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Pakistan's tree-planting push has a sweetener: more honey

"Pakistan’s exports dropped from $20.1 billion in July-April 2019 to about $19.6 billion in the same period this year, data from the State Bank of Pakistan shows"]

Pakistan has the capability to increase its exports a hundred fold, even more. There are countries in the world which lack certain resources and those resources can be found under every stone we turn in our country. From fruits to honey to carpets, garments, equipment, defense technology, aircraft, everything is here, We can export our defense equipment to countries like argentina and african countries, instead of retiring our f7p fleet, strike a bargain with some african or some irrelevant south american state . Central asian landlocked states will benefit us much. We must strike a deal with russia if they want some of that warm water port. Apart from that, central and eastern european countries are the ones we don't even consider as trade partners such as the czech republic, croatia etc. This has massive potential.

Fashion and culture is another thing we can export, Muslim attire is popular around the world. Add some pakistani to that and you have a brand new niche.

The only thing we are known for around the world are cheap labour and mangoes, nothing else

sports equipments is a popular niche on which we MUST capitalize, we must not let it go at any cost. Sports diplomacy will work out very well, invite teams from the above countries to our own and observe the magic. Apart from cricket, we must focus on other well known sports like football etc. This will increase our global reputation.
Everything's ready, just do it.

We must be as self reliant as possible and able to survive sanctions, for that reason, we focus on our trade with turkey. Cut down trade with India. Be as self reliant as possible

and I know this would be controversial but

tax the afghans

If the future of our state requires us to be cruel, we must be cruel. State comes first or you get eaten by crows

Okay, that was the end of my little speech, thanks for reading
All points are valid, except tax the afgans
Alternative would be to improve governance and invite Muslims from all over to Pakistan to invest their money, labour & ideas and prosper themselves and this nation.
Think of it as to what ottoman empire / Mughal empire did
All points are valid, except tax the afgans
Alternative would be to improve governance and invite Muslims from all over to Pakistan to invest their money, labour & ideas and prosper themselves and this nation.
Think of it as to what ottoman empire / Mughal empire did
Ottomans, yeah, mughals, not so much
and you won't believe the hatred afghans have for us and how much they support terrorism against us and show their affection for india. Therfore
1. tax them, track them, monitor their social media
2. kick them out, cos they love india so much why don't they go to india?

*invite Muslims from all over to Pakistan to invest their money*

yep, thats a valid point
but not afghans

a large percent of all terror attacks in have roots linking it to afghanistan or afghan refugees.
why keep a snake in your own backyard?
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