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SSGN operator during EFFES 2016...
In Turkey.
Gen Tariq Khan in one of his interviews said he got the Americans to train FC in Balochistan.

Then there is video of this guy claiming he saw action in Bonistan. I looked up Bonistan and it's in Balochistan.

So could he be operating in pakistan on behalf of PA or some secret ops for US Government???
SSGN operator during EFFES 2016...
In Turkey.
View attachment 568440

SSGN operator during EFFES 2016...
In Turkey.
View attachment 568440
Been posted here ALOT
Gen Tariq Khan in one of his interviews said he got the Americans to train FC in Balochistan.

Then there is video of this guy claiming he saw action in Bonistan. I looked up Bonistan and it's in Balochistan.

So could he be operating in pakistan on behalf of PA or some secret ops for US Government???
LOL. Did you actually think he was telling the truth? I’ve been following both those guys for years. They make great content. And the “real stories” that guy tells are running jokes of the channel that all the viewers know about, it’s true that he was American SF. But all he says are just jokes. You can clearly tell if you watch the video closely. He probably doesn’t even know about bonistan and thought it up on the spot, when this video came out even I searched up bonistan and tried to find some history. Even though I knew he was joking. Couldn’t really find much since it’s just a little town.
In short: nope, he was never here, just a running gag. :)
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There is a lot of myth about suppressors in the minds of people who have not been exposed to weapons in the real life.

When a weapon is discharged, three different sounds from three different sources are generated.
1. Explosive exhaust of expanding gases from the barrel
2. Movement of the slide or action of the gun
3. sound of the projectile travelling through air

The suppressor only reduces the sound of explosive exhaust by allowing the gasses to expand gradually in the suppressor chamber

Sound of slide/action can be controlled by using a manual action (single shot) rifle (possible only in clandestine/assassination shootings) can't work on a semi/full auto weapon

Sound of the projectile moving through air can be reduced by using sub-sonic ammo

Even after doing all that, there would still be some sound, how loud? depends on the weapon, the environment, and quality of ammo.

Suppressors do suppress the noise but not by a lot. The shots are still quite loud. In reality the sound is not suppressed to the level shown in video games.
There is a lot of myth about suppressors in the minds of people who have not been exposed to weapons in the real life.

When a weapon is discharged, three different sounds from three different sources are generated.
1. Explosive exhaust of expanding gases from the barrel
2. Movement of the slide or action of the gun
3. sound of the projectile travelling through air

The suppressor only reduces the sound of explosive exhaust by allowing the gasses to expand gradually in the suppressor chamber

Sound of slide/action can be controlled by using a manual action (single shot) rifle (possible only in clandestine/assassination shootings) can't work on a semi/full auto weapon

Sound of the projectile moving through air can be reduced by using sub-sonic ammo

Even after doing all that, there would still be some sound, how loud? depends on the weapon, the environment, and quality of ammo.
Yep. If you put a suppressor on an AR or AK. You’d still need hearing protection as it’s loud enough to hurt.
The quietest possible Weapon is the Welrod and it’s modern Swiss derivatives which use subsonic ammo and a system of baffles and Suppressor to reduce its sound to Near Video game like quiet levels. But even that’s for a few shots until the baffles are perforated.
He didn't make it up on the spot. You're over simplifying things dude. He said it in a serious way. The other guy thought it's a joke.
LOL. Did you actually think he was telling the truth? I’ve been following both those guys for years. They make great content. And the “real stories” that guy tells are running jokes of the channel that all the viewers know about, it’s true that he was American SF. But all he says are just jokes. You can clearly tell if you watch the video closely. He probably doesn’t even know about bonistan and thought it up on the spot, when this video came out even I searched up bonistan and tried to find some history. Even though I knew he was joking. Couldn’t really find much since it’s just a little town.
In short: nope, he was never here, just a running gag. :)
Anyone got some old pictures of Pakistani special ops? Like from 60s 70s...
We can laugh as much as we want and believe it to be a joke but the fact remains the same - US Spec Ops / Contractors have operated along Pak Spec Ops / Intel teams in tribal areas during 2004-2007.
There was mutual understanding on both sides, CIA had safe houses set up in tribal areas manned by Pak Spec Ops while hunting AQ HVTs.
thats what pissed off the tribal locals in first place....
Gen Tariq Khan in one of his interviews said he got the Americans to train FC in Balochistan.

Then there is video of this guy claiming he saw action in Bonistan. I looked up Bonistan and it's in Balochistan.

So could he be operating in pakistan on behalf of PA or some secret ops for US Government???

Been posted here ALOT

LOL. Did you actually think he was telling the truth? I’ve been following both those guys for years. They make great content. And the “real stories” that guy tells are running jokes of the channel that all the viewers know about, it’s true that he was American SF. But all he says are just jokes. You can clearly tell if you watch the video closely. He probably doesn’t even know about bonistan and thought it up on the spot, when this video came out even I searched up bonistan and tried to find some history. Even though I knew he was joking. Couldn’t really find much since it’s just a little town.
In short: nope, he was never here, just a running gag. :)
We can laugh as much as we want and believe it to be a joke but the fact remains the same - US Spec Ops / Contractors have operated along Pak Spec Ops / Intel teams in tribal areas during 2004-2007.
There was mutual understanding on both sides, CIA had safe houses set up in tribal areas manned by Pak Spec Ops while hunting AQ HVTs.
thats what pissed off the tribal locals in first place....
That friend is nothing more than hear say ....for starters all the opps within Pak were carried out by our own troops. the yanks were mostly shit scared and even though they were to accompany our troops on all ops. They preferred to stay within the confines of our "fortresses". They were a not a platoon or a section strength but at most were 2 non coms who were their basically as observers
These yanks had to vet all our claims of expense and without their signature it was all a no go.
But as it turned out they would sign all our expense receipts without blinking an eye as in return we would vouch for the fact they accompanied our troops.
Plus who ever was providing weapons also send trainers. So back in the day, one fine winters morning on the range I saw Americans, British and French trainers, all on the same range training our troops.
So I asked a senior officers as to wt This circus is all about, so he replied " u listen to every one but u only do wts right and good for Pakistan".
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u listen to every one but u only do wts right and good for Pakistan".
I laughed hardest on this part. Mush's era definitely was a confusing quagmire. And cost Pakistan a lot. Mushie thinking whities are our friends. Now there is more clarity.

We can laugh as much as we want and believe it to be a joke but the fact remains the same - US Spec Ops / Contractors have operated along Pak Spec Ops / Intel teams in tribal areas during 2004-2007.
There was mutual understanding on both sides, CIA had safe houses set up in tribal areas manned by Pak Spec Ops while hunting AQ HVTs.
thats what pissed off the tribal locals in first place....
Agreed. So if they were in FATA. Then they easily could also have been in Balochistan.
He didn't make it up on the spot. You're over simplifying things dude. He said it in a serious way. The other guy thought it's a joke.
Nah mate. I’ve been watching that channel for years and I know for a fact that it’s a joke. I told you, it’s a running joke of the channel, he’s claimed to have assassinated OBL and take down 250 Taliban with the exact same seriousness as before, thats supposed to be the joke.
I can say without much doubt that the CIA and American Spec Ops we’re here and might have operated in Pakistan too. But this is purely coincidental since he’s not some special agent. You can track his entire deployment through his social media and books. But I will admit that I can’t know what I can’t see, only allah can. Maybe there’s a hidden truth to it.
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