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Pak's Criminal Enterprise: Can the State free the People?

The deep state has many creative options to deal with traitors till the above happens --- yet they don't do it. I have personally had numerous discussions with people who have had the power to take matters into their own hands for the good of the country yet all they could come up with are pathetic excuses.
I really don't understand how they think but they have been harming the country & the nation.
I really don't understand how they think but they have been harming the country & the nation.

I will tell you.

They think about their promotion. They think about protecting their career VS. doing something audacious that the country needs and they almost always pick the former.

They are SO fearful of Western + civ govt pressure/criticism over "hard measures" (such as disappearances of prominent "activists") that they just avoid it altogether. It's retarded.
For two years I have maintained that Organised Corruption is Crime Against Humanity. Since 1980s Paks have been the victim of this crime with increasing intensity. The results for both the Pak State and Pak People are becoming grave by the day.

The result of this #EconomicTerrorism is that the majority of Paks have not only become poor but the State itself has become most vulnerable than ever before.
This is the fruit of current system.

A do or die decision moment?
Or simply survive this one and we'll see what happens next attitude shall continue?

But for how long such an attitude can Perserve the State?

Without a state there cann't be a nation. That's why Perservation of the State is Highest Virtue.
Perservation of State is the only thing that matters... without it there is no identity or culture as a composite. Or a civilisation can exist. The State is the Framework of all else to exist in relative freedom.

Organised Corruption is Crime Against Humanity:

What is this evil?

When someone steals a TV from a house it is not just an object that is stolen. But part of life is stolen. Someone had to work, save money, there would have been family's emotional investement and family time together... a long chain of Value.

So it is not just the object that gets stolen but part of life gets stolen.

Therefore, in a fair judicial system... it is overweighed the motivation of theft. Whether it was to quench fire of hunger or a criminal enterprise? Punishment accordingly.

A TV can be returned! Value regained....but...

When the theft becomes organised the consequences are the collapse of a system. Corruption is theft simply. An individual government empolyee taking bribe to provide serivces which are the rights of a citizen is individual corruption.

However, when the entire governmental departments, bureaucracy and politicos get into the act then its a National Theft with national consequences.

The result of this is denial of education, health and justice. NS league, Zardari League, Mullah League are all part of this enterprise. Becuase they have not stolen just the money but the future of Paks.

They have stolen Right to Human Dignity.

What does stunted growth means?
It means that that child will never reach a full human potential. Essentially becoming a subhuman. This has happened to about 50% of Paks. Those who are above the poverty line won't get education or health care or justice. Creating the vast majority of population of dispossessed citizens.

Even if by some miracle all the stolen wealth is recovered it will take two generations to recover from the impact of this Oranised Crime. Because subhumans won't be able to raise Quality Humans to contribute to National Strength while the rest of the world moves into Super Intelligence of AI dominated economies.

Subhumans don't have human right!

Anatomy of Corruption:

In its simplest definition corruption is not doing one's job in accordance to the defined rules. Pak's sickness of corruption has its roots after the assasination of first PM of Pak. Then it was corruption for power. ZAB was the ulitmate example of its peak. Enter Zia and he brought in the cancer of Total Corruption with JUI-NS alliance.

From day one NS turned politics into business..he didn't see people but assets to be bought, invested in and utilised. This investement is still paying off in judiciary and bureaucracy. All are NS assets.

1992 Isaq $ Money Bill laid the foundation of money laundering in Pak. The capital flight became easier and PKR remains on steady decline ever since. In other words increasing poverty growth in Pak.

In the 90s BB-Zardari took lessons from NS and joined in the looting... Mullahs also were rewarded with assets. Relgion became more profitable. Everyone has now offshore holdings/trusts and assets.

Even the bureaucrats have offshore companies. Let us not forget judges and other instituitions. Either on their name or their kids/wives. Some Paks are very very rich.

True Size of Pak's Economy:

It is quite difficult to determine the true size of Pak economy without validated data. However, about 60% to 70% Pak's economy is black within Pak borders. However, when we take into consideration the money that went off shore the picture changes.

The billions of dollars that got laundered got invested. That money is not sitting idle. Money when it sits idle loses its value. Be it BD garments industry, realestate in ME, Europe, North America or South... all has increased in value... e.g. NS sons are into property business or some others own hotels directly or through frontmen.

The point being that all these assets and business are the property of Paks and indirectly part of Pak economy. Let us just forget narcobusiness exports and networks.

Can then someone calculate the true size of Pak's Economy?

Compromised National Sovereignty:
From Friends not Masters to Condi Rice installed PPP and then PMLN governments the decline has been steep.

Yes, the nuklier bumb. We know. But that is only useful for survival.

National Life is far more than just nuklier bumb. And of course ZAB gave it to the Nation... oh no.. it was NS who exploded the bumb with his own hands..NS the Supreme Leader wouldn't even sign the damn order... some leaders these parasites... (Do you know how many died because of radioactive poisoning? And these parasite don't tire of claiming credit)

PM/COAS of a nation of 220 million, with 65+% youth, has to go hat in hand to friends to save the country from default is not an act of a Sovereign Regional Power.

This state of being didn't happen overnight. It is a gradual process, seeds of which were laid by ZAB... furthered by Zia's renting out the State... plunder of 90's... Mushy's installing of agents of Masters of the Universe, influx of NGOs... 10 years of dimmocracy with historic Economic Terrorism combined with Hybridwar and daily bomblasts. $250+Bln loss to economy and 70+k Paks dead. That is 70+k families.

The infilteration of religious outfits by foreign powers that started in Zia time for purely secterian death orgy has now become a darkweb of hostile agencies... in otherwords, a clear and present danger.

There are more dollars/foreign currency in private hands within Pak borders than the package Pak needs from IMF with historically harsh conditions. IMF loans are political. Never economic.

And the State is so weak that it cann't even take a Sovereing Decision to sieze all foreign currency and give the holders PKR at fairvalue even. Gettting looted wealth back to Pak is tedious and time consuming why cann't SBP and FIA just sieze dollars?

Comprehensive National Strength:
What is Pak's comprehensive national strength?
It is the sum of performance of state instituitions, quality and magnitude of education of the populace, net output of science and technology, stability of internal and external environment and economic/financial stability.

Apart from a few national security instituitions all other factors have been compromised. Or rather down right useless.. When NS /Zardari regimes could use IB to spy on the army and ISI then we know what could be the relative CNS of Pak State.

Pak State/Govs have consistently failed to formulate any policy to advance Human Condition in Pak.

18th Amendement was the final nail....it created defacto four countries where centre is there to beg friends and IMF/WB and provinces are there to money launder and plunder.

Educated Slave Drivers:
The British ruled the world and the subcontinent through a combination of pomp, bluf, disdain and local bureaucracy... they created with great success coconuts. How else a few thousands could rule over 100s of millions in the subcontinent?

The same attitude of ruling the locals has been the fate of Pak and Paks. The Pak bureaucracy as intituition has this superiority complex towards the populace. From the induction through this stupid entrance exampe this attitude is ingrained.... making them see themselves as Ubermens.

Had the bureaucracy not been part of #CriminalEnterprise organised corruption could never have happened in Pak. How else could these bureaucrats end up billionaires with their children and wives having foreign nationalities?

Without any specialised knowledge armed with a bloody exame they passed they get to continue the system. Whats more is the work of these glorified clerks other than writting summaries and 'following' business rules?

How come a country on the verge of collapse has its bureaucracy having multiple cars and great mansions to live in...while the sea of subhumans keep growing?

Just have look at China and see how there are government employees and not bureaucrats? Let alone developed world where there are no private drivers for Sir, Mrs, kids and AC for dogs...

LaWhore Justice System:

Whoring became more accentuated during the rise of NS... like in the bureaucracy judicary became populated by his men. Loyal to him than the State or Consitution. Same occured in Sindh.... Zardari copied NS method with zeal...

So this process of 'relief' should not come as a surprise to anyone. Justice in this Criminal System is the privilge of the mighty. Subhumans must die without a bail.

However, this LaWhoring of judicial system has compromised the writ of the state. NAP cann't advance in the presence of compromised judiciary.

FBR a 8 Trillion PKR Racket:
FBR had the information about NS's wife's appartment but sat on it. It didn't became public. And when it did...NOTHING happened.

And estimated 6-8 Trillions are taken by the FBR every year.... where does this money go? How does this money get laundered or assets bought by the FBR officials?

Is the State so impotent that it cann't do anything about it? Is it not an issue of National Security to get to this racket and fill the national treasure so that it could be spent on the people?

Energy & IPP:
One of the biggest #EconomicTerrorism has been the trading in energy imports and IPPs. Both are part of the same mafia which has turned the State and 220million into hostage. With ever increasing Circular Debt to be paid by the population.

Of course, the State knows who is frontman of whom and how much money is stached where. ROI on these IPPs has been long earned and some more... yet still capacity payments. What else could be called Crime?

If these IPP owners and energy mafia are Pakistanis then how come the State is so weak in front of these terrorists? It is same mafia which has sabotaged the Dam buildings in Pak in cooperation with bureaucracy.

Pak is going to be one of the most hit by climate change with only a very limited water storage... if this not a Crime Agianst Humanity then what would qualify?

Go to China / Disease is profitable:
Knowledge should be the byproduct of education. But the education has become most profitable business. The State has accepted its failure and impotance by not being able to provide education and being able to regulate fees of the private educational businesses.

By the same laziness the State has withdrawn itself from its duty to proivde healthcare same as justice. It is nothing more than a paralysed observer to see how drug companies make a killing from the suffering of others and how dispossessed die outside of hospitals.

It is the responsibility of the State to:

Provide Freedom Against Hunger

Provide Freedom Against Injustice

Provide Freedom Against Ignorance

All of State's policies have to be directed towards this end. Otherwise, a State has no right to be called civilised.

What is the solution to remedy this Crime Agianst Humanity:

NAB is not going to do jack... the parliment is not going to pass a law against itself...

The current constituition of Pak has an article that guarantees Right to Life.

A petition needs to be filed in SC of Pak that Crimes Against Humanity have been committed and it needs to declare it as such. There is so much data available about number deaths, kids out of schools, sale of public assets at fire sale prices etc.

The key is legal framing of the Crime Agianst Humanity and the evidence to support it.

After the decision PK rep in the UN must file a resolution to have UN declare that Organised Corruption is Crime Against Humanity. There is already Anti-Corruption and MoneyLaundering Convention...

After this the no one on Earth can hide from justice... all the looted wealth and criminals can be be brought back. And in the process Pak State would have done a great service to Humanity.

Will the Pak State do such a thing?
The state is corrupt... how will it free the people...
Only the people can free themself..from this evil unislamic state...

Just impliment 100% islamic law...
The state is corrupt... how will it free the people...
Only the people can free themself..from this evil unislamic state...

Just impliment 100% islamic law...

My dear Pak,

As I predicted #MarasiMedia is still chewing on IK slip. Yet BB (Billo/Bill) made comments yesterday that were not only vulgar but a direct threat to the very existence of Pak.

Yet #MarasiMedia and #CriminalParliment didn't make sound....

The #MarasiMedia and #MarasiPoliticians are not only a burden on the taxpaying Paks but a threat to National Security of Pak.

At the moment #CriminalEnterprise is winning... they have captured the courts, media, business... PMIK can not deliver anything... in the current system.

This is an Existentail Choice for Pak State... continue with the current state of affairs or choose what is good for all Paks.

Till now the State has been impotent in front of #CriminalEnterprise.

Sad state of affairs, no doubt. Debt Crisis is exploding...and price will be paid by the Pak State and Pak People...

But we can never loose Hope.


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We all agree that from our inception different forms of experiments derailed us from our goals. For me Gen Zias Non party elections (to stop PPP) were the ultimate trigger to promote corruption. What we have now across the board are a cartel of parasitic thugs that are sucking away the life out of our nation.These parasites are well entrenched with family connections in top Judiciary,military and bureaucracy. I am not harping for any revolution but a consensus needs to develop with collective wisdom so as the common man reaps the fruit and not the Elite few.
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Well, the only song that I can think of is this. Here Pirates be taken as "Corrupt Mafia".

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirates life for me

yeah... pirates... I always loved pirates... they had something about them...Treasure Island... Long John Silver...

I am sorry, brother... this song is too charming... and more like fun loving criminals... our #CriminalEnterprise is not human....

Next please.... in the mean time have a look at Poetic Analysis done decades ago... is it valid today?

. . .
Are we moving towards chaos, civil unrest?

With Nawaz fly, fly, fly back to jail.... and SS fly, fly, fly to Londonistan... a more confrontational Nawaz League has already started.

The NawazLeague's only idealogy is Nawaz escape from Alcatraz...fly, fly, fly..to Londonistan.

SC of Pak didn't get blackmailed...even the mercy shown by the august court was taken forgranted by the Nawaz&Co.

After the annoucement of the 'New' leadership of NawazLeague i.e. now about 30 VicePresidents... more noise and especially more pressure on the establishment.

We shall increasingly see their threatening postures towards establishment more openly. With implict threat and strategy of PTM slogans by the paid 'supporters'. #RentaRally

BB is doing its script and playing the PTM card via Sindh card threats... and now MN and her slaves would be going in for greater Punjab card pressure tactics.

Can the State have some backbone and cleave out the rotten meat through rough surgery?

The paid #MarasiMedia will be crying about restriction on free speech...#LifafaJurnos are already blaming the army.

#DieselMullahs are paid, foreign financed... so they are activated to protect the Deen....

With inflation going up... and daily bad news hammering by the media... any sense of hope about Pakistan is being driven out...

#DGISPR requested this #MarasiMedia to show something positive or be #PakPositive... but all this LaWhore Jurnos did was made fun of him.

Even in his last presser he invited them to be #PakPositive at least once a week...but #MarasiMedia is going the opposite.

PMIK's gov was still born on day 1. We have to redeem $30bln in two years... so inflation is going to stay.

Unless Pak State and this GoP has sense of survival and greatest interset of Paks at heart... we are going to the edge of Chaos.

We are talking about around 3000 individuals of #CriminalEnterprise and not more than 200 big godfathers...

Dismentaling the #CriminalEnterprise is first step towards the revival of the Pak State.

Allowing snakes to roam freely is inviting to be biten again and again. Then Pak State derserve it!

Weeds need to be pulled out from the roots...otherwise, they keep coming back.
Then they need to be burnt so the seeds dont'spread.

A brilliant piece of reporting... it shows how JumWhoriaat and #MarasiMedia is interlinked... quite a big business!

Unless we clean-up #LifafaJurnos and #MarasiMedia we shall not be able to expose the #CriminalEnterprise

And honest media is pillar of state... An Honest, #PakPositive media is necessary for our National Security.
I salute the courage of the lone Rangers who attempt to rattle this Hornets Nest(defence.pk), knowing the fact very well they are a tiny minority here. They know they are up against a mindset that is well entrenched in our nascent nation since its inception. With the Media,Judges,Guns and Resources at their disposable, it only takes a few dedicated BRAVE HEARTS to break the shackles of this vicious circle/circus. Inshallah one day the truth will prevail and the real forces of EXPLOITATION will meet their end.
It is time to take stock... sand does slip through fingers.. more so when it is dry.

Many thought that the new government will bring in sweaping changes... reforms in bureaucracy and accountability drive with tangible results.

That was The Great Expectation! Our Pip was fella of Great Expectations... seems likes Ms. Havisham is still waiting for her wedding... You must love her... you must love her...

#CriminalEnterprise of Pak is so entrenched that this current system is all but dead for the State and Pak People.

The case in point is the new amnesty scheme. A scheme it is, indeed.

Without any questions asked all will turn in to Snow White... and the State, therefore the people, will get what exactly in return?

How will the accountability take shape after that? Will this stop the corruption?

What happened to Riasaat e Medina? Would it happen there?

The sad Fact remains that the Pak State has become so weak, so hollow that it has no capability to establish Rule of Law. And without Rule of Law no State has the right to be called civilised.

With EconomicHitmen squad already in position and inflaction just waking up even without a signed agreement with IMF... what must we conclude?

And before Mediacells get active here... no one is able to get the State and Pak People out of this mess... no matter how much money they roll to #Lifafas in #MarasiMedia.

The system has completely collapsed....

IK won't be able to deliver anything in this current system... his government is held together by blackmailing allies and #CriminalEnterprise electables... how many more compromises can he do?

Nooraz and Zardariz can pack their bags and fly to Londonistan anytime they want.. so can the new economic team...but 220million Paks can not.

With the rising terror attacks, EconomicTerrorism and growing tensions in the region... for how long this show of paralysis continue?

Dimmocracy of electables and ruling families has failed... the only solution is true performace based democracy.

Pakistan has entered a critical state of hyper Hybridwar... with possibilty of hot war with #MarasiEnemy to the east as well.

IK could do the nation a favour and dissolve this #JumWhoriParliment.

Let the interim setup take care of things... a referendum on the new system with % representation is the key... all votes must count...otherwise, we shall remain slave to these electables..who never voted to join Pakistan in the first place. Unionist traitors!

@RIWWIR @Verve @PakSword @zulu @ps3linux @Dubious @MastanKhan @Mentee @Khafee
We are not surprised!

We had faith and we have faith in our armed forces... and today''s annoucement by the #DGISPR is just a validation of this faith.

Thankyou Pak Army for protecting Pak from all enemies!


Now let us draw a parallel between our armed forces and the #CriminalEnterprise .... Dawnleaks, Memogate, Noora interview to Dawn used against us in ICJ in The Heague... and yet... still...nothing... only Billo/Tweetni spreading their hate against Pak Army and undermining the Idea of Pakistan

But yeah...

Nooray dae naray wajan gae -

Zinda hae Bhutto zinda hae -


These parasites and #CriminalEnterprise has stolen the future of our generations and even today we cann't try these #EconomicTerrorists because all our civilian instituitions are under total capture and ruin.

Why can't these #EconomicTerrorists be tried under Anti Economic Terrorism Act?

We know for a fact that this #MarasiParliment #MarasiMedia and #LifafaJurnos are never going to allow anything such like to happen...

5000 people are holding a nuclear powered nation of 220million hostage.

We didn't make Pakistan to become slaves for these #EconomicTerrorists

#DandayWaliSarkar is coming!

@Verve @RIWWIR @war&peace @Windjammer @MastanKhan @zulu @ps3linux @Reddington @Dubious @Markhoor @maximuswarrior @ali_raza @PaklovesTurkiye

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