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Pakistan's War - Documentaries

AgNoStIc MuSliM
I have purposely avoided the discussion on torture and beheadings so far. Such acts are atrocious and wrong. This is not a rule but an exception in some specific circumstances.
A number of Pak Army and FC troops have been exchanged and returned in a humane and proper way, they were not subjected to tortures or anything of the sort.
Army operations against civilians have some inherent risks, power of perceptions. The most sensitive issue in FATA is threat of Rape of family members during interrogations. During the term of Gen. Iftikhar some overenthusiastic Intel operatives had resorted to threats of this nature. Fortunately Pak Army’s record on desecration of homes or womenfolk is clean; formation commanders have issued and adhered to very strict SOP’s on the subject. Nevertheless it fueled a process of inhuman reprisals for some time. Hopefully this dark chapter is now behind us.

How are you doing today? Children should not play with fire, if they don't want to get their clothes catch fire and get burned---but then why would they be called children----because kids do things because, how they think.

But then comes a change in the surrounding areas----things happen that the kids don't have any control over----times moves forward at a lightning speed----the child has to grow up to an adult and accept responsibility of his inactions. The old loyalties are thrown aside---the sense of self preservation takes hold---law of nature supercedes the alliances of convenience---neccessity takes precedence over survival---RHETORIC AND BANTER IS LEFT FOR THE FEW LIKE YOU.

Pakistan has once again become a land for the pakistanis and not for any and every reject radicals of their respective countries. The transition is not an easy one----the price for moving ahead, cutting off old alliances and chosing ones own destiny is extremely difficult and the responsibility of the burden is extremely heavy. The walk is not through a bed of roses but rather a bed of coals with fires burning hot charring and singing the skin.

The suicide bombings, the talibanization, the murder of innocent people is how we are being paid back by the very people to whom we gave a place to live and start up a new life. These very rejects, to whom, their own motherlands kicked them out of their land----we gave them a place to live----a place called home----where they could start up a new life---marry, have children---plough the land and make a life for themselves---The Zawahiris---the Bin Ladens---and their cohorts---.

These are the people who are the true criminals---the true enemies of the muslims---the true killers of the muslims of afghanistan---pakistan----the killers of the children----it was because of them that the americans invaded afghanistan---if the top two had killed themselves ( committed suicide ) and laid their lives----because they had already done what they wanted to---afghanistan would have been spared----but the arabs being arabs----didnot foresee the consequences of their actions---.

Why didn't this yemeni Bin Laden and the egyptian Zawahiri do what they had to do from their own parent countries----why did they not bring the wrath of Allah on their own nations of birth---they were a guest---a people who were given sanctuary when they had no home----they were given a home when they had no place to live----they were given a place to live when everyone kicked them out of their place of birth---they had no honour----they had no compassion---they had no soul---they had no morals---the quranic verses they recited were meaningless----they killed their own and seeked pleasure---they tortured their own and enjoyed every moment of it---they slaughtered the prisoners in the most inhuman manner and called for Allah's blessings upon themselves----these people are truly mentally sick and there is only one place for them.

The sad part is that pakistani administration and the pakistanis in general---had to grow up real fast---from adolescense to and adult was rather too fast for them----that is why there are GROWING PAINS. That is what we are going through right now----trying to learn to act and operate like adult nations---trying to understand to leave the brotherhood of islam where it belongs and take up the pakistan first anthem as a priority.

Your interprettion is right if you only focus in small area of pakistan and afghanistan ,which lead us to your conclusion.

Afghans defeated Russians ,yes we supported them and US also ,otherwise Russian could have reached warm waters , Pakistanis and afghans gave sacrifice for their common intrests independence ,dignity and Honour.

Today if you see the picture in larger prospect,our enemy is trying to capture oil resources and trade routes located in muslim countries.

Why most of wars were fought in muslim countries in last thirty years who has chosen these battle fields we should try to indentify the master mind behind these wars.Not very difficult to understand if we want to reach at conclusion.

What Israel is doing in gaza and US drones surgical attackes in FATA are looking similar strategy and doctorine and now india on whom muslims ruled more then 1000 years is planning for surgical attacks .

Why this whole surgery required on muslim land not other countries ,time will answer these question.Muslim ummah is facing wars on multiple front but most dangerous weapon of our enemy is idealogical war through e media and print media.

They deliberatly destroyed satlanate usmania to break back bone of muslim ummah then they destroyed the idealogy and faith of muislims through media war and implanted cancer of israel in heart of muslim countries and now last phase of surgery under process to completly deminish the hope of revival.
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Dear S-2:
Massoud Barzani’s Q&A response was broadcasted by VOA Kurdish Service when the Comedy of the SOFA agreement was being played out! Condi, Robert Gates and Bush tried every trick, threats, cajoling, and influence peddling and in the end Downright BEGGING to end up with some semblance of “Agreement”.
The Iraqi players too had their fun to the fullest; the crescendo being the Historical “Shoe Incidence”!
Massoud Barzani is about as much of a hidden card for the US as Ahmed Al Chalabi was during the Paul Bremer days (got it!).
Kurds have a long institutional memory. Halabja chemical attack is a dark spot that cannot be wished away, it happened with the full knowledge and connivance of the USA.
Kurds have been betrayed by the US recently on two counts (i) Control of the Oil Rick Kirkuk region was handed over to the Maliki government under the terms of Zalmay Kahlilzad led Iran sponsored “understanding” (ii) Turkish jets bomb Kurdistan virtually at will.
About 5 years ago a US Guarantee of support was worth its weight in Gold; now after the Georgia debacle a regional ally like Iran is considered a better investment in the future.
Dear S-2:
Some food for thought! The US is probably on the way of “Declaring Victory” a la Iraq in Afghanistan as well!
US, Iran share interests in Afghanistan: Petraeus -DAWN - Top Stories; January 10, 2009
WASHINGTON, Jan 9: Iran could become involved in a regional strategy to the conflict in Afghanistan, as Tehran shares common interests with the United States there, suggested General David Petraeus, head of US Central Command. A resolution to the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan requires “a regional approach ... that includes Pakistan, India the Central Asian states and even China and Russia, along with perhaps, at some point Iran,” Petraeus said at a conference organised by the Institute of Peace think tank on Thursday.
Nato seeks new supply routes -DAWN - Top Stories; January 10, 2009

Nato seeks new supply routes
BRUSSELS, Jan 9: Talks aimed at setting up alternative supply routes to the Khyber Pass for the United States and Nato forces fighting in Afghanistan are at an advanced stage, officials have said.
The issue is one of growing urgency because of intensifying attacks by pro-Taliban guerillas on the mountain pass, which links Pakistan and Afghanistan and is the main supply route the soldiers use. Finding alternative routes is critical as the US troop deployment to Afghanistan is expected to double this year to 60,000.

Apparently the route is EUROPE by train to ASTRAKHAN (Russia) – NUKUS – BOKHARA – TERMEZ – MAZAR-E-SHARIF – KABUL.

The price is:
(a) About 7 times more expensive than the Torkham Route.
(b) NATO has to capitulate on the Missile Shield program and abandon expansion plans for Ukraine and Georgia.

Thats the consequence of being Stingy and Tight fisted with Pakistan. The New Year Resolution is "PURANI TANKHWAH MEIN KAAM NAHI KARENGEY".
"The price is:
(a) About 7 times more expensive than the Torkham Route.
(b) NATO has to capitulate on the Missile Shield program and abandon expansion plans for Ukraine and Georgia."

Analysis of relative costs and supporting links to both contentions, please? Short of that, you're talking out of your fourth point of contact again.

Short memories from the Kurds, eh? Barzani trumps your pitiful analysis and isn't the only indication. We know EXACTLY where we stand with the Kurds- in the catbird seat.

You're way off here and really need to do more research. You clearly don't appreciate what Kurdistan's freedom actually means to them. Given the pain it's caused so many that's very surprising.
"The price is:
(a) About 7 times more expensive than the Torkham Route.
(b) NATO has to capitulate on the Missile Shield program and abandon expansion plans for Ukraine and Georgia."

Analysis of relative costs and supporting links to both contentions, please? Short of that, you're talking out of your fourth point of contact again.

Short memories from the Kurds, eh? Barzani trumps your pitiful analysis and isn't the only indication. We know EXACTLY where we stand with the Kurds- in the catbird seat.

You're way off here and really need to do more research. You clearly don't appreciate what Kurdistan's freedom actually means to them. Given the pain it's caused so many that's very surprising.

What you going on about? Preach that to your people in the US. Your economy is in the doldrums. This move is out of desperation and we all know that the US cannot afford such an expensive backup route for too long. Besides, it's called backup for a reason. Also, stop being philosophical. The fact to the matter is that Pakistan is the only most efficient supply route to Afghanistan. No ifs and buts. On a different note, I really hope we shut down our supply routes for good. The WoT cooperation has only cost us.
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S-2: Here is some nourishment for your fifth point of contact!

ANALYSIS (there are no links or pointers, just plain facts very well known to Traders and Transporters). Herat, Spin Boldak and Balkh are well known used car markets; feeding Miran Shah, Quetta and several Pakistani outlets. Some dealers used the Route in question to import vehicles from Belgium and UK. They considered it a safer alternate than Sharjah-Bandar Abbas. The route was abandoned due to extremely high TurkSibr Freight Train charges. Unofficial “custom charges” by Russian and Uzbek officials, and holdups at terminals finally made the enterprise unfeasible; a whooping $ 10K as compared to $ 1500-2000.

You begin panicking when you run out of options and ideas! Come on .. what’s the relevance between Kurdish aspirations for independence and Massoud Barzani Catbird seat? He is about as great a US “friend” as Ahmed Al Chalabi was at one time, milking the US Taxpayers of $ 36 m for his business ventures.

Yes, Kurds do want an independent homeland comprising of parts of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran. Is the US prepared to help them with their vision of sovereignty?

Kurds are a lot smarter than poor Georgians, who got suckered into a disaster because of US pumping. They know very well that Iraq has been gifted to Iran in a silver platter through a deal orchestrated by Zalmay Khlilzad and Gen. Petraeus.

When I listen to pakistanis talk about non muslims threatening 'MUSLIM UMMAH'----I hear a sob story coming from the pakistani colleagues---you know guy---my forefathers---who ruled hindustan for 800 plus years----were men of men---they came they conquered and they ruledtill they got bested by others---.

When they came----they came with all the arsenal known to man to conquer the enemy---with warriors---and war machines---with deceit deception treachery and known and unknown traitors in the enemy ranks---who could either open the gates---or tell them about the waterway into the city who's metal gate was rusted---in hind---in constantinopole---in spain---they went in for glory----they went in for the conquest----so KID don't give me your SOB STORY for foreigners conspiring against us---when our empire was powerful---we did everything to take control---when their empire is powerful----they will do whatever they can to take over-----so the bottomline is for the little boys to grow up and think like men----like the men their fore fathers were----the fore fathers---a small minority of people who ruled majority area of hindustan for over 800 years---who conquered spain.

Can anyone hear them crying and whimpering like the muslims of today----anyone tell me anywhere----in the history of muslim rule of past we talk about.

There is a misconception of the afghans defeating the russians----it the was the Stingers who won the war----without them the afghans were totally decimated---no insult meant to the fighting quality of the afghans----but the table had already turned in favour of the russians---.

Men of action have gamesmanship, a game plan, a strategy, a way of life, an active and sincere approach to life and people surrounding them----I don't see it anywhere.
“Childish Rants” is a way to dismiss or dehumanize the contrarian views held by an equally significant percentage of Pakistani people.
In a way you are saying that anybody resisting occupation, or raising his voice in hold-up situation is putting the sufferers in mortal danger; and is doing a disserve to themselves, and the Ummah at large ".


Regardless of what people say to me or say about me---the pakistani view is a clouded view---pakistani people have to earn the right to view things in a purposeful and clear manner---without prejudice---pakistani people niether have shown the ability nor the capability to judge right from wrong---.

Maybe people have a difficult understanding---a person can only understand what he can---what I am saying now and what I have stated years and years ago----anything and everything should have been done by Mullah Omar to prevent the americans from attacking and landing in afghanistan---if it would have taken to killing Bin Laden and Zwaheri---it should have been done---as a matter of fact if Bin Laden and Zawaheri had any love for islam, for muslims and if they had even a shred of arab honour and dignity left in them---they would have taken their own lives and sacrificed themselves to keep the americans away from afghanistan----this way they would have paid back for the hospitality of the afghans.

But the Yemeni and the egyptian---the cowards that they are, chose to save their lives and left the afghan women, children, men and boys to be slaughtered, the land one more time, a muslim nation taken over by the foreigners one more time---and the only thing the pakistani could come up was----there will be a VIETNAM made for the americans----the pakistani children don't remember the destruction and the death that the vietnamese faced---millions of vietnames were killed----land and property destroyed.
I learn alot from reading your posts, Sir MastanKhan, you have a very good and interesting point, something that I haven't thought of before or looked at it before regarding the "suppression of Muslims by the west", we shouldn't let people walk over us, men should act like real men, and it's no use crying about it, it's not gonna change unless people back their words up with action, courage and dedication.
Thats the consequence of being Stingy and Tight fisted with Pakistan. The New Year Resolution is "PURANI TANKHWAH MEIN KAAM NAHI KARENGEY".

you better translate that for S-2!

There is a misconception of the afghans defeating the russians----it the was the Stingers who won the war----without them the afghans were totally decimated---no insult meant to the fighting quality of the afghans----but the table had already turned in favour of the russians---.

There is will there is way ,but admirable thing is that Afghan nation continued resistance against Russia for ten long years ,I wish pakistani nation should learn lesson from them ,it is only possible when you make nation idealogically strong(ready to sacrifice for collective national cause) as we are doing during struggle of making Pakistan .In this world servival is only for the fitest not for weekest.

Men of action have gamesmanship, a game plan, a strategy, a way of life, an active and sincere approach to life and people surrounding them----I don't see it anywhere.

When any nation is fully charged positively with iman(faith) these things automatically start functioning.
Those disqusting little pigs, beheading our men in the name of our religion, blowing up innocent people
Those disqusting little pigs, beheading our men in the name of our religion, blowing up innocent people

thats is soo true they have no right to call them self jehadis killing poor and innocen civilians.
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