers can provide more, they would have invested. Some serious questions to ask:
  1. Did they know Pakistan can generate more?
  2. Did they underestimate the people that they would not realize?
  3. Did they not have long term plans for Pakistan?

Very valid points.. regarding the Quantification of Crime... if you look in the first piece I have given the hints of that..

If 40% have stunted growth.. that is one line of quantification..but do also realise... these will live a sub-human life..and the chances of their success and that of their off-springs will endangered...

This is Truly a Crime Against Humanity.

Solution is Appeal to SCP to qualify it as such... also highlighted in the said piece!

As for the sub-human they have a whole different level of suffering which they cant control. From inability to develop fully to the inability to comprehend the crimes against them! Furthermore, the inability to progress in life let alone to be the pillars of the nation!
People's future is a not just a crime against humanity it is a crime against one's soul!

I am not sure how one can sleep after such crimes! Or are they oblivious to the extent of the crime?
Compromised National Sovereignty:
From Friends not Masters to Condi Rice installed PPP and then PMLN governments the decline has been steep.

Yes, the nuklier bumb. We know. But that is only useful for survival.

National Life is far more than just nuklier bumb. And of course ZAB gave it to the Nation... oh no.. it was NS who exploded the bumb with his own hands..NS the Supreme Leader wouldn't even sign the damn order... some leaders these parasites... (Do you know how many died because of radioactive poisoning? And these parasite don't tire of claiming credit)

PM/COAS of a nation of 220 million, with 65+% youth, has to go hat in hand to friends to save the country from default is not an act of a Sovereign Regional Power.

This state of being didn't happen overnight. It is a gradual process, seeds of which were laid by ZAB... furthered by Zia's renting out the State... plunder of 90's... Mushy's installing of agents of Masters of the Universe, influx of NGOs... 10 years of dimmocracy with historic Economic Terrorism combined with Hybridwar and daily bomblasts. $250+Bln loss to economy and 70+k Paks dead. That is 70+k families.

The infilteration of religious outfits by foreign powers that started in Zia time for purely secterian death orgy has now become a darkweb of hostile agencies... in otherwords, a clear and present danger.

There are more dollars/foreign currency in private hands within Pak borders than the package Pak needs from IMF with historically harsh conditions. IMF loans are political. Never economic.

And the State is so weak that it cann't even take a Sovereing Decision to sieze all foreign currency and give the holders PKR at fairvalue even. Gettting looted wealth back to Pak is tedious and time consuming why cann't SBP and FIA just sieze dollars?
This is a troubling topic!

Many say that civil govt should be in charge...that military should stay at bay...but, when the civilian govt steals directly from the people, this effects the people as well as the nation at different levels!

For instance if xyz had built a better hospital:
People would have survived many accidents. child births, serious illnesses and would have been cheaper to get surgery in the country instead of paying $$ for it. So it is not just saving life, money but also a peace of mind that at least our country has a hospital that one can safely go to...

Instead most of the money is taken overseas, to build and grow their own bank accounts to help them grow and then what? Take it to the grave? I never understood this!

It is a damned if you do damned if you dont!

If you do allow civilian govt: you get corruption and a total rot in the institutions!
If you allow military: FOREIGN powers who themselves install dictators, tell us this is bad? Talk about hypocrisy!

I think I have gone off topic...anyway....

#CriminalEnterprise doesn't see Paks as humans... it is just votes/resources for them.... dehumanisation has been immense.

Paks and PakState ignored the Idea of Pakistan ....hence what we see before us is anti-Pakistan and anti-Humanity.

However, a Turning has taken place... State has realised that it is now or never...

Hope is the Agency of Life!
Dehumanization itself is a big topic!

Yes, it has resulted in a state and people who dont know who is right or wrong in the state - lots of uncertainty is bad..confusion and suspicious behaviour causes alot of unrest and a psychological pressure
it has also left a large sector of the population not able to operate independently which is required for innovative/ analytical jobs (which is the future of the job market)!
The world is entering Trans-humanism added by Artificial Intelligence... with Super Intelligence lurking around the corner....

For next thirty years if we just focus on economic development then we shall have a chance to produce a generation of Healthy, Educated and Integerated Paks to compete against the world.

We are still slow...it will take a whole generation to redo alot at different levels!
. .
Educated Slave Drivers:
The British ruled the world and the subcontinent through a combination of pomp, bluf, disdain and local bureaucracy... they created with great success coconuts. How else a few thousands could rule over 100s of millions in the subcontinent?

The same attitude of ruling the locals has been the fate of Pak and Paks. The Pak bureaucracy as intituition has this superiority complex towards the populace. From the induction through this stupid entrance exampe this attitude is ingrained.... making them see themselves as Ubermens.

Had the bureaucracy not been part of #CriminalEnterprise organised corruption could never have happened in Pak. How else could these bureaucrats end up billionaires with their children and wives having foreign nationalities?

Without any specialised knowledge armed with a bloody exame they passed they get to continue the system. Whats more is the work of these glorified clerks other than writting summaries and 'following' business rules?

How come a country on the verge of collapse has its bureaucracy having multiple cars and great mansions to live in...while the sea of subhumans keep growing?

Just have look at China and see how there are government employees and not bureaucrats? Let alone developed world where there are no private drivers for Sir, Mrs, kids and AC for dogs...
The British lordships rule is still in place. Where the Lord "rules" over the serf!
If the bureaucracy couldnt expel the feudal lords and instead carried them into the parliament, then we cant really do much with the system that supports them.

It is like the criminal being given the judge's seat!

However, my dear Young Pak, we can utilise gene editing and gene therapy for so many things... and this technology is at our finger tips...

We must face the future with full confidence.. otherwise, we will end up with lut gae mur gae syndrome!
I dont think there is a gene for lut gae mur gae...it is more socio-psychological problem rather than a biological one :unsure:
Educated Slave Drivers:
The British ruled the world and the subcontinent through a combination of pomp, bluf, disdain and local bureaucracy... they created with great success coconuts. How else a few thousands could rule over 100s of millions in the subcontinent?

The same attitude of ruling the locals has been the fate of Pak and Paks. The Pak bureaucracy as intituition has this superiority complex towards the populace. From the induction through this stupid entrance exampe this attitude is ingrained.... making them see themselves as Ubermens.

Had the bureaucracy not been part of #CriminalEnterprise organised corruption could never have happened in Pak. How else could these bureaucrats end up billionaires with their children and wives having foreign nationalities?

Without any specialised knowledge armed with a bloody exame they passed they get to continue the system. Whats more is the work of these glorified clerks other than writting summaries and 'following' business rules?

How come a country on the verge of collapse has its bureaucracy having multiple cars and great mansions to live in...while the sea of subhumans keep growing?

Just have look at China and see how there are government employees and not bureaucrats? Let alone developed world where there are no private drivers for Sir, Mrs, kids and AC for dogs...
Our education system is like a broken tape recorder...I am not sure when they will revise the syllabus and realize we are no longer in the industrialization era, where the need for worker mentality was the top priority..More like a yes man, who could ONLY follow instructions and not produce them!

Pakistan's system churns out these kind of people and even in the era of info-tech we are still graduating factory workers who are not able to think independently! Hence, why we haven't produced a single product thus far!

The whole syllabus, education system needs to be revised and many courses, which are saturated need to be thrown out and instead new ones that can and will be useful for a different economy needs to be introduced (I think PTI is working on vocational training, which surprisingly has been missing from the whole system for decades!)

In addition to this, even low level diploma need to be introduced for something as simple as a labour job...or a gardener otherwise, unprofessionalism will not be able to uplift this nation!

When the world moved from labour/ factory jobs to service jobs...Pakistan was too busy being looted and churning more labours...now we are in info-tech, we still lack service jobs. Worse part is the MAHARAJA culture, where many who think of themselves as sons of kings dont contribute to the society cant adapt to this segment!

I can talk about how our customer service cant afford a smile. If they do, they need to taunt you or your actions to make it even! What they forget is they are providing a service, and thus need to practice humbleness...And those poor souls who show humbleness, are beaten and run over! - This is how sub-humans behave! Only this time the sub-human is not due to lack of nutrition but lack of nurturing!

I would like to touch a little on this!
When the West was putting false (untested theories) in the people's minds that discipline is not the right thing - highlight aggressive parents who beat the pulp out of their children (which mind you is child abuse not discipline), Asian parents were still disciplining their kids. So we still have 1 generation more of disciplined kids. But then Asians tried to become more GORA than the gora, we have produced spoilt brats who do not know what respect is! They have become selfish and self centered. Something totally against the Western values and customs!

I have seen a whole generation change in front of my very eyes! Most of my colleagues are teachers and they keep posting FB posts/ stories/ videos/ lessons about teachers in the 80/90s vs now! From students being blamed for being lazy/ naughty (sure some parents blamed too much but even then the child turned out ok) to a new generation of parents who blame the teachers (trauma from being blamed as a child?) for everything wrong with their kids?!

Another problem is the working parents who dont attend to their children's needs...the child grows up needy and looking for attention (not all but a good %)..No human on the planet can replace the parents' nurturing!

Sorry got a little sidelined!

I meant the gene thing in a deeper context...

I do believe that lut gae mur gae is also a gentic condition... Endocrine System palys tricks on us!
O that form of inheritance :D
LaWhore Justice System:
Whoring became more accentuated during the rise of NS... like in the bureaucracy judicary became populated by his men. Loyal to him than the State or Consitution. Same occured in Sindh.... Zardari copied NS method with zeal...

So this process of 'relief' should not come as a surprise to anyone. Justice in this Criminal System is the privilge of the mighty. Subhumans must die without a bail.

However, this LaWhoring of judicial system has compromised the writ of the state. NAP cann't advance in the presence of compromised judiciary.
Dont get me started on this!

This was the real breakdown of society! I think there is a popular saying to destroy a nation destroy the judiciary system and deny them justice and everything will come falling!

When you cant have justice:
  1. When the poor doesnt get justice he steals to fill his belly
  2. When the rich doesnt fall under the justice belt, there is no fear of being caught! ESP when you can buy everything in the court from the evidence, witness to the judge himself!
  3. When others see injustice, they forget their manners since no one is keeping a check or balance!
  4. People compare that in the West people are disciplined...no one checks the fines/ punishments put in to get that result)

FBR a 8 Trillion PKR Racket:
FBR had the information about NS's wife's appartment but sat on it. It didn't became public. And when it did...NOTHING happened.

And estimated 6-8 Trillions are taken by the FBR every year.... where does this money go? How does this money get laundered or assets bought by the FBR officials?

Is the State so impotent that it cann't do anything about it? Is it not an issue of National Security to get to this racket and fill the national treasure so that it could be spent on the people?
I really dont understand what do these people do with billions? Take it to the grave? Do they not realize one day they will die...and money in the grave wont buy them heaven!

It is like feeding sin after sin! Haram money fed to each generation, results in a generation oblivious of haram and halal...so that is also destruction of religion, generation (people) and nation (with more plunders being reproduced from haram)
Did it cross your mind..ever... that these 'people' might have lost their Humanity!

To be a human needs compassion, understanding and forgiveness... these are NOT Humans! That is why they can commit Crimes Against Humanity.

that is why I stated somewhere about sold soul...Humans have soul :D
Should i join the party or stay away and dont take the risk(you know what i mean).Jokes aside a very healthy and mature debate here. I will rather stay off limits:coffee:
Economy is the 1st framework that shows how much corruption has happened...

But ALHAMDULILLAH ...it also shows that despite so much going out : making 2 generations of 2 families billionaires...we still exist! THIS itself is a miracle!

However, had that money stayed in Pakistan, we would have had a better lifestyle! Had these same people thought of the fact that they are looting a country which if prospers can provide more, they would have invested. Some serious questions to ask:
  1. Did they know Pakistan can generate more?
  2. Did they underestimate the people that they would not realize?
  3. Did they not have long term plans for Pakistan?

As for the sub-human they have a whole different level of suffering which they cant control. From inability to develop fully to the inability to comprehend the crimes against them! Furthermore, the inability to progress in life let alone to be the pillars of the nation!
What miracle do you see in this kind of existence? Failed countries like Somalia and Venezuela also exist in this era because borders are internationally recognized (UN factor).

The criminal enterprise have taken a major toll on the wellbeing of Pakistan, and brought it to the brink of FAILURE.

1. Economic crisis
2. Energy crisis
3. Water crisis

Cannot continue like this for indefinite period, friend.
What miracle do you see in this kind of existence? Countries like Somalia and Venezeuala also exist.
The miracle = still able to survive despite the state we are in!

The criminal enterprise have taken a major toll on the wellbeing of Pakistan, and brought it to the brink of FAILURE.

1. Economic crisis
2. Energy crisis
3. Water crisis

Cannot continue like this for indefinite period, friend.
We can not continue that is true. But we survived it...that is the miracle (not for celebrating but to humble ourselves)
What miracle do you see in this kind of existence? Failed countries like Somalia and Venezuela also exist in this era because borders are internationally recognized (UN factor).

The criminal enterprise have taken a major toll on the wellbeing of Pakistan, and brought it to the brink of FAILURE.

1. Economic crisis
2. Energy crisis
3. Water crisis

Cannot continue like this for indefinite period, friend.
Patwaris think they can live with these crisis there is donkey meat crisis??

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