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Pakistan’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons Should Terrify You

Nuclear strike, whether first or second, can only cause so much damage. War can be won only by long term sustained campaign. One shot kills are only fantasy. No, India doesn't think that it can kill Pakistan with some nuclear strikes but that India will destroy Pakistan and wipe out its people through sustained campaign due to superior technology and industrial capabilities.
You're thinking is absolutely absurd. Do you realise there will be MILLIONS dead within minutes, and the unseen amount of destruction and suffering that will be the outcome for anyone who survives it? The survivors will wish they had died in a flash of the nuclear blast than to live a painful existence during the aftermath of a nuclear exchange!

You say a nuclear war "can be won only by long term sustained campaign", "through sustained campaign due to superior technology and industrial capabilities." Well I got news for you: there won't be anything left to fight for, you armchair idiot!

The nukes both sides have now are far more deadly and accurate than than the two small atom bombs dropped on Japan during WWII. Why do you think none of the 5 nuclear powers have gone to war with each other since WWII? Honestly, you seem to be extremely naive. Carry on fantasising.
You're thinking is absolutely absurd. Do you realise there will be MILLIONS dead within minutes, and the unseen amount of destruction and suffering that will be the outcome for anyone who survives it? The survivors will wish they had died in a flash of the nuclear blast than to live a painful existence during the aftermath of a nuclear exchange!

You say a nuclear war "can be won only by long term sustained campaign", "through sustained campaign due to superior technology and industrial capabilities." Well I got news for you: there won't be anything left to fight for, you armchair idiot!

The nukes both sides have now are far more deadly and accurate than than the two small atom bombs dropped on Japan during WWII. Why do you think none of 5 nuclear powers have gone to war with each other since WWII? Honestly, you seem to be extremely naive. Carry on fantasising.
millions? Try hundreds of millions...
Nope they will launch a nuclear decapitation strike on Pakistan's nuclear weapon facilities, missile sites, airbases and Command and Control nodes to minimize damage to Indian in the imminent nuclear exchange. They most likely would use TNW on those facilities, instead of city busters.
No 1 Pakistan can do the same.
No 2 Pakistan has second strike capability.
You're thinking is absolutely absurd. Do you realise there will be MILLIONS dead within minutes, and the unseen amount of destruction and suffering that will be the outcome for anyone who survives it? The survivors will wish they had died in a flash of the nuclear blast than to live a painful existence during the aftermath of a nuclear exchange!

You say a nuclear war "can be won only by long term sustained campaign", "through sustained campaign due to superior technology and industrial capabilities." Well I got news for you: there won't be anything left to fight for, you armchair idiot!

The nukes both sides have now are far more deadly and accurate than than the two small atom bombs dropped on Japan during WWII. Why do you think none of the 5 nuclear powers have gone to war with each other since WWII? Honestly, you seem to be extremely naive. Carry on fantasising.
Next time tell that even aliens will die by nuclear bombs. I am.just telling things as they are
Nuclear bombs are big bombs, not something that can single handedly win wars or kill most of the population
Let me put straight forward answers:

1. Will Pakistani Establishment take any chance for a unclear war with India for Kashmir?
Ans : A big NO.

2. Will India will take risk for Pak Kashmir including gilgit-bali. ?
Ans: A big NO.

3. What would be happened if nuclear war between India and Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan will almost destroyed around 60-70% and India around 30-40% ( mostly military and major cities). Millions people will loose their life's during the nuclear conflict and will after the conflict.

4. who will win the war?
Ans: None... Both will be looser.

Conclusion: Nuclear is a just comparable to elephant teeth and it is for just showcase.

So, small border fight will be happening between India and Pakistan but no one will take a chance for a nuclear war.

Also, it same goes to india and China.

Final words: border status quote will be remain the same and politicians will continue their dramas and will sell dreams in both sides. And, politicians only is taking benefits and will be taking benefits.
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Let me put straight forward answers:

1. Will Pakistani Establishment take any unclear war with India for Kashmir?
Ans : A big NO.

2. Will India will take risk for Pak Kashmir including gilgit-bali. ?
Ans: A big NO.

3. What would be happen if nuclear war between India and Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan will almost destroyed around 60-70% and India around 30-40% ( mostly military and major cities). Millions people will loose their life's during the nuclear conflict.

4. who will win the war?
Ans: None... Both will be looser.

Conclusion: Nuclear is a just comparable to elephant teeth and it is for just show peace.

So, small border fight will be happening between India and Pakistan but they will never go for nuclear war.

Also, it same goes between India and China.

Final words: border status quote will remain the same and politicians will continue their dreams in both sides..
First of all learn when and why Pakistan will use Tactical nukes.
Pakistan’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons Should Terrify You
By Kyle Mizokami

April 10, 2020


Of all the countries in the world, just nine are believed to have developed nuclear weapons. One member of this exclusive club is Pakistan, a country that occupies a unique strategic position on the Indian subcontinent. An ally of the United States and China and archenemy of India, Pakistan has developed a nuclear arsenal to suit its own particular needs. Unusually among the smaller powers, Islamabad has developed an arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons designed to destroy enemy forces on the battlefield.

Pakistan began developing nuclear weapons in the 1950s, but the country’s nuclear program accelerated in the mid-1970s after the detonation of “Smiling Buddha”, India’s first nuclear weapons test. Enemies since the end of the British Raj in 1947, India and Pakistan fought again in 1965 and 1971. In Pakistan’s view as long as India was the sole owner of nukes it could engage in nuclear saber-rattling and had the ultimate advantage.

Experts believe that Pakistan has between 150 and 180 nuclear bombs. It’s not clear when the country first had an operational, deployable weapon, but by the mid-1990s it had weapons to spare. On May 28, 1998, in response to a series of Indian nuclear tests, Pakistan detonated five devices in a single day, with a sixth device two days later. Four of the devices detonated on the 28th were tactical nuclear weapons, with explosive yields in the subkiloton (less than 1,000 tons of TNT) to 2-3 kiloton range.

Tactical nuclear weapons, also called nonstrategic nuclear weapons, are low-yield (ten kilotons or less) nuclear weapons designed for use on the battlefield. Unlike larger, more powerful strategic nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons are meant to destroy military targets on the battlefield. Tactical nuclear weapons are meant to be used against troop formations, headquarters units, supply dumps, and other high-value targets.

Tactical nuclear weapons are important to Pakistan’s defense posture. Pakistan has a gross domestic product of just $305 billion, about the size of the state of Indiana. Pakistan has an active duty army of 767,000. Although the majority of the force is infantry, a substantial portion is fully mechanized with tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery, attack helicopters, and anti-tank missiles.

India has a GDP of $2.597 billion, an active army of 1.2 million, and greater amounts of equipment of every category. The Indian Army is larger by every metric, and in many cases fields larger numbers of qualitatively superior equipment--particularly tanks. In an all-out ground war, the Indian Army would almost certainly prevail. The Indian Army is sufficiently large that until 2004 it envisioned blunting a Pakistani ground offensive and then launching a counterattack with three “Strike Corps” of three divisions, all highly mechanized and each including at least one armored division.

Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, particularly tactical nuclear weapons, are seen as an asymmetric means of offsetting India’s advantage in conventional forces. Even if a Pakistani Army offensive into India fails and the Strike Corps counterattacked, tactical nuclear weapons could blunt their spearheads, ideally halting them in their tracks.

Pakistan has an unknown number of tactical nuclear weapons, but we can get an idea of how many exist by counting delivery systems. A report by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists claims that the country has approximately 20-30 transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) vehicles designed to carry the NASR/Hatf-9 short-range ballistic missile. The TEL is a four-axle vehicle that can carry two or more NASR missiles. Assuming each TEL is armed with two NASR missiles with a single warhead each, Pakistan has somewhere in the area of 60 tactical nuclear weapons, or approximately one-third of its arsenal.

NASR is a solid rocket fuel missile with an operational range of just 43 miles. As the Bulletin report points out, short-range rules out using the weapons against meaningful targets in India, meaning they are more likely defensive weapons to be used against Indian Army units in Pakistani territory. This could also imply that the weapons are of very small explosive yield, as no country would want large nuclear explosions on its own territory.

One interesting question is that, given the fast-moving nature of modern warfare and the slow-moving nature of modern political decision making, Pakistan has already chosen target zones to launch against should Indian tanks roll into them and would delegate launch authority to the Army in times of war. If the political debate starts once the tanks arrive, the TELs could be overrun by the time a decision is made. Very small warheads would also have a very small area of effect, and a delay of just minutes could cause even a nuclear explosion to miss a battalion or more of tanks on the move.

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons, while intrinsically unsavory, are at least defensive in nature. Unfortunately, given the number of times India and Pakistan have gone to war over the last eighty years, their use is theoretical than those of most countries. The use of nuclear weapons by one side could rapidly escalate to the use of larger, strategic weapons against populated areas by both sides.

Could Pakistan and India both give up their nuclear arms? Pakistan’s reliance on tactical nuclear weapons to offset weakness in conventional weapons will make it hard for Islamabad to divest itself of its nuclear arms. Once nuclear weapons are acquired it becomes extremely difficult to un-acquire them, and Pakistan will be no exception.

Kyle Mizokami is a writer based in San Francisco who has appeared in The Diplomat, Foreign Policy, War is Boring and The Daily Beast. In 2009 he cofounded the defense and security blog Japan Security
Let me put straight forward answers:

1. Will Pakistani Establishment take any unclear war with India for Kashmir?
Ans : A big NO.

2. Will India will take risk for Pak Kashmir including gilgit-bali. ?
Ans: A big NO.

3. What would be happen if nuclear war between India and Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan will almost destroyed around 60-70% and India around 30-40% ( mostly military and major cities). Millions people will loose their life's during the nuclear conflict.

4. who will win the war?
Ans: None... Both will be looser.

Conclusion: Nuclear is a just comparable to elephant teeth and it is for just show peace.

So, small border fight will be happening between India and Pakistan but they will never go for nuclear war.

Also, it same goes between India and China.

Final words: border status quote will remain the same and politicians will continue their dreams in both sides..

WHERE are you getting you figures of 60-70% and 30-40% from? If what you say is true then remember to post the links to the authentic, credible, genuine and reliable sources here.
First of all learn when and why Pakistan will use Tactical nukes.

Bro, tactical or any nuclear bombs... It doesn't matter... It's a nuclear bomb only.

As I said, if anyone use ( tactical or big) then both will be a looser countries at the end.

WHERE are you getting you figures of 60-70% and 30-40% from? If what you say is true then remember to post the links to the authentic, credible, genuine and reliable sources here.

Here I m talking about major cities and military bases. Nuclear bombs will never drop in villages or villager's...

If you talk to any neutral person then he will explain you. India will have always advantage due to bigger size but more Indians will die more because Indian cities are more populated.
Bro, tactical or any nuclear bombs... It doesn't matter... It's a nuclear bomb only.

As I said, if anyone use ( tactical or big) then both will be a looser countries at the end.

Here I m talking about major cities and military bases. Nuclear bombs will never drop in villages or villager's...

If you talk to any neutral person then he will explain you. India will have always advantage due to bigger size but more Indians will die more because Indian cities are more populated.

What "neutral person?" WHERE is the evidence and facts? No indian FAKE NEWS, just genuine, credible, honest and reliable sources only.
Next time tell that even aliens will die by nuclear bombs. I am.just telling things as they are
Nuclear bombs are big bombs, not something that can single handedly win wars or kill most of the population
Go back and re-read the nonsense you wrote because now you're displaying more absurdity. And please, spare us the fantasies.
If Pakistan loses territory due to quantitative advantage of Indian Army, there'll be nothing more to lose. For an Army, losing significant territory is unacceptable. Pakistan Army is determined (and Indian spy networks know this well) to use tactical weapons on Indian Army inside Pakistan's territorial boundaries. The weapons are so sophisticated that there's no counter on field and India might lose tens of thousands of soldiers in just less than 10 blows.

If Indian policy says that in that case, it will do a counter attack with full force.. that's fine.. But does India have the guts to do that fully knowing the second strike capability of Pakistan and an unknown reach of Pakistani ballistic missiles? Will it risk lives of 100s of millions and going back to the year 1900 to start over just because it has lost some thousands of soldiers and lost the land that didn't belong to them in the first place?

This is the question that confuses Indian strategists.. Pakistan is ready.. and that shows in the response given at LoC from time to time. India is not ready and doesn't want to risk a little progress it has made in the past couple of decades.

Pakistan might lose its 90% population.. but India will also lose the same percent.. if not quickly, over the years when they will have to deal with post nuclear diseases, waste lands, destroyed industry etc.. It will be all over for the sub continent and the neighboring countries.

In my honest opinion, west will keep a balance on the conventional theater and keep on providing gadgets that give enough strength to a highly trained Pakistani force. They know that the training and some advanced gadgets will effectively challenge an Indian advance that relies on quantity more than quality.
Pakistan is the only country which will use nukes on its own soil to defend the Islamabad. Lolzz
Tactical nukes are sucide bombs actually.
Show me where anyone has said that Pakistan has thermonuclear weapons? Many have said that Pakistan plans to develop it but never that Pakistan has already developed them.

As I said in my original post, Pakistan's security establishment is keeping it ambiguous on purpose and giving mixed signals on thermonuclear capability. I will guess Pakistan has some thermonuclear warheads or you can say it is my wish that Pakistan must have some nuclear assets of 1MT -5MT yield.

Here is an article from 2011 which again has hints only, which is exactly what Pakistan's security establishment wants.


July 19, 2011
Court Papers Suggest Pakistani Interest in Thermonuclear Weapon

The United States in federal court documents offered its first open suggestion that nuclear-armed Pakistan could be seeking to build a thermonuclear weapon, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported on Sunday (see GSN, July 7).

The Justice Department has charged a Chinese woman living in the United States with illegally exporting high-tech paint coatings that could aid Pakistan's nuclear weapons development. As the ex-managing director of a Chinese branch of PPG Industries, Xun Wang is accused of shipping the material five years ago in direct disobedience of the Pittsburgh-based company and nonproliferation guidelines issued by the U.S. Commerce Department.

Pakistan is the only country which will use nukes on its own soil to defend the Islamabad. Lolzz
Tactical nukes are sucide bombs actually.
Indian attack on Pakistan will be a suicide mission for India in itself. lolll

That's why even Modi couldn't do anything post 27th Feb humiliation. He was considered a champion of Indian bhakts who always thought he would teach a lesson to Pakistan but he didn't do anything after getting a bloody nose.. and he knows why... he can't go on a suicide mission.

Pakistan was ready.. responded in broad daylight.. took a revenge of our 15 trees and a crow by destroying 2 jets, and making Indians shoot down their own heli with 4 soldiers and two officers on board..

When the world was showing the destruction Pakistan inflicted on Indians, Indians were measuring the holes on the roof of buildings to prove that they hit something for which they got the bloody nose..

This is like justifying your wounds to someone by saying "He slapped me because I also tried to slap him"..

If Indian leadership had even a tiny courage, they would have wrecked havoc in Pakistan.. but they know IT WILL BE A SUICIDE MISSION FOR INDIA.. :lol:

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